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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
61569 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs UNCO --- FILESAVE: WebDav Save doesn't work anymore 2014-11-22
68840 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs UNCO --- PDF printing with ghostscript: (OUTFILE) is no longer replaced by the intended file name 2015-01-23
77241 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs UNCO --- MAILMERGE - Defined database in document not stored in wizard 2015-01-03
88580 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs UNCO --- Find bar message display delayed 2015-01-19
48409 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN LibO 3.3 documents shows Writer OLE object contents shifted right / down in object after edit of object because of page border issue 2014-12-07
55018 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Joined cells in table cause table distortion after save to DOC, DOCX (example in Comment 3) 2015-01-21
57215 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Wrong text rotation in SVG Export (rotated text appears as non-rotated) 2014-12-18
60589 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [Template manager]: Can not copy styles between different files and templates 2014-12-07
66209 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- inserting/deleting rows: data integrity problem when sum of the charts of the opened documents exceeds the Options->Memory->Number of objects 2014-12-08
67379 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Problems changing focus to inside frame 2014-11-25
67712 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- form controls and draw objects anchored to cell but changes position after reopening 2014-12-16
71278 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI mouse pointer disappears during presentation and does not come back after exiting presentation 2014-12-31
72072 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- text not rendered fully (cut off) when editing 90deg rotated rectangle 2014-12-08
72075 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: undo leads to duplication for operations that involve of drag-and-drop (Slide pane, text areas) 2015-01-09
72504 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Unable to edit .odb file with non-local URL 2015-01-10
72988 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Impress template not rendered correctly (vintage, metropolis, sunset) 2015-01-22
75209 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Impress pictures not displayed in slideshow 2015-01-23
76595 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: After deleting an image in a loaded file, it reappears in saved .odf 2015-01-07
76825 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Styles drop down menu is too narrow in Libreoffice Writer (comment #16) 2015-01-17
77592 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: LibO 4.2.x incorrectly changes row height 2015-01-16
79395 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Grid lines messed up when editing certain spreadsheet file 2015-01-16
79546 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- OSX - no video playback in slideshow fullscreen display mode on OSX 2014-12-08
80960 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING Opening file doesn't place the cursor on the last position of editing 2015-01-24
81876 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Fontwork-formatted text is duplicated 2015-01-18
82009 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PIVOTTABLE: Black color on fields of Pivot Table Layot window (Mac OS X only) 2015-01-19
83366 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Copy and Paste crashes Calc when original doc closed 2015-01-05
84678 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: .DOCX textbox margins incorrectly set in 4.4.x 2014-12-18
86305 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Entering data into a cell changes array formula that references that cell 2015-01-18
86578 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Text frame and coincident image frame style transparency and color fill corruption in Writer 4.4 2015-01-16
86636 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Menu totally black when opening LO - also when opening database-file - summary circumstances -as far as possible- in comment 23 2015-01-16
88111 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Presentation: during slideshow screen draw, with OpenGL hardware acceleration active, rendering issues 2015-01-15
88194 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- freeze when paste into lots of cells (cell with comment) 2015-01-13
67534 LibreOff Libreoff timar74 NEW --- FILEOPEN SMB File claimed to be "Locked By Unknown User" when opened via double-click in Explorer if LO Explorer Shell Extensions are installed 2015-01-05
64005 LibreOff Presenta anistenis NEW --- FILEOPEN: Centered heading in PP2007 presentation is left-aligned 2014-10-20
62752 LibreOff Libreoff chris.sherlock79 NEW --- Bad wmf display in Writer 2014-12-29
84051 LibreOff Drawing clement NEW --- "Distribute on multiple sheets of paper" does not work any more in 2015-01-08
2377 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel NEW --- Polygon stipple broken. 2013-01-17
49149 LibreOff Printing dtardon NEW --- PRINTING: LibO always uses CUPS default settings instead of what I choose for printing 2014-12-14
47243 LibreOff graphics fridrich.strba NEW --- VIEWING: OLE images (EMF) incorrectly rendered in Linux and Mac 2014-12-29
46738 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Cell background and border color formatting information of empty cells lost in particular document after FILESAVE as xls and xlsx 2014-11-02
47832 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Pictures on buttons, created in forms, gone after reopening form 2015-01-03
48047 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Impress FILEOPEN: pptx with table, formatting of table is lost 2014-11-06
49419 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- TABLE: Setting cell number format of empty cells is ignored - breaks number recognition 2014-12-18
51508 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Resizing OLE text objects makes them unusable 2015-01-03
53156 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PRINTING: a thin line appearing on top end of the thick inner line(border) 2014-01-20
54021 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Fields in tablecontrols of a form could not be moved/sorted 2015-01-20
56799 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Missing content by dragging / fill handle hidden rows and columns 2014-10-18
57345 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: cell borders width of double line is no longer clear as with old version 2014-07-31
59671 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE Tab stop in right margin different in .doc export 2014-10-16
62717 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Names Master pages are not saved properly - all change to <name-file>-# 2014-12-05
64768 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- layout loop on a particular docx file when loading a particular page 2014-10-16
64789 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: docx opening with images containing drop shadows 2014-10-16
65006 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- : update graphics when outside source value(s) 2014-11-04
65830 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Other: Trying to connect to MySQL database trough ODBC crashes LibreOffice - signal 11 (SIGSEGV) (summary in comment 34) 2015-01-03
65935 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Confusing "Readonly content cannot be changed" dialog for range based comments 2015-01-05
66823 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Formula getting erased if using different sheet in LOOKUP function inside IF function 2014-08-30
67071 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- vlookup between two files is really slow and Libreoffice crashes 2015-01-03
69066 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Upgrading LO requires user to terminate Explorer.exe on Windows because of LO Explorer/Shell extensions (Workaround: comment 12) 2014-11-22
