Thu Jan 23 2025 16:24:37 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
88991 Portland xdg-util portland-bugs RESO FIXE xdg-open calls Nautilus with all arguments quoted together 2015-07-18
58502 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA BUGZILLAASSISTANT: 'Latest known-working version' instead of 'Version' transferred to Bugzilla Version picker 2013-03-15
69688 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Other: Release Notes link not correct 2013-09-23
58251 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE BUGZILLAASSISTANT: Inappropriate "regression" keyword 2013-11-13
71045 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs RESO MOVE ASKLIBREOFFICE: Can't submit feedback form! 2014-03-18
36903 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL export of tables (.doc) produces corrupted document 2011-05-06
36667 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Calculating in Text Documents: update broken 2011-05-13
36524 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDITING: Delete Index causes crash 2011-05-13
36366 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FORMATING Small Capitals: setting for character size only affects Uppercase letters 2011-05-15
36676 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE sourroundig lines in paragraphs are missing 2011-05-17
36816 LibreOff Writer kendy RESO FIXE Document statistics: Paragraph Count doesn't work 2011-07-18
32899 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE [Mailmerge] Impossible to get a document per record when mail merging in a file 2011-08-04
36615 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE EDITING: Some words are converted to hyperlinks 2011-08-16
37403 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDIT: Crash when second edit on DRAW object "arc" 2011-08-23
40345 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE [EDITING] SwAnchoredObject::GetAnchorFrm crash on loading styles from other document 2011-08-25
38052 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Creating footnotes LO 3.4.0 crashes 2011-10-07
40224 LibreOff Writer cno CLOS WORK Autocorrect "Correct TWo INitial CApitals" broken 2011-10-17
38623 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH, FILEOPEN - opening MS word processor document causes crash 2011-10-29
36957 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE EDITING: Insert TOC – Edit – Writer crashes 2011-10-29
37013 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILESAVE - Saving in DOC format loses all styles 2011-10-29
37317 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Select comments print position in print dialog and closing crashes writer 2011-10-29
37008 LibreOff Writer thb RESO FIXE Staroffice-Import-filters <= 5.0 unavailable 2011-10-29
37584 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE track changes: deleted text lost 2011-10-29
37277 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Formulas in table are inserted into the wrong cell 2011-10-29
39159 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE PRINTING: Switching radio buttons "Selection <-> All" Crashes 2011-10-29
37488 LibreOff Writer tlillqvist RESO WORK PRINTING table borders in Writer not printed if there are also images in the document, DRAW object printed crippled 2011-11-09
42762 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN particular document with Math Formula object will CRASH 2011-11-30
40902 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN CRASH with trivial lorem ipsum text document 2011-12-01
40899 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: CRASH when 'Insert - Header/Footer - Default 2011-12-01
40615 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK PDF: Most of contents missing, wrong PDF syntax 2011-12-01
43718 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH when FILEOPEN particular document 2011-12-11
41692 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH while EDITING specific document 2011-12-11
39447 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL Writer crashes at closing a document with footnotes in a single paragraph over two pages 2011-12-23
40579 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN Crash opening docx file 2011-12-23
42178 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE CRASH when PRINTING from Page Preview 2011-12-23
37367 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE docx import of hyperlinks is broken 2011-12-23
39427 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL CRASH when closing particular document.odt created from .doc 2011-12-25
44190 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Error in view of file create with LibO 3.3 2011-12-27
41089 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK FILESAVE: Impossible with password protection 2012-01-10
37255 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK EDIT: Text in columns not deleted completely 2012-01-17
40344 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK [regression] graphics / objects in older documents positioned wrong 2012-01-24
40438 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE CRASH in OLE object EDITING 2012-01-27
44040 LibreOff Writer timar74 CLOS FIXE VIEWING: Crash when page preview after <f4> (data sources) 2012-01-28
43695 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA VIEWING for particular picture configuration broken 2012-01-30
45255 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FILEOPEN .doc comments are missing 2012-01-31
38745 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE redlining / undo document breakage / corruption 2012-02-07
45330 LibreOff Writer tomcsikbence RESO DUPL UI: UI glitches in german fileSaveAs dialog (save as Word 97.., as HTML, as OOo 1.0 template) 2012-02-08
45115 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE BorderLine UNO API broken in LibreOffice 3.4 / 3.5 2012-02-08
45045 LibreOff Writer timar74 RESO FIXE No help is linked to the Help button in the Word Count dialog 2012-02-08
37602 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE The border of the page header and footer are barely visible on the screen 2012-02-12
43399 LibreOff Writer lionel RESO FIXE Address data source wizard only uses evolution 2012-02-14
41712 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in SwTxtFrm::HideAndShowObjects() 2012-02-14
43921 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE MAILMERGE UI: Display of data sets with NEXT button limited to 10 2012-02-16
43862 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE Page FORMATTING: Margin settings information not compatible with 3.4.4 2012-02-24
42570 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL ODF import: Frame Border "double" gone under 3.4.3 2012-02-24
46482 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE insert frame duplicates existing frames anchored at start/end paragraph 2012-02-24
46616 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Recent Documents feature not working 2012-02-26
44816 LibreOff Writer noel.power RESO FIXE : crash editing instance name - xforms 2012-03-01
39694 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE JAVA UNO API: XTextRange.getString returns correct String only after some delay 2012-03-07
42073 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Writer input fields are not populated using the Java UNO API 2012-03-07
41679 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN: file open docx crash 2012-03-08
36982 LibreOff Writer tlillqvist RESO FIXE [FILEOPEN] Writer ignores text after Equation in docx 2012-03-13
46337 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Date fields in header crash LibreOffice on save to docx 2012-03-13
38025 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE RTF regression 2012-03-19
44157 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS DUPL FILEOPEN: Loading RTF file very slow (7x in comparison witl LibO 3.4.4), no progress bar displayed 2012-03-20
