Fri Feb 7 2025 13:58:25 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
2110 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE Mesa build problem in 6.8.2rc1 2005-06-03
591 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO FIXE bad video timing? Sony PCG-C1VN Vaio Picturebook notebook 2005-06-03
2627 xorg Driver/N eich RESO FIXE Neomagic 256AV (NM2200) rendering artifacts from XAA solid fills 2005-07-05
1306 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE [ATI/radeon] segfault 2005-07-27
4365 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO NOTA regressions for Ati 9200 M9 2005-09-08
2556 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Locks up with switching to terminal and back 2005-09-25
4459 xorg Driver/n aritger RESO NOTA display corruption (screen artifacts) 2005-10-05
4861 xorg App/xter xorg-team RESO NOTA XTerm VT100.translations is non-functional inside app-defaults 2005-10-25
5052 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE xkbdata does not include the fr-latin9 keyboard map 2006-02-22
7343 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL Ungrab/DISABLEGRAB and ClearGrab/CLOSECLIENT don't work 2006-07-04
7595 xorg Driver/R michel RESO FIXE Radeon 9250 DRI stops working with ATI driver 2006-08-26
7097 xorg Server/G daniel RESO FIXE Zoom Hotkeys Are Nonfunctional With Xorg-7.1 2006-08-31
7154 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Using MergedFB freezes system reproducable 2006-09-28
4847 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE hangs with DRI and r300 2006-11-19
9012 xorg Driver/i alanh RESO FIXE Missing mouse cursor after suspend/resume cycle. 2006-11-20
5876 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE big xvideo issues with ATI Radeon RV100 family (Mobility M6 LY, ...) 2007-02-22
6543 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE No Sync on Dell Remote Access Console (DRAC4P) VGA port 2007-02-22
3464 xorg App/xorg ajax RESO WONT 6.8.2/xorgconfig generates bad xorg.conf with SGI-1600SW-FP/#9 Rev.4 T2R4-FP monitor/card combo. 2007-03-07
10296 xorg Protocol xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] Backward time adjustment or timestamp rewind may cause server lockup 2007-03-28
5665 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE All ACPI events interpreted as input, breaking DPMS / input timeouts 2007-04-08
11144 pixman pixman soren.sandmann RESO FIXE Pixman library is causing segfault on Xephyr when the cursor apparency changes 2007-06-05
11312 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL gstreamer's goom plugin causes an xserver crash (doesn't crash in xserver 1.2.0) 2007-06-20
5832 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO FIXE 6.9.0 regression: r128 on laptop now ignores modeline settings for external display, and picks LCD settings 2007-07-19
9892 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE git snapshot of radeon driver crashes 2007-08-05
5990 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Radeon driver problems when using external LCD panel on Dell Inspiron 6000 2007-08-31
12424 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati VERI FIXE [Regression] Randr 1.2 version of radeon driver disables backlight support 2007-09-15
12784 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO DUPL radeon driver misdetects lvds dpi resulting in huge font size 2007-10-11
12245 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE system freeze with hufo_tunnel and moving mouse 2007-11-08
11527 xorg Driver/i jbarnes VERI FIXE [945GM] backlight brightness problems 2007-11-12
1424 xorg Driver/R mat CLOS WONT Font rendering glitches w/ acceleration 2007-11-22
13324 Mesa Drivers/ mesa-dev RESO FIXE Alpha channel bug: transparent parts are opaque 2007-11-28
12370 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE Black Screen on Radeon 7500 Mobile 2007-12-11
10912 xorg Driver/i eric RESO WONT [intel] Composite + XAA + Xv incompatible 2008-01-03
11109 xorg Server/E reveman RESO FIXE White Textures on some KDE items using compiz-git 2008-01-11
13969 xorg Driver/i eric RESO WONT intel/i810 drivers don't support multiple screens 2008-01-13
14070 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO DUPL [Regression] r300 freeze after resume 2008-01-14
14256 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE AlwaysCore/SendCoreEvents broken 2008-01-28
14325 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE no video after upgrading from feisty to gutsy version of ATI driver 2008-02-02
14437 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE [855GM] regression: screen flickering in green 2008-02-19