70607 LibreOff Extensio libreoffice-bugs NEW --- LibO uses 100% CPU and crashes when quit during extension update 2013-11-22
71394 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Text box position imported incorrectly after saving as xlsx 2015-01-11
71897 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Format Cells (Numbers) for a whole column not retained in empty cells if saving as XLSX 2015-01-18
71950 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Saving as .doc Adds Page Break When Using Multiple Styles 2014-10-16
72324 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EMF: figures copied from Matlab and pasted as metafiles lose some lines. 2015-01-09
72337 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Other: Unable to open document on a network share 2015-01-22
72412 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Tables in Impress: when the background is changed, the font size changes 2014-11-04
73006 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Results filled in wrong cells after Text to Columns 2015-01-13
73212 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Impress crashes when converting PPTX to PDF 2015-01-22
74880 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [Memory leak] LibreOffice crashing when importing data from 8+ ods files, but doesn't crash on same xls files 2014-08-21
75627 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- General number format change leads to inconsistent/lost formatting 2015-01-07
75843 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Date 1893/04/01 couldn't be written in tables - 1893/03/31 is shown for 1893/04/01 and for 1893/03/31 2015-01-03
76128 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Calc Page Style Scaling Mode 2015-01-07
76166 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: 0.05pt dashed cell borders are always shown solid 2015-01-16
77001 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Calc slows down when highlighting a few lines in a particular file 2015-01-12
77111 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: first page number is 0 instead of 1 2015-01-10
77843 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: [regression] particular doc file with floating table, no longer imported as text frame 2014-10-16
77896 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Calc do not recognize "text:span" of cell text in ODS file, thus shows wrong font color 2015-01-16
77964 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOC Image Wrapped Optimal instead of No Wrap 2014-10-16
78529 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Editing very slow with big picture on page 2014-12-18
79156 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Writer: Table cell Numbering Broken 2014-10-24
79329 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOCX table cell frame lost 2014-10-16
79442 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Unable to break XLSX links to outside sheets 2015-01-06
80193 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs NEW --- IDE: When going to edit a module in writer or calc, Libre Office crashes. 2014-07-16
80219 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [FILESAVE] SVG loss some color after saving 2014-07-08
80345 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- HTML Document: default table styles vertical borders not rendered visibly 2014-07-09
80680 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- SOLVER crashing CALC 2015-01-20
80715 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Search and replace with over 16k+ replacements halts LibO 2015-01-05
80739 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Color filling of symbol changed 2015-01-05
80853 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Calc freezes while filtering large data 2015-01-04
81345 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Image from first page appears on all pages of document after saving file on LO 2014-10-16
81659 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- "Expand references when new columns/rows are inserted" spoils SUM formula when row is inserted 2015-01-02
81759 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Mac OS X dictation (aka Siri) does not work with Libreoffice or newer (did work in 4.2) 2014-12-20
81925 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Incomprehensible message area in Find Bar 2015-01-21
82097 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- REPORTBUILDER: Group Header keeps the values of the first group 2015-01-03
82216 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOCX with OLE Chart missing chart name 2014-10-20
82377 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Shrink to fit cell cuts off cell contents in display/print/export 2015-01-01
82430 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs NEW --- LO 4.3.0 for Windows crashes on CPUs that do not support SSE2: Application Error soffice.bin, version, module sal3.dll, version, address 0x000268d5. 2014-11-28
82524 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- SIDEBAR: Incorrect selection of line width while "Line width" itself is correct (Draw and Impress) 2014-12-08
82784 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- bitmap list in Area dialog must not have pre-selection, when called from a shape with background image 2015-01-19
83086 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- not open rtf file I/O error 2014-10-20
83199 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: Clicking footnote number in web view causes crash 2015-01-06
83456 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Image in master slide is tripled 2014-11-04
83562 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Automatic font color of text not persisted if cell has line break and non-automatic font color 2014-10-20
83720 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PIVOTTABLE: Wrong date format in column field 2014-09-11
83875 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- SLIDESHOW: Shape diamond transition is not working. 2014-12-10
83983 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Regression in 4.4 master loading an ODT which contains a style with style:font-independent-line-spacing="true" 2014-10-23
84121 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PDF import: no images when password protected 2014-12-29
84315 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Numeric values are "not" shown and displayed as "0" when using --enable-mergedlibs 2015-01-22
84399 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOCX drawing canvas error (wrong size and text wrapping option imported) 2014-10-16
84681 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- line across page is below cursor, should be above, and is generated twice 2014-12-27
84762 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- F9 cell update fails in sheet with combination of randomnumber() with reference to other cells 2014-12-27
84864 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Freeze when deleting sheet from (nearly empty) spreadsheet doc 2014-12-29
84972 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Font rendering in Charts issue on OSX 2014-12-29
85553 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Vlookup returns #N/A if save in .xls 2014-12-25
85616 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Writer very slow with images imported from dxf 2015-01-12
86182 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN RTF Text direction not imported properly 2015-01-19
86675 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Bad-quality antialiasing for PNG images 2015-01-06
87051 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- LibO freezes when closing Base 2015-01-03
87369 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Frame background colour is changed to white on loading 2015-01-13
87392 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: I/O error on file save 2014-12-28
87509 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Rectangle tool with dropdown issues with line/fill color of none/black 2014-12-31
87764 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING : Impossible opening *.doc with OCR images inside. 2014-12-28
88583 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Paragraph background in ODT not saved in DOC or DOCX 2015-01-23
83201 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard NEW --- FILESAVE: Crash on save with Google finance external link 2014-12-29
