mesa: 5b2d3480f57168d50ad24cf0b8c9244414bd3701 (master 10.6.0-devel) make check regression on CentOS 6 $ make check [...] [ RUN ] DispatchSanity_test.GLES2 dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x453460 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 460 (BeginQuery) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x453470 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 465 (DeleteQueries) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x452cf0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 466 (EndQuery) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x453770 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 468 (GenQueries) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4527a0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 473 (GetQueryObjectuiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x453060 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 474 (GetQueryiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x452b00 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 476 (IsQuery) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483280 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 564 (UniformMatrix2x3fv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483180 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 565 (UniformMatrix2x4fv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483200 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 566 (UniformMatrix3x2fv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483080 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 567 (UniformMatrix3x4fv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483100 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 568 (UniformMatrix4x2fv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483000 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 569 (UniformMatrix4x3fv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47f1f0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 571 (BeginTransformFeedback) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x53ca60 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 572 (BindBufferBase) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x53c070 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 573 (BindBufferRange) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x540ce0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 576 (ClearBufferfi) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x540ee0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 577 (ClearBufferfv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x541340 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 578 (ClearBufferiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x541150 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 579 (ClearBufferuiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47f130 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 584 (EndTransformFeedback) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x45f0d0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 586 (GetFragDataLocation) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x43c6e0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 587 (GetIntegerIndexedvEXT) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x43f4d0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 588 (GetStringi) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47fc70 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 591 (GetTransformFeedbackVarying) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4861e0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 592 (GetUniformuiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4877b0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 593 (GetVertexAttribIiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x487720 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 594 (GetVertexAttribIuiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47fe00 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 598 (TransformFeedbackVaryings) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x484630 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 599 (Uniform1ui) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x484450 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 600 (Uniform1uiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4845c0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 601 (Uniform2ui) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4843f0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 602 (Uniform2uiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x484540 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 603 (Uniform3ui) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x484390 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 604 (Uniform3uiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4844b0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 605 (Uniform4ui) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x484330 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 606 (Uniform4uiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x488800 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 613 (VertexAttribIPointer) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x53ebc0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 617 (GetBufferParameteri64v) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x43c650 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 618 (GetInteger64i_v) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x486f80 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 619 (VertexAttribDivisor) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x537b40 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 662 (BlitFramebuffer) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4345b0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 670 (FramebufferTextureLayer) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x435150 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 679 (RenderbufferStorageMultisample) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x485e10 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 687 (GetActiveUniformBlockName) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x485c10 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 688 (GetActiveUniformBlockiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x481d60 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 690 (GetActiveUniformsiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x486020 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 691 (GetUniformBlockIndex) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x485f30 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 692 (GetUniformIndices) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x485670 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 693 (UniformBlockBinding) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x53f120 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 694 (CopyBufferSubData) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x461ef0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 695 (ClientWaitSync) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x462050 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 696 (DeleteSync) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x461950 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 697 (FenceSync) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x43e4d0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 698 (GetInteger64v) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x461b40 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 699 (GetSynciv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x461df0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 700 (IsSync) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x461cc0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 701 (WaitSync) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4579b0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 717 (BindSampler) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x457b50 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 718 (DeleteSamplers) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x456a70 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 719 (GenSamplers) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x457380 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 722 (GetSamplerParameterfv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x457670 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 723 (GetSamplerParameteriv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x457ad0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 724 (IsSampler) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x459200 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 727 (SamplerParameterf) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x458930 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 728 (SamplerParameterfv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4595e0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 729 (SamplerParameteri) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x458d70 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 730 (SamplerParameteriv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47fb10 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 792 (BindTransformFeedback) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47fa00 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 793 (DeleteTransformFeedbacks) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47f690 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 795 (GenTransformFeedbacks) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47fbf0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 796 (IsTransformFeedback) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47f070 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 797 (PauseTransformFeedback) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47ef90 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 798 (ResumeTransformFeedback) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x5631b0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 846 (GetInternalformativ) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47ba60 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 851 (TexStorage2D) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x47ba30 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 852 (TexStorage3D) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x432f50 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 956 (InvalidateFramebuffer) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x432f80 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 957 (InvalidateSubFramebuffer) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4842c0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 995 (ProgramUniform1ui) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x484080 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 996 (ProgramUniform1uiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x484240 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 1003 (ProgramUniform2ui) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483ff0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 1004 (ProgramUniform2uiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x4841b0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 1011 (ProgramUniform3ui) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483f60 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 1012 (ProgramUniform3uiv) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x484110 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 1019 (ProgramUniform4ui) dispatch_sanity.cpp:170: Failure Value of: table[i] Actual: 0x483ed0 Expected: nop_table[i] Which is: 0x7fed1ffc1dc0 i = 1020 (ProgramUniform4uiv) [ FAILED ] DispatchSanity_test.GLES2 (2 ms) 1c5a57aee109ef513df0d281aadc69db293cc3d8 is the first bad commit commit 1c5a57aee109ef513df0d281aadc69db293cc3d8 Author: Ian Romanick <> Date: Wed Apr 29 13:15:06 2015 -0700 glapi/es3.1: Add support for GLES versions > 3.0 Make the checks in the Python script and the generated code more generic to support arbitrary GLES versions >= 2.0. The updated dispatch_sanity.cpp test discovered this problem. Without this, the next patch would erroneously enable GLES 3.1 functions in GLES 2.0 and GLES 3.0. Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <> Reviewed-by: Jordan Justen <> :040000 040000 90d039873eaf0f1cb8ae06f54df01a32477e6dce 318f50881aa28314eda3811a946e9dd20bd61b19 M src bisect run success
How are you building? I don't observe that error here.
$ ./ --disable-dri3 --enable-sysfs --with-dri-drivers=swrast --with-gallium-drivers=swrast $ make $ make check
Seems like this is fixed now? I could not reproduce using current Mesa (1af0641) and configuring like done in comment #2.
(In reply to Tapani Pälli from comment #3) > Seems like this is fixed now? I could not reproduce using current Mesa > (1af0641) and configuring like done in comment #2. mesa: 5af71fb5ac4dafed3ecc4b849922208cab76070f (master 11.0.0-devel) I can still reproduced the DispatchSanity_test.GLES2 regression.
I could not reproduce this on 19.0.0-devel, resolving as fixed.
I believe this one was my bad, when enabling NV_conditional_render in 5213be9fab72548c799b30e320dd1b257534f096. I reverted it in b55af392d9e81e6c1e06536c22d434f275c429f4. Emil is currently looking into reworking the dispatch generation code to avoid problems like this in the future.
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