Sat Feb 15 2025 15:39:18 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
85763 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEED --- Hightlighting with mouse brings crash 2014-11-11
85360 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEED --- LibreOffice crashes and crashes desktop too on inserting 4th slide 2014-11-17
86082 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEED --- Simple CALC file saved ODS will cause crash on load 2014-11-17
86112 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEED --- calc crashes when launched from writer 2015-01-04
70783 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Crash on FILEOPEN odp file (win only) 2014-07-26
83676 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- SVG with patterns crashes LO 2014-11-01
85777 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Crash on fileopen with version 4.3 scalc on command line ONLY 2014-12-04
86407 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Chart crash with logarithmic axis when DS < 0 2014-12-09
88184 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs NEW --- CRASH after undo a moved commented cell and pressing Del 2015-01-08
9 bugs found.


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