62129 LibreOff filters pjotr NEW --- Column references in formulas break on import with MS Excel 2003 XML filter 2015-01-24
69461 LibreOff Presenta sbc_hates_spam NEW --- SLIDESHOW: Inserted Movie files show a white screen for about one frame at the start 2014-08-28
78902 LibreOff Writer umesh.kadam NEW --- FileSave: File Hangs at Save 2015-01-15
80503 LibreOff graphics chris.sherlock79 NEW --- VIEWING: EMF images in DOC file not rendered correctly 2014-12-26
84199 LibreOff Writer chris.sherlock79 NEW --- FILEOPEN: Vector-based hand writing picture objects not visible 2014-12-29
31814 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EMF regression: failure of displaying ChemDraw objects 2014-12-30
36535 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Updating of Frame Style not working correctly, anchoring to character do not updates 2014-12-30
37654 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI Slide names no longer visible in Slide Pane / Page Pane 2014-12-11
38397 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Address book sources for Writer are fewer on MacOSX than other platforms 2015-01-14
39053 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EMF are not drawn correctly. 2014-10-20
40863 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [Task] Bitmap Background exceeds shape borders when PRINTING or PDF EXPORT 2014-02-14
41650 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE as .doc or docx: activation of page flow on wrong place - and headers/footers and page styles change (see comment #15) 2015-01-19
42112 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: MS Word Picture from DOC not properly loaded and shapes not visible (workaround : comment #14) 2015-01-06
44838 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Position, size, word wrap wrong for WRITER OLE Object in CALC 2013-09-23
45540 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- : Changing between Documents not Possible if Dialog Boxes are Displayed 2014-12-30
45701 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PRINTING: Allow printing multiple copies of a page on a single sheet of paper 2014-11-06
45961 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- escape whith cursor in frame in header, leaves the header and does not select the frame 2014-05-19
47153 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Form Letter PRINTING: Picture or Draw shape in Page Header suppresses some contents on most pages of particular document 2015-01-03
47194 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Tables, border line style, double line too close together 2015-01-15
47197 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING of OLE objects destroyed in other LibO applications 2014-12-30
47341 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Fade in and out animation of transparent object goes wrong 2014-07-16
47545 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: VIEWING some items in page header at wrong position 2014-11-05
48213 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Number (ful context) references are rendered as plain "n", omitting the "after" data stablished in "Options" tab from "Bullets and Numbering" dialog. 2014-06-09
48632 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE/FILEOPEN SVG export: wrong black rectangle covering all page (looks similar to page background) added 2014-12-29
48887 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Save as HTML in Writer should not embed images 2015-01-16
50542 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Multiples issues with Libo when %appdata% special folder is redirected to UNC share path 2014-11-06
51217 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Cursor is not in the expected position 2014-12-11
51930 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Word Reversal In Table Cell 2015-01-14
53485 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN particular .emf: shown incomplete, without colored area 2013-12-12
54908 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- printing when a selection is active should take in account it and activate the "print selection" radio button 2015-01-19
54930 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING Report builder: mouse-resize control allows to move top of control to out of section 2015-01-03
55133 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- COMMENT - added comment text gets invisible when fist row is set as header (MENU WINDOW FREEZE) 2015-01-06
55631 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: CALC does not import DBASE with CP850 encoding correctly 2014-12-04
55697 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- impossible to define data ranges beyond actual filled cells 2015-01-19
56087 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING can not iterate complex table blocks easily 2014-02-07
57873 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- mork (Thunderbird / Icedove / Seamonkey / ...) multi address books multi profile support 2015-01-08
58141 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: Scrollbar freezes on fast scroll 2014-12-04
58187 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Unintended Collapse of Headings in Navigator while moving a chapter 2015-01-13
58300 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: lost bibliography entries/empty bibliography index when saving as .doc or .docx 2015-01-23
58420 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- : impress/draw get extremely slow with documents including svg in libo 4.0 beta 1 2014-12-04
58736 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Writer hangs with 50% CPU when open particular .RTF file 2014-12-29
59902 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- LibreOffice does not warn when opening a .sdw or .sdc file, therefore imports as ASCII 2013-09-16
60159 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PDF import: Formulas broken 2015-01-22
60428 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Duplex Printing - HP Officejet Pro 8600 Plus 2014-11-30
60684 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Images save in original format - not as requested. 2015-01-18
61083 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Underlines are not imported from EMF 2014-12-29
61233 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Drag and drop images into Calc opens Draw 2015-01-23
61393 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PDF: Missing objects editing a PDF coming from Winword 2014-12-04
61396 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: [Template Manager]Possibility to edit a template that is not in the repository, is lacking 2015-01-19
61594 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Import problem: Word docx document with multi-page floating table 2014-10-28
62268 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Optimum row height should be recalculated with "style:use-optimal-row-height='true'" 2015-01-21
62363 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Data labels overlap in pie chart for small pies when "best fit" placement option is set. 2014-07-21
62472 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Cells referring to values by "Extension GetQuote 1.1" with wrong value after FILEOPEN 2014-10-17
63200 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Delay on every key press with particular GDI metafile or Draw 8 in document 2014-08-07
63593 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- New edited cell gets moved when creating new Sheet 2014-11-25
63662 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- "Manual Column Break" is visible onscreen even when "nonprinting characters" is off 2014-08-15
63800 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Input lists in write protected sections not updated in window when edited 2015-01-20
64276 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Regression: SVG: Problem with some svg file. 2015-01-10
64418 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- image in header cannot be selected via mouse 2014-05-08
64432 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Input fields in protected section cannot be properly edited (summary: comment 14) 2015-01-16
64498 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Border changes not applied if one does not click inside table in Impress 2015-01-14