14584 xorg Server/G daniel RESO FIXE Keyboard VT switch not working 2008-03-04
15064 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO DUPL [i915GM Brightness] [regression] gdm and opengl apps reset brightness to xbacklight value 2008-03-25
14940 Mesa Drivers/ mesa-dev RESO FIXE Mesa/i965 corruption with Mesa 7.0.3-rc2 2008-04-07
14336 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE M6 LY and problems with resolution on external (2nd) monitor 2008-04-10
15563 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE [945GM] SDL rendering glitches on intel 2008-04-28
14840 DRI General dri-devel RESO FIXE radeon 60 wakeups after resume 2008-05-14
15611 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE bad commit: abstract surface setup into a separate function 2008-05-15
15933 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE Box freezing during X startup (intel Q965) 2008-05-19
16098 xorg Driver/i gordon.jin RESO INVA [GM965 2.3.1] Crash on laptop lid close 2008-05-28
15622 xorg Driver/i hong.liu RESO FIXE [2.2.X] mplayer crash X 2008-06-04
15101 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [855GM] intel 2.2.1 lock up at startup with external display connected 2008-06-16
15608 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE [965GM] Font corruption when switching back from VT to X 2008-06-18
16233 xorg Driver/n nouveau RESO FIXE [Randr12] Server crash when detecting DVI output change 2008-06-29
16871 xorg Driver/i VERI FIXE [GM45] startX sometimes crash with a lot of errors "underrun on pipe A(or B)!" 2008-08-08
13994 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati VERI FIXE [M6 LY] System lockup when switching VT's 2008-08-08
16575 hal libhal zeuthen RESO FIXE hal ignores fdi files containing uint64 merges 2008-08-11
17050 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [945GM/Mac] DSPARB split regression: screen flickers massivly when starting gnome apps 2008-08-20
17446 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [GEM] regression in DRM module breaks xserver 2008-09-12
17531 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [GM965 GEM] latest libdrm +2d changes break 2d driver 2008-09-16
17465 xorg Driver/r lverhaegen RESO FIXE Configured external monitor causes sig11 when not connected 2008-09-17
17486 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [GEM EXA]regression compiz-fusion 0.7.x broken on GM965 2008-09-17
17748 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO NOTA Black screen after "switch cursors over to generic allocator" commit (4dff54a3...) 2008-09-24
17747 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE Black screen on VGA output after "PLL adjustments" commit (92ee21df...) 2008-09-24
17670 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO DUPL [845G] X can't start with error "DRIUnlock called when not locked" 2008-09-25
17937 xorg Driver/i gordon.jin RESO DUPL [regression] screen flickers while loading X, running xrandr or playing a video (i915) 2008-10-07
18024 DRI General dri-devel RESO NOTA R300 crash (fix included) 2008-10-13
18700 xorg Input/ot xorg-team RESO FIXE AllowEmptyInput keyword in xorg.conf triggers xserver crash on current git 2008-11-25
18734 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE Radeon XPRESS 200M (RC410) - xorg crash when enabling compiz (regression) 2008-11-28
10805 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE regression: radeon Mobility U1 secondary output blank with 1:7.2-0ubuntu11 (worked in 7.0.0-0ubuntu45) 2008-12-02
17684 hal hald zeuthen RESO FIXE HAL fails to mount NTFS in user mode 2008-12-12
18496 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [GM965] Second Display often remains blank after S3 resume with underrun error 2008-12-21
19121 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE [i965]Text insanity with xf86-video-intel git/ with non-GEM kernel 2008-12-31
18824 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Regression in swfdec prevented me to make a nice Windsor tie 2009-01-01
8459 xorg Server/G aplattner RESO FIXE wfb merge broke xserver 2009-01-02
19539 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL xf86-video-savage (and possibly other non xrandr 1.2 drivers) broken with latest xserver git 2009-01-13
19104 xorg Driver/S thomas RESO DUPL 'sis' driver snows with SiS M760 video card, often used in notebooks 2009-01-24
19669 poppler qt4 fron poppler-bugs RESO FIXE okular/poppler crash in Poppler::convertAnnotColor when opening large PDF (Qt book) 2009-01-28