47552 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Writer in version 3.5.1 crashes 2012-03-20
37114 LibreOff Writer CLOS WORK Gradient deformed when paste as metafile GDI 2012-03-21
39337 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE RTF document with table not displayed correctly 2012-03-21
45553 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE New RTF import filter deletes gaps between paragraphs 2012-03-21
45826 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL The rtf file is crashing Writer 2012-03-21
41620 LibreOff Writer RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Drawing Object outside of Page Margins causes CRASH 2012-03-23
43965 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN RTF: \page ignored, 2012-03-30
46955 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF reader seems to ignore \caps directive 2012-04-03
45962 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE "context menu" key with cursor in header/footer makes the cursor jump to document body 2012-04-04
48323 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Marking some rows of a table not possible using select table row 2012-04-05
47326 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE VIEWING: Bad rendering of RTF document 2012-04-05
43229 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Unable to un-protect password protected MS-Word .doc document 2012-04-06
40948 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE UI: TOC dialog 'Entries - Structure - Arrow right button' does not reach most right structure element 2012-04-08
46144 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s CLOS FIXE "Distributy Columns Evenly" does not work with the selected columns, but affects all columns in the table 2012-04-09
47107 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN RTF import ignores the \pn destination (Word 6.0/95) 2012-04-11
45543 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN: Encoding error for Japanese RTF file 2012-04-12
45182 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN rtf - bad text encoding 2012-04-13
39003 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE Undo for autoformat actions does not reset the cursor properly 2012-04-15
47346 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK writer crashes when opening docx with ole table 2012-04-16
39903 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FORMATTING: Table number format not retained with initial entering of data, when Tools > Options > Writer > Tables => Number recognition *not* checked 2012-04-16
36496 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK content of frames and captions not editable in text document 2012-04-21
48559 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Some rtf files open corrupted 2012-04-21
36692 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE: Footnotes and header are saved incorrectly in .doc 2012-04-21
44176 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Upper margin too small when opening a RTF file with \titlepg 2012-04-25
43199 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Shadow take a border similar to the previous line border 2012-04-26
47717 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE Paragraph border visible through an image 2012-04-26
48647 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE ugly hairline double border drawing 2012-04-26
45562 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Writer FORMATTING: drawing objects over text with borders appears wrong (regression after 3.3.4) 2012-04-26
46671 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN: can not open particular rtf document 2012-04-30
47036 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE Error in rendering of rtf files generated by Crystal Report engine which were previously OK in LibO 3.4. 2012-04-30
47396 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS DUPL FILEOPEN: Сrash when opening large rtf-files 2012-04-30
47670 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILESAVE: HTML Export not showing table borders when using vertical OR horizontal lines in table 2012-05-01
45910 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE RTF document completily different in Word/Writer 2012-05-04
47720 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: SIGSEGV when opening a RTF file 2012-05-04
46256 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH when PDF export 2012-05-05
44381 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN particular .docx with incorrect 4 column layout causes CRASH 2012-05-06
39586 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE [FILEOPEN] Writer crashes or hangs when try to open .docx file 2012-05-07
31856 LibreOff Writer CLOS WORK VIEWING: Wrong table border color for OOo document 2012-05-07
37867 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Page border printed over the content when there is an image in the document 2012-05-08
49340 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH closing window Edit > Changes > Accept or Reject with ESC 2012-05-08
49660 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN particular RTF: FORMATTING shows too big page margins 2012-05-09
42750 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Table, border line style double line (inner/outer lines 1 twip wide) still broken 2012-05-11
40482 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE CONFIGURATION: Formatting aids - displayed nonprinting characters become unchecked during printing and PDF export 2012-05-12
49683 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN property Keyword (File>Properties ..> Description) no longer imported in rtf document 2012-05-18
47764 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE 3.5.1 blorks on RTF files which 3.4.5 opened correctly 2012-05-18
48037 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN : Import RTF file but date field not using the good locale format. 2012-05-19
48356 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILESAVE: Save as RTF loses characters before/after special Eastern European characters 2012-05-19
48876 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE RTF: RTF formatting is not correct 2012-05-19
49208 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE Freezes when FILEOPEN particular .doc 2012-05-19
47347 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: Crashes when opening rtf file with 3.5.0 - correct with 3.4.5 2012-05-19
44991 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: [docx] Open MS_Word document ends in LO3.4 has stopped working 2012-05-19
46721 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE docx triggers crash in Windows (unknown reason) (file attached) 2012-05-19
49921 LibreOff Writer dtardon VERI FIXE UI: UI glitch in Find & Replace dialog - buttons invisible 2012-05-19
41796 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE HTML: exported table borders cannot be imported again 2012-05-22
34591 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS DUPL HTML import: table borders set to paragraphs instead of cells 2012-05-22
37024 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE UI: WEB-View for Form layout no longer available 2012-05-22
38542 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FORMATTING TABLE double borders incompatibility with old LibO / OOo Versions 2012-05-23
44708 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL FILEOPEN old document: Paragraph border FORMATTING lost 2012-05-23
47644 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN: Huge load time and CPU load with .doc file 2012-05-24
44010 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo VERI FIXE Frame borders not visible with text direction set vertical 2012-05-24
46329 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE docx 2010 crashes Libreoffice on startup 2012-05-29
