Bug 13695 (NewArabLayout) - Arab layout doesn't match some keyboards.
Summary: Arab layout doesn't match some keyboards.
Alias: NewArabLayout
Product: xkeyboard-config
Classification: Unclassified
Component: General (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: xkb
QA Contact:
URL: http://www.apprendre-arabe.com/images...
Keywords: NEEDINFO
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-12-16 18:53 UTC by Piter PUNK
Modified: 2010-05-06 15:57 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description Piter PUNK 2007-12-16 18:53:52 UTC

i got a new moroccan keyboard with french+arab symbols. But, looking in "ara" file, the layout there doesn't matches with the physical layout printed in keyboard. My keyboard isn't the same from provided URL
<a href="http://www.apprendre-arabe.com/images/1.jpg">
http://www.apprendre-arabe.com/images/1.jpg</a> but the layout is the same.

The almost same arab layout can be found
<a href="http://www.datacal.com/s_images/arabic-keyboard_l.jpg">using qwerty instead azerty to latin script and without [, ], { and } in arab script</a>.

I will provide this layout, but i want to know if this layout have some name  (and, if no-one knows that, ara(alternate) is good?). Because i am not an arab speaker, i can't give much more information. Hope someone here have more information.
Comment 1 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2007-12-17 04:33:03 UTC
I think ara(alt) would be just fine. I am not sure that layout exists - but it is just my impression, I am not Arabic-literate in any way. Did you check all variants in the 'ara' file?
Comment 2 Piter PUNK 2007-12-17 04:48:10 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> I think ara(alt) would be just fine. I am not sure that layout exists - but it
> is just my impression, I am not Arabic-literate in any way. Did you check all
> variants in the 'ara' file?

Yes. I check all layouts. No one matches with the layout in the pictures and in my keyboard.

Comment 3 Khaled Hosny 2008-02-25 10:11:18 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> (In reply to comment #1)
> > I think ara(alt) would be just fine. I am not sure that layout exists - but it
> > is just my impression, I am not Arabic-literate in any way. Did you check all
> > variants in the 'ara' file?
> Yes. I check all layouts. No one matches with the layout in the pictures and in
> my keyboard.

Can you please point out the exact difference, looking at the image, I see it is exactly the same as the standard Arabic keyboard (exept being AZERTY).
Comment 4 Piter PUNK 2008-02-25 20:55:39 UTC
> Can you please point out the exact difference, looking at the image, I see it
> is exactly the same as the standard Arabic keyboard (exept being AZERTY).

Great! As I stated before, i am not an arab speaker; the only thing i do is to compare the symbols printed in keyboard with what appears on screen. < and > in upper-right is inverted, when i type < i got > and vice-versa. That doesn't happens with [ and ], { and } or ( and ).

Now i am guessing, maybe it acts in revert way to compare minor/major in right-to-left; but, if this is the case, why they are printed reversed in the keys?

Hope you can help with this problem
Comment 5 Khaled Hosny 2008-02-26 05:53:03 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> > 
> > Can you please point out the exact difference, looking at the image, I see it
> > is exactly the same as the standard Arabic keyboard (exept being AZERTY).
> > 
> Great! As I stated before, i am not an arab speaker; the only thing i do is to
> compare the symbols printed in keyboard with what appears on screen. < and > in
> upper-right is inverted, when i type < i got > and vice-versa. That doesn't
> happens with [ and ], { and } or ( and ).
> Now i am guessing, maybe it acts in revert way to compare minor/major in
> right-to-left; but, if this is the case, why they are printed reversed in the
> keys?
> Hope you can help with this problem

The signs are mirrored, in Arabic context, you need to look at it from right to left. However, this is actually a rendering issue, it is the same greater and lesser signs, but rendered mirrored in Arabic context.

english: 5 > 1 
عربي: 5 > 1
Comment 6 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2008-12-22 15:17:16 UTC
It seems the discussion has died in February. Any chance to get a patch for the new variant?
Comment 7 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2010-05-06 15:57:04 UTC
no updates

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