19776 xorg Server/G daniel RESO FIXE Alt/Meta actions broken after last batch of xkb updates 2009-01-28
17490 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [GEM] Virtual Desktop size more restrictive compared to TTM on GM965 2009-01-30
14481 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [945G] regression: VT switch broken with vesafb 2009-02-02
19815 xorg Driver/i RESO NOTA [845] Xorg server doesn't start up right 2009-02-04
18136 xorg Driver/i RESO INVA [945GM SDVO] External DVI output not detected on laptop with 2.4 driver 2009-02-05
20017 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO NOTA RGBPath removal removed support for customized colors 2009-02-11
20417 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [GM965] DRI broken by commit "Implement front buffer resize for KMS" on 2.6 branch 2009-03-02
20527 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [G965 non-GEM] systray in KDE 4 completely broken 2009-03-10
20594 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE breaks native 1680x1050 mode on TMDS -- EDID miss 2009-03-12
20230 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE [852GM] LVDS not detected, with 2.6.99 git 2009-03-19
18358 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE [852GM] underruns with VBT derived mode 2009-03-19
20826 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE LVDS wrongly detected as disconnected 2009-03-30
20000 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE DontVtSwitch is ignored in xorg.conf 2009-04-22
21077 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [945GME] Switching from VT->X no longer flicker free with KMS 2009-05-04
14423 xorg Driver/i michael.fu RESO FIXE [945GM] restricted gl in dualhead after VT switch 2009-05-08
21556 xorg Driver/i cworth VERI FIXE [945] X11 performance degrade on xf86-video-intel master branch,compared with 2.7 branch 2009-05-08
21668 Mesa Drivers/ eric VERI FIXE [i915]fail to enable dri due to "undefined symbol: intel_generate_mipmap" 2009-05-12
19824 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [GM45 EXA] 2.6.1 regression: sigsev with dualhead configuration "Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer" 2009-05-15
2772 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE XVideo fails with HD video; error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) 2009-05-20
9057 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE xf86-video-ati: DynamicClocks make glitches in latest ATi/Radeon git module driver 2009-05-20
11427 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WORK Restarting Xserver after resuming from suspend2disk breaks ctrl+alt+f(1-6). 2009-05-24
18138 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [855GM] rendering errors with render-based apps with 2009-05-27
20929 xorg Driver/i eric RESO NOTO [GM45] UXA hard-locks computer during long idle periods 2009-05-29
14608 xorg App/xter xorg-team RESO FIXE xterm -t no longer works under SuSE 10.3 2009-06-03
19784 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [855GM] dither bit no longer set correctly 2009-06-03
22038 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [GM965 GEM KMS] ec2fde7c8250fdc30984f16c8a1d3587d70b0144 regresses 2009-06-05
22111 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO DUPL [i965] Text corruption in some applications after several hours on Dell 1420 (regression since 2.7.1) 2009-06-08
19281 xorg Server/G RESO NOTA 2.4.3: No mode found for Hitachi CM753U monitor 2009-06-13
22335 xorg Driver/i gordon.jin RESO DUPL X crashes on kde 4 logout 2009-06-18
21745 xorg * Other RESO NOTA 915GM/GMS/910GML: Starting with no xorg.conf, a monitor (cable) plugged in LVDS screen too small with black lines left and right 2009-06-23
20520 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [945GM] display freezes a few minutes after resuming 2009-06-24
22383 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE X server stuck in infinite loop on laptop lid close 2009-06-24
22396 Mesa Drivers/ eric VERI FIXE [KMS i915] ut2004-demo crash the system 2009-06-26
22437 pixman pixman soren.sandmann RESO FIXE Compiz shadows invisible since pixman commit b24fc024fabed9406958611edc607f2af51e46cd 2009-06-28
22288 xorg Server/G idr VERI FIXE [bisected OGLC] oglc cases blendfunc.c/blend-constcolor.c regression 2009-06-28
22466 xorg Driver/i RESO NOTO [945GM] EDID information of monitor on VGA not detected 2009-06-30
22529 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [855GM] can't bring up LVDS in latest git 2009-06-30
22428 Mesa Drivers/ eric VERI FIXE [bisected 945GME]mesa xdemo/glxcontexts run aborted with error: Assertion `!obj->Pointer' 2009-06-30