49413 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO DUPL FILEOPEN RTF page margins (\marg*) not respected 2012-05-29
36781 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK LibreOffice do not group fonts 2012-05-29
44174 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILESAVE: RTF import - defective RTF generation, \titlepg missing 2012-05-29
50438 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA FORMATTING: Crash when trying to change Line spacing 2012-05-29
45190 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN Shifted and invisible content in table in rtf document 2012-05-30
38215 LibreOff Writer panos VERI FIXE vertical paragraph borders have white dividers 2012-05-31
46662 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular RTF document containing nested tables renders incorrectly 2012-06-03
50540 LibreOff Writer mhaggag RESO DUPL View area jumps when start drawing 2012-06-04
47042 LibreOff Writer timar74 RESO DUPL inserting cross-references to illustrations no longer possible 2012-06-05
46714 LibreOff Writer timar74 RESO DUPL Caption references do appear without first character in cross-reference dialogue box in area "Selection" 2012-06-05
50539 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: RTF file opens with black letters and black background 2012-06-06
49968 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: RTF filter is still buggy since 3.4.5 2012-06-06
49775 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO DUPL CRASH when FILEOPEN particular .rtf 2012-06-15
50896 LibreOff Writer dtardon RESO FIXE Writer crash when applying an AutoFormat to a table 2012-06-18
43892 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING text frame: context can not be reached by mouse click 2012-06-21
47353 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Crash on import of a particular RTF file 2012-06-21
47636 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Extremely slow display with font fallback 2012-06-25
50967 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE File >> Wizards >> Address Data Source Yields No UI 2012-06-26
44292 LibreOff Writer nopower RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular docx shows wrong number of columns 2012-06-27
37044 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE Case changing crash 2012-07-03
49604 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE [RTF] regression; table from RTF document is not imported 2012-07-05
50628 LibreOff Writer dtardon RESO FIXE CONFIGURATION: scanner crashes program 2012-07-12
47071 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE UI: Undocked toolbars do not show all icons in special ratio 2012-07-13
48932 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDITING: Writer 3.5.2 slow typing in large documents 2012-07-14
45376 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE [FORMATTING] Incorrect text wrapping around drawing shapes (depending on zoom level) 2012-07-14
48302 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK VIEWING particular document with Flash will CRASH 2012-07-16
48335 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILESAVE: RTF export 2012-07-19
51772 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE general I/O error when opening a RTF file 2012-07-20
49271 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE [RTF] regression; unneeded page break after 4th line of text 2012-07-30
38116 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILESAVE as .doc destroys frame border properties 2012-08-03
43249 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Frame borders not shown in .doc file 2012-08-03
50141 LibreOff Writer mhaggag RESO FIXE : Word Count Characters (with spaces) incorrect with Numbering on 2012-08-03
50087 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN properties Title, Subject, Comments (File>Properties ..> Description) no longer imported in rtf document 2012-08-03
46757 LibreOff Writer mhaggag RESO FIXE Words and Character excluding spaces Word Count incorrect with Record Changes enabled 2012-08-03
39812 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE TABLE borders do not terminate where they should with merged cells 2012-08-09
49178 LibreOff Writer serval2412 RESO FIXE CRASH when FILEOPEN particular RTF 2012-08-10
46322 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Frame borders not shown in vertical writing format 2012-08-10
53439 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE shadow background overlaps pages at small zoom 2012-08-13
49521 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Writer UI: unneeded toolbars seen in AutoText preview (regression) 2012-08-14
53328 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH when FILEOPEN particular .txt in particular way 2012-08-16
52066 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: RTF file opens with black boxes and wrong spacing 2012-08-17
43313 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO DUPL TABLE border of merged cell is misplaced (regression since 3.3.4) 2012-08-20
39415 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Painting of collapsing table borders broken in Writer 2012-08-20
51832 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE EDITING: CRASH in special case when 'Edit > Changes > Accept or reject > Reject' 2012-08-21
51777 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular .HTML: 1 twip double borders lossage 2012-08-22
48013 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK German Umlaute lost on copy via clipboard from RTF 2012-08-25
51514 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE The "Target in document" window displays hundreds of nonsensical items in bookmarks 2012-08-26
46904 LibreOff Writer dtardon RESO FIXE [PRINTING] Invalid PDF generated when creating single job collation 2012-08-27
51908 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Word Count doesn't update immediately when Numbering is applied or removed 2012-08-27
49901 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Writer FORMATTING: During Find&Replace operation wrong part of text becomes selected 2012-08-27
51034 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILESAVE: # in hyperlink corrupts .docx (MSO2007) document 2012-08-29
52052 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Imported RTF file is incorrect, table in document is corrupt 2012-08-29
45724 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILESAVE, FORMATTING, Text field data loss 2012-08-30
44316 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA FILESAVE RTF files are saved corrupted 2012-08-31
53280 LibreOff Writer sbergman VERI FIXE : FILE SAVE AS: Can not edit read-only file after SAVE AS 2012-08-31
52451 LibreOff Writer libreoffice RESO FIXE UI: FILESAVE as Text (encoded) should offer .txt as file type and name extension 2012-09-02
48193 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF import is completely messed up now 2012-09-02
47081 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: Linespacing not imported correctly from RTF files 2012-09-07
52389 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Last character deleted in some RTF files 2012-09-21
53399 LibreOff Writer mhaggag RESO FIXE Word count inconsistent and wrong with non-breaking space 2012-09-21
54620 LibreOff Writer dtardon VERI FIXE Writer EDITING: CRASH when merging cells in table [backtrace with symbols attached] 2012-09-22
47431 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Print multiple pages per sheet does not work 2012-09-24
52475 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: RTF file shows wrong character background (highlight) color 2012-10-02
55504 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN, FORMATTING: wrong formatting of RTF file 2012-10-02
55524 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE UI: Hang when accessing "Insert > Manual Break..." 2012-10-04