64717 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- When registering the png file with alpha information to the toolbar, it was discolored. 2014-02-27
65017 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN : Menu "File > Recent Documents" opens rtf file as a Calc document instead of in Writer 2014-07-28
65334 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- SEARCHING in Notes cannot find a cell with searched text 2015-01-13
65439 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Export to PDF/A-1a gives transparency warning even when no transparent object is present 2015-01-13
65840 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Writer always breaks lines at text direction change 2015-01-08
65925 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Ugly HTML code when changing capital letters and bold text 2014-10-16
66237 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Document preview of tables shows overlayed toolbar icons and misplaced column headers 2015-01-03
67658 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- red-lining / crash on auto-save on particular document ... 2015-01-19
67787 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Text cursor trail in formula editor 2013-11-21
67923 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: when page scaling factor is >100%, thin border lines (0.05pt) are exported to PDF with different line widths, some are practically invisible 2015-01-16
67945 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: when opening a file with INDIRECT to another sheet and chart -> file dirty 2014-10-06
68117 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: xlsx not saving boolean columns 2015-01-12
68678 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Query-editor doesn't change values in listfields (Field, Table, Sort, Function) when the changed field is selected while saving the query. 2015-01-03
68923 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Difficult to select text frame whith a master page 2015-01-15
69060 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Documents with embedded fonts take too long to open or save 2014-04-26
69153 LibreOff Extensio libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Other: LibreOffice Crashes if Extension Needs Java and Java is not Enabled 2014-02-03
69254 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Custom font handling 2015-01-01
69483 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PDF: background image overlays text when "Lossless compression" and "PDF/A-1a" used 2014-02-05
69515 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Tables in floating frames are wrongly positioned (DOCX import) 2015-01-10
69647 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: DOCX import of text and picture (shape?) (wrap involved?) have wrong spacing between them 2014-12-29
69650 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Paragraph Wrapping not identical to MS Word 2014-10-25
69733 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Huge memory usage with 6000+ conditional formatting entries 2014-10-17
69795 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Macros: Copying a cell form one table to another looks different on Windows 2015-01-22
70007 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Line cut in header text with small font size 2015-01-09
70192 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Fails to open file with embedded font 2014-07-09
70236 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Cannot connect to .accdb file in LibreOffice 4.1 2015-01-14
70446 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Infinite loop (100% CPU usage) when opening 2015-01-14
70653 LibreOff Formula libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: impossible to change existing math catalog element's font face without its name auto-switched to Unicode value 2014-12-29
70857 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Freezes to show formating dialog with CJK UI in Ubuntu (Summary in Comment 23) 2014-11-05
70883 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- "uno: copy" via the dispatcher does not work when a button has focus 2015-01-19
70886 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Detective Trace inadequate display 2015-01-10
71034 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [OS X] Ugly (too heavy) fake bold on single-styled fonts, Core Text-related 2014-11-04
71057 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Missing redraw - Shadow from comments not removed 2014-06-29
71413 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- WRITER and CALC: Font color toolbar button not redrawn in correct color 2014-09-04
71797 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Switching between cells containing valid and invalid fonts causes font substitution error 2015-01-14
71828 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Distorted eps-exports with LO Draw 2014-07-27
72170 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: incorrect font size in right upper corner logo in .ppt file 2014-11-06
72731 LibreOff Formula libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: Different display of formulas in libreoffice and exported pdf (win only) 2014-11-19
73049 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN Huge memory use on opening specific complex ods spreadsheets with array functions 2014-12-06
73059 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Forms - columns could not be hidden in a tablecontrol while editing a form 2015-01-03
73139 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PRINTING: Content of Tablecontrols isn't printed, when the whole Fonts are formatted black 2015-01-03
73611 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- The formatting of the styles is lost from document created in LibreOffice 3.6 2014-07-20
73629 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: paragraph spacing issues with numbered list .doc 2014-10-16
73668 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- text not rendered fully (cut off) when editing 90deg rotated rectangle 2015-01-05
73742 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: When inserting an image, any highlighted image gets replaced 2014-12-06
73845 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PIVOTTABLE: Filter incorrectly restored after FILEOPEN 2014-10-20
73865 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Can't save ODS file after editing 2014-02-03
73989 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Graphic missing from 'Similarity search' button 2014-07-20
74513 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Underlined Words in Calc When Pasted as GDI Metafile into Writer Do Not Appear 2015-01-24
74577 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Pasting a HTML table into Libreoffice Calc can jumble the table up. 2015-01-14
75039 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Index entry deletes itself and paragraph break in DOC 2014-07-25
75297 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Number Styles, character style of "None" is ignored 2015-01-08
75471 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- New windows stay in background, don't get focus 2014-12-18
75574 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PRINTING: Picture of type EMF in .DOC not printed correctly on Windows 2014-10-20
75614 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Opening RTF file corrupt; after footnote text are missing. 2015-01-09
75703 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Logo transparency problem in .xls file 2015-01-12
76204 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Endnotes with line/paragraph breaks corrupted when saving ODT as DOCX 2014-10-16
76952 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Frames are not displayed 2015-01-24
77014 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Words in input fields are broken between lines at the end of line 2015-01-09
77346 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Calc becomes slow after selecting cells and activating font chooser with previews enabled (summary: comment 29) 2015-01-20
77369 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Calc borders only show one line style 2015-01-09