22073 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE Playing video closes my X session in 2009-07-02
22366 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [915] Freeze one minute after resuming from hibernation with KMS and UXA 2009-07-02
20324 Mesa Drivers/ eric VERI FIXE [i915]glean case/maskedClear segfault 2009-07-02
12544 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE radeon 9200/9250 crashes withing minutes - wrong AGPMode 2009-07-09
21719 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE resuming with external monitor fails 2009-07-12
22103 xorg Driver/i nanhai.zou VERI NOTA [945GM XvMC/MC] mplayer cannot play with -vo xvmc after xvmc-vld merged 2009-07-12
22760 xorg Driver/i keithp RESO FIXE [UXA G33] crashes upon X initialization 2009-07-15
22715 xorg Input/sy peter.hutterer RESO NOTA Synaptics configuration file "11-x11-synaptics.fdi" does not get loaded 2009-07-19
22831 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE 2.8rc regression on GM45: glxgears: black window with "failed to acquire vblank counter, -22" in dmesg 2009-07-22
22842 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO INVA KDE4 desktop compositing is broken in newest git 2009-07-23
22978 xorg Driver/i gordon.jin RESO DUPL [i855] No Xv support for 82852/855GM "no adaptors could be initialized" (KMS) 2009-07-27
23044 xorg Driver/n aplattner RESO DUPL please add support for GeForce 9400M G (0x10de0866) 2009-07-31
19856 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE xvideo: broken bilinear filter for the red color component 2009-08-05
23083 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO WORK [G43] GtkPerf performance measurements 15% slower with 2.8.0 than 2.6.x (regression) 2009-08-06
21774 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE blender menus all black (or white) 2009-08-10
18424 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE Screen not repainiting with EXA 2009-08-10
22587 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE 2.8rc regression: some 3D not drawn, with [drm:i915_gem_execbuffer] *ERROR* Object f4e6a340 appears more than once in object list 2009-08-10
23224 pixman pixman soren.sandmann RESO FIXE Commit 6d1dfc3945917b507d40f1f3c1b1cf07858d18dd breaks compiz shadows 2009-08-10
22980 xorg Driver/i eric RESO INVA [i845] karmic fails to initialise display on boot. (2.6.31-2 -> -3 regression) 2009-08-11
22702 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [965GM] GL fullscreen apps just show black screen 2009-08-12
9275 Mesa GLX mesa-dev RESO FIXE DRI disabled after server reset with AIGLX 2009-08-24
10265 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE span render functions segfault 2009-08-24
13981 Mesa Drivers/ eric VERI FIXE [i915 TTM] running glxgears on nude X gets abort with "intel_bufmgr_ttm.c:667: Error -16 waiting for fence fence buffers" 2009-08-24
17170 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [PATCH] intel: intel_miptree_depth_offsets() returns byte offsets 2009-08-24
19139 Mesa Drivers/ eric VERI FIXE [965 OGLC] Scissor testing does not work correctly 2009-08-24
22609 Mesa Drivers/ eric RESO INVA [wine] Broken Sword 3 hangs upon starting or loading a game 2009-08-24
23398 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO DUPL [i945] X flickers wildly whenever anything on-screen updates 2009-08-24
23266 xkeyboar General xkb RESO DUPL The fix for #19500 broke lvl3 switch in GTK applications 2009-08-26
23220 Mesa Drivers/ eric RESO DUPL [G45] Texture tiling broke Warzone 2100 2009-08-29
19715 xorg Driver/i VERI FIXE LVDS screen becomes black when running Openarena/UT2004 2009-09-07
23566 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [i965] Uses 100% CPU with latest mesa/libdrm update 2009-09-09
22877 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [855GM regression] batch_start_atomic horribly breaks performance after a while 2009-09-11
23418 xorg Driver/i idr RESO FIXE [GM45] 3D apps w/ Wine cause X Crash in driDestroyContext() 2009-09-17
23958 Mesa Drivers/ idr RESO FIXE [i965] Some buttons not showing up in blender 2009-09-24
24200 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE xserver 1.6.4 crash with radeon driver 2009-10-01
23699 xorg Driver/i eric RESO DUPL Karmic Intel GPU hang on a Dell Mini 10v 2009-10-04
22981 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO INVA [i855] Monitor turns off on incorrect events [regression] 2009-10-05
24346 DRI DRM/Rade dri-devel RESO NOTA X works without DRM but gets into endless loop waiting on CP (RS300) to become idle 2009-10-06