55567 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s VERI FIXE UI: Find Bar incomplete, empty, input pane is missing 2012-10-07
55350 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE Letter spacing and "expand single word" do not work anymore on MacOSX 2012-10-09
55526 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE RTF import loses hairline borders (\brdrhair) 2012-10-10
55141 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO DUPL FILESAVE - CRASH on Saving MS Word DOC when CMD+S or CMD+Shift+s pressed 2012-10-10
51306 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Frame contents in particular document can not be reached by mouse click 2012-10-11
44850 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO DUPL FILEOPEN libreoffice crashes when opening a docx file 2012-10-11
54214 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: # in hyperlink corrupts .docx (OOXML) document 2012-10-13
55422 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL one particular document causes a crash when saved in Microsoft Word (.doc) format 2012-10-17
54648 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo VERI FIXE Writer WW8 EXPORT: LibreOffice Crashes saving .doc file with invisible pictures 2012-10-17
55807 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE CRASH when accessing "Tools > Outline Numbering..." 2012-10-17
48569 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE LibreOffice crashes when saving frames anchored as-character to .docx format 2012-10-18
52208 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE [DOCX] FILEOPEN: additional empty page after a continuous section break at the end of document 2012-10-19
49655 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: Wrong display of table 2012-10-21
47669 LibreOff Writer detective.conan.1412 RESO FIXE Bad processing hyperlink with anchor in DOCX 2012-10-22
50775 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: .rtf saving encoding problem 2012-10-22
48023 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE russian characters in RTF file shown incorrectly in 3.5.1(shown ok in 3.4.4) 2012-10-22
49953 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO WORK FILEOPEN particular RTF shows TABLE borders visible instead of invisible 2012-10-31
52989 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE : Writer in 3.5.4 Linux(ubuntu) and 3.5.5 (XP) displays graphics in .rtf format <5mm wide 2012-11-08
49659 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE rtf header, tables, pagenumber are wrong 2012-11-22
55937 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Can't type text into frames 2012-12-02
57553 LibreOff Writer detective.conan.1412 RESO FIXE EDITING: On computer without JRE, Picture dialog shows: JRE required and freezes after OK 2012-12-07
57515 LibreOff Writer serval2412 RESO FIXE Crash when creating a Table of Contents 2012-12-07
56406 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA FILEOPEN and close very slow on a particular .odt 2012-12-07
52080 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Large files become unresponsive since version 3.5.0 2012-12-08
49587 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular .rtf causes HANG 2012-12-12
58188 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Regression Columns only working with AutoWidth 2012-12-12
54473 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN DATALOSS: RTF import replaces all custom character styles by "Default", using local formatting instead of character styles 2012-12-13
57133 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN RTF DATALOSS: Character style is ignored when semicolon after "\stylesheet" is absent 2012-12-13
57708 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: Crystal reports RTF missing picture and wrong pagination 2012-12-13
57696 LibreOff Writer sbergman VERI FIXE UI: "Tools - Bibliography Database" does nothing 2012-12-13
48033 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN : Import RTF file but pictures are not well positioned on table/cells 2012-12-14
58310 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN Crash when opening this simple docx file 2012-12-15
58309 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Import document with lots of VML shapes crashes 2012-12-15
58284 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE UI: Number dropdown list in Tools > Outline Numbering is empty 2012-12-17
58063 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL VIEWING: Problem opening .doc 97-2003 files 2012-12-17
58273 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Buttons in Insert Bibliography Entry do not respond to the mouse after a long short name 2012-12-17
58278 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Crash applying AutoCorrect 2012-12-17
55728 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Crash Opening Word .docx document 2012-12-18
57953 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Page Columns Broken if "AutoWidth" not selected 2012-12-18
53525 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN existing document: 2 columns Table of contents exceeds page width 2012-12-18
58399 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CRASH when FILEOPEN particular .docx (MSO2007) 2012-12-19
57881 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FORMATTING Page style Default has Page layout 'Mirrored' as default - also for existing documents 2012-12-20
58550 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK mouse clicks in document area only move text cursor when a paragraph is directly hit 2012-12-20
55939 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILESAVE RTF export faulty file when text has footnotes 2012-12-22
58464 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL segfault CRASH when FILEOPEN particular .docx 2012-12-27
58649 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: Overflowing text on image (regression) 2012-12-27
57678 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: TABLES from particular RTF file imported as plain text 2012-12-28
58572 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FORMATTING: i gets capitalized even in non-english languages 2012-12-30
58458 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular DOCX file - only 1 page of of 22 displayed 2012-12-31
58640 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: Extra dot when exporting Table of Contents as PDF (regression) 2013-01-02
46020 LibreOff Writer VERI FIXE FILESAVE [DOC] [DOCX] Loss of footnotes when exporting to DOC- and DOCX- Files 2013-01-03
48442 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: Incorrect displaying attached RTF document 2013-01-09
55462 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN DOCX/RTF Table FORMATTING messed 2013-01-09
58937 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: RTF-filter; Addition of empty cell in the table 2013-01-09
58933 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: RTF-filter; Addition of empty paragraphs in table’s cells 2013-01-09
58702 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH after General Error message when FILEOPEN particular .RTF 2013-01-14
53487 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE [Notes] Weird interaction of notes/comments with undo. Insert/Comment is grayed out. 2013-01-14
59338 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF: Inserting RTF into footnote fails 2013-01-15
59275 LibreOff Writer pierre-eric RESO FIXE FILESAVE: table lost borders after save as DOCX 2013-01-16
59473 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: Text not displayed properly in particular file (regression) 2013-01-16
58530 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL VIEWING: White/grey lines/artifacts seen along page borders 2013-01-16
59166 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL UI: Slowness/Missing UI When Dialogs Activated From Pulldown Menus 2013-01-16