77522 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Image anchor and size not preserved when rows inserted 2015-01-12
77523 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Regression: Impress tables problem(s): The height of the last row doesn't adjust to the text content;sometimes the edges are not there where the edges of the table are supposed to be 2014-12-22
77525 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PRINTING: Windows Metafiles (WMF) don't correctly print with 'Reduce Image Resolution' enabled on Windows 2014-07-16
77813 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UnoService returns wrong value for $Work 2015-01-14
77873 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [Libreoffice Calc] 'Frame' attribute for hyperlinks is disappearing after saving and reopenning the spreadsheet file 2015-01-07
77967 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Crash on loading ods and xls document (windows only) 2014-10-03
78221 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Cannot drag twice the same cell when editing formula 2015-01-20
78227 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOCX table size over margins 2014-10-16
78401 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Form layout not correct on Word/DOC document 2014-10-16
78520 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: debugging-assert loading .pptx in 4.3 alpha 2014-05-25
78756 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOC importer ignores table's "Wrap Around" property 2014-11-07
78985 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Impress File odp does not open 2014-12-17
79143 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: display of TIFF file copy/pasted into text 2014-05-30
79239 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Pivot Table window can not be closed with the close button of *window manager* (the X at the top of the window) 2015-01-06
79330 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOC Bullet point (direct) formatting (e.g. highlighting) can't be unformatted without removing the bulleting 2014-10-16
79334 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- image scaling looks better in 4.1 than in 4.2 and above 2014-11-04
79639 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- 32 page document imports as 1 page document 2015-01-06
79664 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- vertical text in embedded WMF not rendered correctly 2014-11-05
79679 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EMF: dashed lines in background grid are rendered as solid lines 2015-01-06
79892 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Performance regression between 3.6 and later version, triple time to do the calculations (win only) 2015-01-09
79976 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- GALLERY: enlarged image not crisp 2014-08-12
80022 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Some SVG arrows are not correctly rendered (PDF export is fine) 2014-08-11
80120 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Crop combined with contour gives wrong PDF export 2015-01-15
80134 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs NEW --- START CENTER: 'Base Database' is not being translated to Arabic 2015-01-03
80137 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Paste array formula into range pastes as non-array formula 2015-01-11
80184 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Exporting to docx loses comment contents. 2014-12-10
80190 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- When you hide "View - Slide Pane" close Impress and reopen, toggle-on do not show up slide pane again 2015-01-15
80370 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Other: Crash when opening solver 2014-12-06
80385 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Poor image quality (bad resampling) in Draw 2014-12-29
80513 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Asian Phonetic Guide: Ruby text does not show up before minimize-and-maximize the window 2014-12-20
80585 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Writer unable to correctly import multi columnar text 2014-10-20
80612 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- 'Font Effects' tab of Character dialog has incorrect/missing accelerators 2015-01-21
80635 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOC file floating table width not imported properly 2014-10-16
80708 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- RTF: columns table distorted after saving file from older version 2014-10-16
80717 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOC file has incorrect spacing between tables 2014-10-16
80866 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Layout of custom handouts is ignored 2015-01-06
80869 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOC with floating table opens with wrong left margin 2014-10-16
80961 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOCX colored bullet points not retaining color 2014-10-16
80985 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Saved DOCX file will reopen in MSO 2010 with Calibri rather than Times New Roman (and all other style properties are lost too) 2014-07-07
81050 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Child windows often doesn't get the focus 2014-08-08
81429 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: ACCESSIBILITY: list Language in dialog Format Character/Style does not respond properly to key strokes 2014-12-29
81463 LibreOff sdk libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UNO: No refresh after calling setPropertyToDefault 2014-12-10
81497 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PRINTING: to PDF with Adobe Distiller or GS based PDF printer, EPS images not rendered to PS vector for PDF, instead print uses the preview of EPS image 2015-01-17
81507 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: w:sdtContent not retained when saved DOCX opened in MS Word 2014-10-16
81522 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: can't save .docx after deleting header or footer 2015-01-18
81567 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: DOCX caption of image is shown at top instead of bottom in Word 2015-01-15
81643 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Borders are drawn as rectangles and so they are not joined well at the corners 2015-01-16
81675 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOCX indent for list/heading incorrectly imported 2014-10-16
82010 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Moving text with mouse causes it to repeat and also show !!br0ken!! 2015-01-19
82014 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs NEW --- BASIC Removing conditional formatting by API no longer works 2015-01-07
82052 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: .PPT textbox imported in wrong position 2015-01-01
82177 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: DOCX cell top border gets added 2014-10-16
82214 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- SVG image causes UI freeze when scrolling and slow export of PDF 2015-01-21
82226 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Row Height Optimization Should Not Adjust with Deleting Content + Auto Row Height Does not Readjust with Undo 2015-01-01
82265 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- convert-to does not work in LibreOffice for documents with multiline paragraphs 2015-01-17
82405 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: PPTX chart trimmed on both sides 2014-12-11
82532 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- BASE: Macros: Calling any macro on lost focus in subform grid column causes Base app crash if click to outside form 2015-01-24
82553 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Wrong import of DOCX with table (Summary in Comment 3) 2015-01-20
82658 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: A parallelogram in DOCX canvas become a triangle 2015-01-12
82661 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Paragraph background fills all space above paragraph 2015-01-15
82674 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- PDF: Export-as-PDF during Page Preview corrupts display (2 overlapping images) 2015-01-20
82688 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- ODBC to SQLite3, table Design View does not offer Primary Key 2015-01-19
