issuing xrandr --output TV-1 --set LEFT 0 gives X Error of failed request: BadName (named color or font does not exist) Major opcode of failed request: 152 (RANDR) Minor opcode of failed request: 11 () Serial number of failed request: 17 Current serial number in output stream: 17 The same is for RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM and TV_FORMAT. while xrandr --output TV-1 --mode .... works this happens with 2.6.1 with patch from bug #17776 applied
It's not supported in driver.
"man intel" says that it is. Or do you mean that these properties are not supported by this chipset?
manpage's TV attributes are for integrated TV only, and nothing applys to SDVO TV now.
I digged the code a bit, now I see. Actually, I just want to solve the problem with the picture shifted to the right-bottom corner so I get two black stripes on the top and on the left. I've tried to play with modelines but they always get adjusted. I think in this case it would be great to have an overscan mode when the picture is always a bit bigger than the screen so it would be possible to correct this later when palying movies etc. Maybe it is also possible to emulate those properties when calculating modelines? What do you think?
yeah, SDVO does have many TV enhancement commands for tuning, but current xf-v-i driver doesn't support them yet.
Created attachment 24124 [details] [review] new sdvo properties I've created a patch that allows to set different sdvo properties. Could you please take a look? I tested at least positions, overscan and saturation.
Sorry, it looks like a patch proposed for bug# 20785 is also there :(
cool, yeah, TV detect problem should be separate. And besides options from xorg.conf, we should make randr output properties too. I think psb's sdvo driver can be an example, would you pick it up and send future patches to to review? Thanks.
I posted the patch yesterday, but it looks like nobody cares. May be I did something wrong?
George, thanks for doing this, I haven't done a detail review of it, as I'm kind of busy with something else. I'll try to look into it more, or maybe some other one could pick it up.
No problem, I just want to be sure I did everything right :)
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