58998 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE duplicated sections 2013-01-17
58171 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK VIEWING: Pages do not have a drop shadow 2013-01-17
52286 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILESAVE as .RTF will show subscript and superscript with normal font height instead of reduced height 2013-01-17
58750 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Crash when "Format > Columns" 2013-01-17
58751 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: CRASH when "Insert > Section" 2013-01-17
58752 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Crash when "Insert > Frame" 2013-01-17
58760 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: CRASH when "Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables..." 2013-01-17
58400 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN particular .docx (MSO2007) shows empty document 2013-01-17
59437 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE SwFmtAnchor::SetAnchor assert on loading a given document 2013-01-18
59566 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: Different page margins in particular file (regression) 2013-01-18
57605 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: chart paste 2013-01-18
59579 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Table row height different in particular file (regression) 2013-01-19
59128 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILESAVE [DOCX filter]: WinWord-2007 can't open DOCX file with formulas if the file was created LOdev-4 2013-01-20
59577 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT FILEOPEN: Font looks different in particular file (regression) 2013-01-20
38179 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING UI - Stylist should remember previous settings 2013-01-23
58324 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE VIEWING: In Libreoffice 4.0 Beta1, Writer fail to find other fonts for displaying unicode characters. 2013-01-24
58142 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE EDITING: CRASH when copy paste multiple pictures from file explorer 2013-01-25
58459 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FORMATTING: picture is kept by the cursor, when first selected then ESC-ed 2013-01-25
57063 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO DUPL FORMATTING/FILEOPEN: spacing "Above/Below paragraph" from old .ott template is lost in 3.5.0 and newer 2013-01-25
59586 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Missing comma in particular PDF file (regression) 2013-01-25
59278 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT EDITING: Missing dot when exporting PDF (regression) 2013-01-25
58327 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Paste Special cells "As RTF" from Calc immediately undone 2013-01-26
60015 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Writer crash when insert Indexes and Tables 2013-01-29
59419 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF: Tables not rendered (regression) 2013-02-04
60250 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE mirrored page style that starts on left page handled as if it started on right page 2013-02-05
58143 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN FILESAVE RTF file is getting additional sections 2013-02-05
57532 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular .doc (MSO97) fails with error message 2013-02-05
59393 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE REGRESSION: when FILEOPEN particular .RTF column width in tables is taken from the next column 2013-02-05
58076 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF FILEOPEN import result 2 pages (1 page in LO 3.4) 2013-02-05
47769 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular DOCX 2007 - pictures shown wrongly on page 1 2013-02-07
56393 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL first page has different width (by default) 2013-02-08
59270 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL TEMPLATE related: Page margin changes unexpectedly on page two 2013-02-08
60356 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA VIEWING: pictures not shown correctly 2013-02-08
54627 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE FILEOPEN: Style inheritance broken after saving OOo 3.2.1 document 2013-02-11
57960 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Inconsistent Line Spacing Behavior Between 3.6 and 4.0 Branches 2013-02-11
46563 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN .doc (MSO97): Pictures and frames with missing border or wrong border line width 2013-02-11
60566 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: When highlighting all table cells, paragraph formatting is only applied to the first cell 2013-02-12
60523 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE : problem saving document template in libreoffice 2013-02-12
48828 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FORMATTING: Font size incorrect in certain styles in .doc files since 3.5.0 - shows correct in LO 3.4.x and Winword 2013-02-12
60092 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE : LO crashes when inserting data from data sources as a table 2013-02-13
60655 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE [RTF filter] The table row’s height is determined incorrectly 2013-02-13
60738 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FORMATTING: Can't format (bold/italic/underline/...) comment text 2013-02-18
46726 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FORMATTING: docx file missing data when opened with LO 2013-02-19
60840 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL VIEWING: vertical scroll error 2013-02-20
61160 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO : El diccionario por defecto 2013-02-21
57744 LibreOff Writer r.marstrand RESO INVA undefined: Double spaces 2013-02-21
60946 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Writer crashes upon trying to open odt document containing text-range comments 2013-02-21
60668 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo VERI FIXE FILESAVE: Libreoffice Writer 4.0 crashing on saving file 2013-02-22
47283 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE EDITING: crash when at the end of the undo stack 2013-02-25
60789 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE docx document content not shown, several pages missing 2013-02-26
55111 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING Date fields with strange date results 2013-02-26
61428 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FORMATTING: ReplaceDescriptor 2013-02-27
61545 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Cross reference insert error: missing options 2013-02-27
61577 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: "Format Paintbrush" function does not apply paragraph settings anymore 2013-02-28
53985 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: particular MSO2007 .docx document is "shortened" (part of contents missing) 2013-02-28
59714 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Using footnotes in large files causes extreme slowness 2013-02-28
61309 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Open particular docx result in crash (assertion failure) 2013-02-28
59928 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo VERI FIXE EDITING: Impossible to fill text into Fields - Functions - Placeholder - text 2013-02-28
61016 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Open docx result in crash/STL assertion due to recursive calls to deleteMark 2013-03-01
60622 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA : Send as e-mail does not attach document 2013-03-04
60537 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI WORK VIEWING: Corrupt characters in LibreOffice 4 with Nouveau 2013-03-11