82719 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: String with hyperlink not pasted 2015-01-01
82752 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Division problem 2014-12-29
82762 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Freeze after scrolling a docx document with pictures 2014-12-18
82930 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- CJK: "TakaoPGothic" font disappears at some zoom factors in vertical text 2014-09-06
82942 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: First line of address field (in OTT) loses characters after filling out subsequent fields 2015-01-21
83089 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Cannot select location in properties dialogue 2015-01-01
83260 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- autocorrect with change tracking halts LibreOffice 2014-12-03
83300 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: Frames on last page of doc appear on first page of doc when in Web Layout/View 2015-01-01
83306 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Regression importing .docx files with Autoshape images 2015-01-12
83309 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- .docx displayed incorrectly 2015-01-19
83365 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Other: Access across spreadsheet returns Err:504 2014-12-31
83373 LibreOff framewor libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: LibreOffice dialogs become too wide when long path+name is pasted in field 'File name' to open the file 2015-01-06
83523 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Ruler background only changes according to application background setting *after* closing and restarting writer 2015-01-21
83575 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- COMMENT: comment does not automatically remove itself when the content becomes empty. 2014-12-31
83581 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- caret does not enter ligature; easy to insert at wrong place 2014-12-31
83606 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Data ranges in chart inside spreadsheet can't be modified/updated in the data range window 2015-01-27
83672 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: PNG image not rotated in XLSX file created with MSO 2010 2014-11-14
83801 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Librelogo crashes Writer 2014-10-25
83859 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI Name box selection does not support arrow keys on Linux 2014-12-31
83977 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Changing paragraph style in table across a selection containing repeating header row results in only first cell in range being changed. 2014-12-31
84041 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Bug in numbering 2014-10-16
84127 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE/FILEOPEN arrangement not saved/retained 2015-01-07
84240 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: red squiggly underline does not appear instantly 2015-01-11
84250 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Writer can't import docx with forms 2014-12-03
84382 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Emoji no longer display on OSX / 4.4 master 2015-01-05
84403 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Search Result Message is Partly Displayed over/under the Toolbar 2014-09-28
84514 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Plot options in chart series format are not shown for charts with internal data 2014-12-28
84521 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Converting text with spaces to polygon/curve/contour results in duplicated characters 2014-12-29
85232 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: (Grouped) drawing objects are rendered in a wrong way (.docx file) 2014-12-27
85283 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOC - Image with white fill color appearing as transparent 2014-12-28
85341 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Hangs when opening a form 2015-01-24
85398 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- To cut table contents does not set document-modified flag 2014-12-26
85402 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- LO loops after opening specific DOCX document 2014-12-26
85462 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- GALLERY: Images not appearing correctly in preview 2014-12-26
85517 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- TOOLBAR: No left padding next to the name box field 2014-12-26
85523 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Extra blank lines added to comments after each save as .DOCX (win only) 2014-12-03
85548 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- slow FILESAVE and slow to exit from editing large chart; only when name for data series spans more than one cell (ie "Name In Range") 2014-12-26
85690 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Calc: Rotating X-Axis text 270 degrees breaks Y-Axis Auto scaling 2015-01-19
85947 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- "copy the whole sheet -> paste -> undo" hangs Calc 2014-12-24
85979 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Crash: data text to columns 2014-12-07
86019 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Poor performance opening spreadsheet with a particular chart 2015-01-14
86329 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Image crop shouldnt be set to proportionate in Impress/Draw 2014-12-29
86468 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOC import splits the page into two for specific file 2014-12-24
86473 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING formula with "fraction" not properly displayed in presentation mode (Linux only) 2015-01-12
86493 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Writer crashes when increasing Zoom factor in Web layout view 2014-12-14
86540 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOCX - Image opens with contour enabled when it shouldnt 2014-12-30
86624 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: Manually placed legend is moved to top left corner 2015-01-07
86695 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- input fields placed placed twice in template 2015-01-12
86774 LibreOff framewor libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Text with buttons in Template manager is gray, as if button is not active 2015-01-16
86798 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Writer Document scrolls slowly and does not allow to select text 2015-01-11
86814 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: sometimes no bold style in RTF file 2015-01-15
86845 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- DIALOG: Hyperlink details not retained between tabs 2014-12-03
86848 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Writer: Duplex + pageflipping (long/short edge) settings ignored with HP Officejet Pro 8100 2014-12-29
87036 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Adding Index entries breaks formatting of lists and styles 2015-01-12
87039 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING existing instances may force same letter capitalisation on new cells content 2014-12-29
87052 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Heading numbers incorrectly computed after DOCX import 2015-01-12
87101 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING 100x performance regression inserting rows/columns into sheet 2015-01-01
87303 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Embedded spreadsheet appears as "Object #" and picture of a plug when unselected 2015-01-12
87425 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Image captions no longer make image relative size, so images don't scale with frame 2014-12-28
87460 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Losing endnotes in table cell when reading docx in Writer 2014-12-25
87548 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Numbering in the first column of writer table 2015-01-10
87574 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Outline numbering "None" is not retained when save as docx 2015-01-24
87650 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING, FILESAVE, FORMATTING: draw arrow in calc with anchoring cell, didnt anchoring when saving 2015-01-13
87709 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Cell range definition incorrectly updated at re-open time 2015-01-11