59053 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE VIEWING: math formulas (equations) in .docx files are not viewed properly 2013-03-13
62360 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Affixed forms of %, §, °C aren't recognized by the Hungarian spell checker 2013-03-15
60886 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Show Variable field shows no content in Page Header/Footer, Frames 2013-03-18
62574 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Unable to apply paragraph formatting to multiple cells in a table. 2013-03-20
58613 LibreOff Writer michael.meeks RESO FIXE synchronous, no-progress-bar word-count on load before rendering ... 2013-03-22
58071 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN .DOT (MSO97) as plain .txt without explicit file type selection 2013-03-25
48557 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILESAVE as .docx (MSO2007) loses Frames 2013-03-29
57858 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL : Bibliography Database crashes Writer 2013-03-31
30763 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Missing input caret (cursor) after saving and re-opening large documents 2013-03-31
49645 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular MSWORD2008 .docx: misinterprets letters from Symbol font 2013-04-03
59273 LibreOff Writer quest-88 RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Writer doesn't display all table cells in DOCX file 2013-04-03
43874 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Writer showing tables as text. 2013-04-04
32082 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE [EDITING] Table Number Format not modified for empty table cells 2013-04-04
63186 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Crash when pasteing text that should generate a footnote 2013-04-07
63156 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Printing a document with embedded OLE vector graphics is broken 2013-04-10
56272 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Drawings are shown at wrong position 2013-04-15
61193 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE EDITING: Writer crashes when pasting RTF footnote 2013-04-16
63243 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PRINTING: Missing objects 2013-04-16
61240 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PRINTING: Math Object on Writer page distorts printing of Draw objects 2013-04-16
63686 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE looses Fontwork objects 2013-04-18
62288 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF: Gap added inside tables (regression) 2013-04-23
61913 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO DUPL particular OLE objects suppress PRINTING of .wmf 2013-04-24
62261 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PRINTING: Draw objects won't print if formula is inserted in the same page 2013-04-24
62667 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CALC OLE object PRINTING with missing cell borders 2013-04-24
62898 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PRINTING: missing graphic contents of chart like looking object. 2013-04-24
63264 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL TABLE: gridlines of a Calc table in a Writer file not printed 2013-04-24
62684 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Formatting tables -- can not format multiple cells from menu 2013-04-24
47487 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Graphic in file rendering as black block 2013-04-24
59779 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Double click on page style name in Styles and Formatting does not work 2013-04-24
58368 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Change of margin when changing Page Layout 2013-04-24
63767 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CRASH when opening a file 2013-04-28
55289 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN .docx document crashes LibreOffice 2013-04-28
58949 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: DOCX-filter; DOC format formulas embedded in OOXML (DOCX) file, don’t save and don’t edit 2013-04-30
37716 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN RTF: frame contents (graphics & text) missing when imported 2013-04-30
61078 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING and TABLE: Variables in TABLE not resolved 2013-05-04
64256 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Crash or General Error when opening a docx/rtf file with graphics bullets 2013-05-07
60291 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE MAILMERGE: Mail Merge 2013-05-16
64686 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL : Bug in Contour Editor 2013-05-17
64732 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Editing in writer, an inserted image as character. 2013-05-18
64763 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: No actualisation of changes in fields in an re-opend file wich was created from an .ott-file 2013-05-20
43105 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen RESO FIXE regression: WW8 nested table import 2013-05-24
58749 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH when "Format > Page" 2013-05-27
46669 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE EDITING: Copy/Paste from Text Box changes page layout if Experimental Features enabled 2013-05-27
64996 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL right click > Area on shape result in crash 2013-05-27
64287 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE missing preview in "Insert Index/Table" dialog 2013-05-28
65080 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Added a empty new line under images archored as character in .doc 2013-05-28
64561 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK : Writer unresponsive when re-focusing to window 2013-05-28
65062 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL TABLE: LibreOffice quits after "table properties" is selected. 2013-05-29
65177 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CONFIGURATION: Colors in Options causes program crash. 2013-05-30
64283 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Print a form letter (=mail merge) has no database table in the upper part 2013-06-06
65013 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Formatting: heading all characters are meshed on a pile 2013-06-07
65538 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL FORMATTING: After save odt in doc LO Writer adds a blank line on title between lines 2013-06-08
61909 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular .RTF: VIEWING with unexpected character background color 2013-06-09
65450 LibreOff Writer saturday6c RESO FIXE Writer crash on File->Open 2013-06-11
62643 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE EDITING Word completion: when adding to a partly finished word, word completion ignores the word part that already is there and creates non sense 2013-06-12
40539 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE as .doc (MSO2003) without TABLE text rotation 2013-06-13
64925 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Crash on display/paste Arabic text 2013-06-16
65698 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL crash with serial letter assistant 2 2013-06-17
65844 LibreOff Writer dtardon RESO FIXE Two colour *.pic images rendered inversed in Writer 2013-06-18
45100 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN particular .doc shows TABLE as plain text 2013-06-19
47406 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE Almost all graphics that have internal circuits are not rending correctly. 2013-06-19
65594 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Crash when trying to remove a named bitmap 2013-06-20
63387 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Format Paintbrush only copies Character (Font) format but not Paragraph format 2013-06-20
65950 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL FILESAVE: extra un-wanted new line added when saving as doc 2013-06-21
58551 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK VIEWING: white and gray line rendering artifacts at document border 2013-06-21
65033 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: Writer failure due to an unexpected error when open particular .DOC file (REGRESSION from LibO 2013-06-21
40599 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE paragraph anchored graphics in redlined list duplicated on each save 2013-06-23
63949 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Form controls disappear if top of page displayed 2013-06-24
40791 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILESAVE extremely slow (~10 minutes for a 500K file) on ODT file from Google Docs 2013-06-27
61522 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: 'Fields - Functions - Input field' does not open with mouse click 2013-06-27
58029 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: Selecting words in very large documents needs too much time 2013-06-27
66375 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Adding Hyperlink inserts line in .doc 2013-06-29
66439 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: writer crash during opening document 2013-07-01
66027 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Writer crashed when attempting to insert/link an item from the sidebar gallery 2013-07-02
46361 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Faulty import of docx file which contains a simple drawing 2013-07-02
64150 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN crash opening document with text:p child of draw:frame 2013-07-02
47436 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: Writer crashes when it opens an odt file produced by JasperReport 2013-07-02
64825 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: Crash when opening .doc file with tables 2013-07-02
66547 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Other: Writer crashes after inserting html-Text from Internet-Page 2013-07-03
66361 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: [regression] Saving .odt as .doc mangles table layout 2013-07-03
62945 LibreOff Writer quikee RESO FIXE EDITING Ctrl-Tab does not cycle through various options in Word Completion 2013-07-05
43765 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FORMCONTROLS: transparent form controls (Check Boxes and Option Buttons) disappear 2013-07-09
58646 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF: \page is not rendered 2013-07-09
66565 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE Another problem with RTF IMPORT loosing table column widths 2013-07-10
66682 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF: RTF bullets and numbering - bad export 2013-07-10
66749 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: LO Writer Crahes with any attemp to format a page, paragraph or tab. 2013-07-11
66856 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Dutch dictionary rejects any word. 2013-07-12
45533 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE EDITING: Pasting TABLE as RTF from SPSS fails 2013-07-13
66954 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Other: hyphenation not working 2013-07-16
66478 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Hyphenation is not working 2013-07-18
67056 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE PDF: Kerning issue with LIbreOffice 4 and Helvetica font 2013-07-22
67250 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL VIEWING: Toolbar disappears after Fullscreen 2013-07-24
59643 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE UNDO Format Paintbrush incomplete 2013-07-25
60031 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Scrolling text problem 2013-07-25
66474 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Regression. Indent and placement errors in imported docx header 2013-07-26
67399 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: After Updating LO from to 4.1.04 a password-protected document can't be openend 2013-07-27
66832 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PERFORMANCE: Writer hangs for several seconds while opening a file, cause by large styles.xml 2013-07-27
67424 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: "Select All" command not work if document start with a table 2013-07-28
67303 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE [FILEOPEN] ODT import with huge number of styles very slow 2013-07-28
67467 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE TABLE: Crash when renaming table in autoFormat dialog 2013-07-29
67334 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FORMATTING: numbering of pages is not working on last LO 4.1 ! 2013-07-30
67580 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Bug when saving with password 2013-08-01
50139 LibreOff Writer timar74 CLOS FIXE UI: Cross-references -> index tab "selection" -> "illustration" field contents is cut at left 2013-08-01
67552 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE PRINTING: Problem printing documents containing tables 2013-08-02
67643 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Font size doesn't keep on comment. 2013-08-02
67705 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Can't open doc file 2013-08-03
61429 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE LibreOffice doesn't remember the setting "Hierarchy" of the Styles and Formatting dialog 2013-08-04
67366 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL XContextMenuInterceptor does not work anymore 2013-08-05
64989 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILE SAVE: A newline /paragraph is added after pictures (anchored as character) and fields, when saved as .doc 2013-08-05
67765 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Other: Can't Save New Autocorrect Entries 2013-08-06
67677 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PDF: Export PDF crashes Writer 2013-08-06
58286 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE HTML export: some tags like <A> not closed around frames/drawing objects 2013-08-06
46400 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO DUPL : Wrong generated HTML: Hyperlink on image contaminates the following text 2013-08-06
67498 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Formatting RTF 2013-08-07
39510 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen CLOS FIXE CRASH closing document with footnotes 2013-08-07
67817 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE Certain action in Writer AutoText crashes LibreOffice 2013-08-08
58040 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Writer hangs when opening large files. 2013-08-14
66071 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE When Undo is used too often, no prompt to save document on close 2013-08-14
55814 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE Condition for hidden section replaced by "0" 2013-08-15
46896 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO DUPL File crashes when exporting to PDF. 2013-08-15
67375 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK blinking/flashing of document with sidebar activated 2013-08-15
55315 LibreOff Writer quikee RESO FIXE EDITING: Program crashes at autocompletion 2013-08-18
58793 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: Crash when trying to open attachment fdo#58277 2013-08-18
66827 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE Can't select other fill than color in Writer --> Drawing functions 2013-08-19
61952 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FORMATTING: crash when switching between left and right page 2013-08-19
57938 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE First character before ranged comment cannot be edited or removed 2013-08-22
68076 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE [FILEOPEN] RTF-filter: An incorrect change of the codepage from Russian (CP-1251) to Latin 2013-08-23