87744 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: Captions on EMF images in DOC file not rendered correctly 2015-01-12
87747 LibreOff ux-advis libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Add user pref to embed pictures (instead of linking) when copying-in web content 2014-12-27
87763 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Problem with Impress View Presentation Mode 2015-01-15
87907 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- DIALOG: Page preview in print dialog refreshes when opening print details 2014-12-31
87921 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- incorrect import of this .svg file (top-bottom inverted) 2015-01-11
87922 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- 4.4.0.x Automatic font color no longer works 2015-01-10
87924 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: DOCX - text in shape is wrong direction 2015-01-13
88002 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Sorting ignores end column with formatting only 2015-01-04
88163 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Fonts in embeded WMF 2015-01-16
88179 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Can't create reference for another spreadsheet's named cell 2015-01-13
88190 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN Can't Edit .PPS Files 2015-01-09
88291 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Part of Calc cell contents initially not displayed 2015-01-16
88292 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [Regression] FILEOPEN: Segfault when opening attached docx file 2015-01-12
88295 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: White Background Appears in Impress Text Boxes 2015-01-14
88320 LibreOff Formula libreoffice-bugs NEW --- bad rendering of the math formula source containing subscripted number followed by comma immediately 2015-01-14
88337 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Page background image is not shown 2015-01-23
88351 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Impress Table row Clone Formatting error 2015-01-16
88352 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Freeze with simple animation Impress 2015-01-17
88365 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [SVG] text label not displayed correctly after Insert or Open (problem with: group object <g text-anchor="end">) 2015-01-16
88402 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Sorting setting Range contains column labels is forgotten every time a sort completes 2015-01-16
88457 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Copying and pasting text between comments makes text unreadable 2015-01-20
88485 LibreOff Formula libreoffice-bugs NEW --- unable to select the right column characters in catalog table on math editor 2015-01-18
88497 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: error bar in spreadsheet not shown 2015-01-23
88675 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- ICONS: Options dialog has 'Hicontrast' rather than 'High Contrast' 2015-01-22
88694 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILEOPEN: too many page breaks when opening .doc file 2015-01-23
88697 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- export to word 2003 .doc format omits bibliography entries 2015-01-23
68024 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo NEW --- table: evaluates <text:variable-set> in body of float and void cells, but not of string cells 2015-01-05
86844 LibreOff Writer sleeping.pillow NEW --- CONTEXT MENU: Remove hyperlink not accessible 2015-01-24
18824 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Regression in swfdec prevented me to make a nice Windsor tie 2009-01-01
37837 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING Writer vertically scrolling in .odt with eps becomes unresponsive for 10+ seconds 2014-11-04
44241 LibreOff Extensio libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [GUI Installation] extension manager doesn't highlight an newly installed extension. 2014-12-28
58622 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Missing space after the number and point (regression) 2014-10-16
64633 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Font "Linux Libertine G:salt=1" no longer works 2015-01-10
69455 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: "About" window of latest master build allows typing in version info (OS X only) 2014-07-30
69932 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- VIEWING: Libreoffice 4.x.x flicker 2014-08-30
77658 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- No grid between 1st & 2nd line changing font of the default template 2014-12-18
78254 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Substantial performance deterioration by scroll through cells via macro in LibreOffice Calc 2015-01-16
79160 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Insert image does not let you choose frame style 2014-11-16
79185 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Dialogs not appearing as smoothly 2014-07-01
79452 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Bottom toolbars need to have separator at the top 2014-06-09
80926 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Moving paragraph-bound anchor on ODT file load. 2015-01-16
81134 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Chart size not retained when chart has empty data set 2015-01-04
82636 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: Export to PNG (Selection) cut off last pixel line and column 2014-09-21
83227 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FILESAVE: SolidConverter DOCX - On resave margins and images lost and file size doubled 2014-12-07
85990 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [UI] Chart button Format selection label is grey 2015-01-14
86498 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- No accelerator key for Tools > "AutoCorrect Options..." 2014-11-25
87022 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Extensive Memory Use, Sluggish Behaviour after selecting the entire sheet contents 2015-01-12
38042 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- A black block on A1 in LibreOffice Calc 2015-01-09
53298 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- TABLE borders do not terminate correctly when mixing border types. 2014-05-08
84929 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- EDITING: Clicking in the footer area brings focus/view to last cursor position on page 2014-12-22
75665 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs ASSI --- Calc/Spreadsheet, long multiline text in the cells, lagging - almost hanging when scrolling over sheet's content 2014-10-09
78854 LibreOff Presenta dtardon ASSI --- EDITING: Undoing layout change causes it to crash 2015-01-07
84228 LibreOff Presenta bubli ASSI --- EDITING: Shadow preview rendered incorrectly 2015-01-05
60814 LibreOff Drawing dtardon ASSI --- Colors of shapes change after copy+paste from one drawing to another 2014-08-19
75260 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs ASSI --- double line border styles wrongly displayed 2015-01-16
76274 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs ASSI --- Files with XLT extension are not added to Recent documents 2014-06-04
80381 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs ASSI --- FILEOPEN: MS Excel 2003 XML file looses empty rows on import which consequently results in broken formulas 2015-01-06
88051 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs ASSI --- Linux Libertine G ligature followed by tab: strange behavior 2015-01-20
66617 LibreOff Chart markus.mohrhard ASSI --- chart2 unoapi test fails on sch.ChXDiagram::com::sun::star::chart::ChartStatistics::RegressionCurves 2014-05-04
64275 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen ASSI --- EDITING: Cursor position is lost when moving the cursor up and down 2014-03-16
79975 LibreOff graphics caolanm ASSI --- GALLERY: images no longer have transparency behind them 2015-01-13
84294 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs REOP --- Wrong frame-background in exported PDF 2014-12-28
66232 LibreOff Libreoff timar74 REOP --- FILEOPEN: cannot open .odt files by clicking on a hyperlink in IE 2014-11-30
35320 LibreOff Writer a.alharthi REOP --- Editing : Justified problem in arabic 2015-01-22