68430 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL broken automatic *bold* and _underline_ autocorrection 2013-08-24
67750 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: Index in Writer sometimes crashes Libre Office 2013-08-29
67223 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL UI: problem changing font with drop down from Formatting toolbar, if target area is not already all one font: selection in dropdown jumps up when using the mouse 2013-08-29
64856 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA UI: Navigation toolbar does not stick 2013-08-30
38242 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE format ordinal number suffix not auto-correcting 2013-08-30
68713 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Broken SVG cropping in LibreLogo 2013-08-30
41013 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Incorrect pagination when document initially loaded 2013-08-30
66215 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE EDITING: unable to select a text to change its properties (bold, italic ...) when picture defined as background 2013-09-01
66165 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: WW8 export: spurious blank lines added below hyperlinks 2013-09-02
67093 LibreOff Writer timar74 RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Heading style replaced by Title style with FR (and other) UI 2013-09-02
67412 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING Regression Bullet Points Not Displaying Correctly in MacOSX 2013-09-04
67113 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE UI: the AutoText icon on the Insert toolbar has no more arrow to choose AutoText 2013-09-06
68893 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL VIEWING: EPS embedded images not shown 2013-09-06
69121 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL VIEWING: Lose Toolbar switching to Fullscreen and back 2013-09-09
68607 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: 8 page word document only displays page one 2013-09-10
60210 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK crash at start up 2013-09-11
69089 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: Crash when opening specific .odt document (with hidden text?) 2013-09-14
68319 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Chinese Conversion Crashes 2013-09-16
60578 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO WONT sw_subsequent_ww8export crashes on s390(x)/mips 2013-09-17
64699 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO DUPL UI: Autocorrect Replace with format is broken. Items are always "Only text". 2013-09-19
62044 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE Copy Paste from Impress break Writer's Heading Styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc) 2013-09-22
44838 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Position, size, word wrap wrong for WRITER OLE Object in CALC 2013-09-23
60871 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK UI: Default view for Stylist 2013-09-24
69804 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK VIEWING: The attached file is not rendering correctly 2013-09-30
69862 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE EDITING "Select All" crashes Writer when the document contains a footnote and starts with a table 2013-10-01
69979 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE EDITING "Select All" crashes Writer when the document contains a header or footer and starts with a table 2013-10-02
68699 LibreOff Writer nagy.akos RESO FIXE EDITING: Hypenation doesn't work. (Romanian language) 2013-10-03
70067 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: .doc file which opens fine in LibO 3.6.x throws recovery dialog in 4.0.x and 4.1.x 2013-10-04
69491 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Bold delimiter * continues formatting 2013-10-04
62536 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Closing autoformat for bold/underline character doesn't end autoformatting 2013-10-04
63519 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: Commented sentences are considered as read-only elements when copied if a comment was associated, can't be deleted 2013-10-07
69220 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE crash on open .doc file 2013-10-07
67799 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE MAILMERGE: Pre-Defined Labels Contain No Format Info in LO 2013-10-07
69007 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Shadow for characters is black on Mac OS X 2013-10-08
68291 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE EDITING:[Regression] Page Break is Inserted Unintentionally 2013-10-09
70201 LibreOff Writer arnaud.versini RESO FIXE CRASH during undoing of replace all operation 2013-10-09
60910 LibreOff Writer luke VERI FIXE FILESAVE loses Fontwork/shape objects 2013-10-10
60513 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE EDITING: Text selection in the entire table is undone when some format is applied 2013-10-10
68192 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE Writer incorrectly displays non-numbered list dot. 2013-10-11
70312 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE: Writer document made in get 11mb larger after save in 2013-10-13
70143 LibreOff Writer arnaud.versini RESO FIXE EDITING: undo search&replace corrupt text when searching backward 2013-10-17
67796 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE setting language via status bar messes up table selection 2013-10-18
60990 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILESAVE as .docx (MSO2007): paragraph background pictures lost when reopen 2013-10-19
70221 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF: a PNG picture is shown twice 2013-10-21
69310 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Hindi/Devanagari Fonts incorrect rendering while editing (CDAC, Nithyananda, Gurumaa, sadhguru, etc. hindi fonts) 2013-10-31
70358 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Crash when deleting tables 2013-11-02
47802 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Runtime Error 2013-11-06
64755 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Images aren't shown when preview in web browser 2013-11-13
63603 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: .doc style named "Default" confused with default style 2013-11-13
49342 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH EDITING TABLE when merge cells in .sxw 2013-11-13
56549 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH in menu 'Format → Autocorrect → Apply and Edit Changes' 2013-11-13
50481 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Writer FILEOPEN: recorded changes in DOC file shown incorrectly, whole document shown as changed 2013-11-13
60732 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: Writer loops and/or crashes with max. 64k characters in paragraph 2013-11-13
49403 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE RTF: layout of RTF document broken, regression from LibO 3.4 2013-11-13
57939 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN kerning is always disabled in imported ODT document 2013-11-13
52182 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE cannot put cursor into frames with Wrap "In Background" 2013-11-13
37886 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN TABLES RTF cell content is shifted upward into other cells with table cells being deleted 2013-11-15
38786 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE Writer FILEOPEN: When open RTF file, tags \nofpages \chpgn ignored and rejected: treated as step children 2013-11-15
50231 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO DUPL FILEOPEN RTF: TABLE VIEWING destroyed 2013-11-15
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.


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