74104 LibreOff Presenta andrzej RESO DUPL CRASH: Impress crashes when searching & replace reaches the end of presentation 2014-02-10
78801 LibreOff Writer andrzej RESO FIXE Copying HTML from web browser - only plain text is pasted 2014-08-04
58324 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE VIEWING: In Libreoffice 4.0 Beta1, Writer fail to find other fonts for displaying unicode characters. 2013-01-24
62038 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE SLIDESHOW: particular .eps images not shown 2014-09-15
62461 LibreOff filters caolanm RESO FIXE LO-4.x.x creates new ODT, ODP and ODG file with fallback PNG graphic first, if an SVG picture inserted into the file 2014-08-15
65501 LibreOff filters caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE Can not save a modified document with backups enabled 2013-06-26
66700 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE REPORTBUILDER - CRASH when deleting field added in Report Design mode 2013-08-30
66924 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Editing master-pages is broken 2013-10-02
67665 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE Style font is not stored for ODG and ODP files: after editing a style, closing and reponening, it is changed 2013-08-28
72022 LibreOff Installa caolanm RESO FIXE Integrated help ignored if installed 2014-02-05
78477 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE segfault on startup, but only with some fonts installed 2014-06-05
79392 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Calc crashes when deleting rows in .CSV file 2014-06-14
83633 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE: Crash when save in ODF 1.0/1.1 2014-09-14
84043 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE FILEOPEN ODF import fails after saving due to non well-formed styles.xml (duplicate attributes on draw:enhanced-geometry) 2014-12-18
84752 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Document With Form Controls Unusable Speed 2014-10-18
86907 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE [Rollit fuzzer]: Calc crashes with invalid memory read 2014-12-07
88378 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH (segfault) when "flip" selected for an image previously saved in .doc 2015-01-22
38542 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FORMATTING TABLE double borders incompatibility with old LibO / OOo Versions 2012-05-23
46739 Mesa Drivers/ chadversary RESO DUPL [snb-m-gt2+] compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in intel_miptree_release() 2012-03-22
99001 Mesa Drivers/ chris RESO MOVE [HSW] GPU HANG: ecode 7:0:0x85dffffc, in glxspheres64 [4492], reason: Hang on render ring, action: reset 2019-09-25
112315 DRI DRM/Inte chris RESO MOVE 5.3.11 regression: No RC6 on Kaby Lake 2019-11-29
25475 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [i915] Xorg crash / Execbuf while wedged 2010-02-19
35780 cairo general cworth RESO NOTA cairo_pattern_create_radial(rx,ry,r,rx,ry,r) not working 2011-03-30
20357 xorg Server/I daniel RESO FIXE vmware workstation 6.5.1 crashes, caused by xkb changes 2010-09-20
53070 LibreOff Database d.ostrovsky RESO FIXE freeze/hang when connecting to ADO source (e.g. MS Access 2003 mdb / 2007 accdb) 2013-11-13
24414 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WORK [Regression] Memory error; stellarium and googleearth crash with mesa 7.6 on Radeon Mobility 7500 1002:4c57 2011-03-07
35457 DRI DRM/Rade dri-devel RESO WONT [rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200 2017-02-19
91985 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [regression, bisected] FTBFS with commit f9caabe8f1: R600_UCP_CONST_BUFFER is undefined 2015-09-13
48946 LibreOff Libreoff dtardon RESO FIXE not find JRE 2012-08-03
51278 LibreOff Database dtardon RESO FIXE Opening Report fails with Error Message 2012-07-13
80650 LibreOff Formula dtardon RESO FIXE lower case greek alphabet missing in localized Math symbol table 2014-10-21
81004 LibreOff Drawing dtardon RESO FIXE EDITING: Insert special character --> Select --> dialog Format > Character leads to crash 2014-07-15
39192 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Formula involving jump matrix calculate incorrectly 2011-08-24
67094 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Spreadsheet Reads Any Number of Spaces in Cell as a Single Space 2013-07-29
73113 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE LOOKUP function results in #N/A 2014-03-15
76949 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE FILESAVE: .xlsx new functions are saved without _xlfn. prefix and lead to #NAME? error when reloaded 2014-04-03
88398 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE grouped formulas lose listeners when split, recalculation broken 2015-01-23
20417 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [GM965] DRI broken by commit "Implement front buffer resize for KMS" on 2.6 branch 2009-03-02
84620 LibreOff UI eszkadev RESO FIXE The styles drop down menu in Writer crashes LO. 2014-10-19
84810 LibreOff Spreadsh fdbugs RESO FIXE crash in paste special when combine options link and format 2014-10-09
67011 LibreOff Spreadsh glogow RESO FIXE EDITING: Libreoffice calc hangs when drag&dropping cell(s) in KDE4 2014-03-22
58980 LibreOff Writer h.shahpouri RESO DUPL Bad font rendering in justify mode for all language with Arabic scripts 2014-10-30
102354 Mesa Drivers/ intel-3d-bugs RESO FIXE Mesa 17.2 no longer can give SRGB-capable framebuffer on i965, even though Mesa 17.1.x does. 2018-01-22
109516 DRI DRM/Inte intel-gfx-bugs RESO FIXE [CI][BAT] boot - aborted - *ERROR* mismatch in pipe_bpp (expected 24, found 0) 2019-04-17
111541 DRI DRM/Inte intel-gfx-bugs RESO FIXE Cursor sprite sometimes not showed since linux 5.2 2019-10-10
112125 DRI DRM/Inte intel-gfx-bugs RESO FIXE [regression, bisected] kworker consumes 100% of one CPU core after kernel upgrade from 5.2.* to 5.3.* 2019-10-30
105224 Mesa Drivers/ itoral RESO FIXE Webgl Pointclouds flickers 2018-03-01
22529 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [855GM] can't bring up LVDS in latest git 2009-06-30
78554 LibreOff Drawing jorendc RESO FIXE SVG: Text from SVG no longer displayed in LibreOffice 2014-09-25
22760 xorg Driver/i keithp RESO FIXE [UXA G33] crashes upon X initialization 2009-07-15
37622 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE xls file loses formatting 2011-12-22
58562 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: copy and paste of CHART from Calc looses Y values 2013-02-05
59056 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Charts are moved between sheets when saving a spreadsheet created with 3.6 2013-02-24
60805 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE VIEWING: Particular border style and width invisible for zoom 100% + Scale 100% 2014-02-07
67128 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Auto Filter Sort Results in Crash 2013-09-02
72470 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: Calc freezes when typing Chinese characters following non-Chinese strings 2014-03-22
73565 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Autofilter on date creates a "dummy" thing instead of date list 2015-01-24
74014 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Editing: Cell formula not updating on redo, even with a forced recalculation 2014-07-23
74556 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE LibO CALC crashes when manipulating comments 2014-02-10
74573 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE In Calc, 'Paste Special' with 'Skip empty cells' does not work 2015-01-24
74584 LibreOff framewor libreoffice RESO FIXE Can no longer copy spreadsheet cells from libreoffice calc to another app like thunderbird and paste as html table. 2017-07-14
74824 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: Inserting cells with Ctrl+Shift+= crashes Calc 2014-02-27
75053 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE CTRL+Z undo of a column deletion does not correctly restore all cell formulas 2014-03-18
75130 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Cell Borders not exported properly to XLS 2014-06-21
75815 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: References of links to external files are changed, inserting or deleting rows above them. 2014-03-12
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.


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