24185 Mesa Drivers/ brianp RESO FIXE [G45] Blender: crash in brw_prepare_vertices after "Render this window" 2009-10-07
24399 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO DUPL [R250] artifacts with kwin-compositing after upgrade to mesa 7.6 2009-10-09
22982 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [i830 KMS] xorg hang on 2.8.0 [regression] 2009-10-09
24429 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO DUPL xf86-video-intel 2.9.0 fails to detect DVI monitor on Mac Mini 2009-10-09
24373 Mesa Drivers/ eric RESO INVA amd64, Mesa 7.6, intel-2.9.0, xorg-server 1.7: unable to start several 3d games. 2009-10-10
19363 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE Font corruption regression on RV250 with 6.9.0 2009-10-11
24522 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO DUPL [Q35] No output on the DVI monitor with 2.9.0 2009-10-18
24459 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE Intel Driver > 2.8: Cairo rendering bug, triggered in QtCurve GTK engine 2009-10-26
24035 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO NOTO [i965GM] Corrupted dualhead configuration after waking up from suspend 2009-10-28
24711 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE BadValue SIGTRAP g_logv [gtk+/glib/pango<->Xorg] crashes 2009-10-29
20261 Mesa Drivers/ eric VERI FIXE glean case readpixPerf run slow 2009-11-01
24282 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE Regression: intel driver 2.9.0 fails on G33 with external DVI connector card while 2.8.1 has worked fine 2009-11-08
24458 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE TMDS no longer detected as connected due to commit #02fe9be6 2009-11-08
24916 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [Q45] 1600x1200 not available HDMI->DVI (broken in 2.9.0 but worked with 2.6.3) 2009-11-09
24981 Mesa Drivers/ eric RESO FIXE commit 'i965: Fix BRW_WM_MAX_INSN to reflect current limits.' causes performance regressions 2009-11-10
24131 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE radeon_bo_legacy.c:207: legacy_is_pending: Assertion `bo_legacy->is_pending <= bo->cref' failed 2009-11-18
25102 xorg Server/G peter.hutterer RESO FIXE dmx "auto" change causes build error 2009-11-26
25148 xorg Driver/n nouveau RESO INVA random crashes on NV4B, PGRAPH_ERROR 2009-11-29
23290 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE Resume broken with new ATI stack 2009-12-01
24537 xorg Driver/i chris RESO NOTO -intel pegs CPU, desktop performance suffers after upgrade to 2.9.0 2009-12-01
18426 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE xrandr --orientation broken with EXA/UXA 2009-12-02
25030 Mesa Drivers/ brianp RESO FIXE [bisected] blender menus not displayed at all 2009-12-03
25414 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO DUPL [i915 KMS] extreme rendering lag 2009-12-05
25409 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [bisected] rendering corruption since a938673e 2009-12-06
23384 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE [R300] Vertical purple line displayed on screen 2009-12-07
25481 xorg Driver/i cworth VERI FIXE Wrong cursor format and cursor blink rate with compiz enabled 2009-12-07
24089 Mesa Drivers/ eric RESO INVA Mesa 7.6 branch makes some items (incorrectly) transparent 2010-01-06
26169 fontconf conf keithp RESO NOTA no ./configure file 2010-01-25
26166 fontconf conf keithp RESO NOTA no "./configure" file 2010-01-28
9578 Mesa Mesa cor brian.paul RESO FIXE moebius ribbon broken as of commit 8dcfcad7a2598ba835930aac8f3fd6576e464c1c 2010-01-29
24956 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE 2.6.31-rc3: LVDS gets re-enabled after resume 2010-02-06
25911 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE 2.10.0 causes kernel oops and system hangs 2010-02-09
24487 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL X segfaults on KVM switch 2010-02-12
25855 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Screensaver not disabled because of a XResetScreenSaver() regression 2010-02-12
25907 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE X window freezed when launch qtdemo after upgrading to xf86-video-intel-2.10.0 2010-02-17
25475 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [i915] Xorg crash / Execbuf while wedged 2010-02-19
19070 xorg Driver/S thomas RESO FIXE Problems with colors in the SiS driver 2010-03-19
27278 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO DUPL [RV515] external screen display shows "shivering", horizontal refresh offset on LENOVO T60 unless KMS disabled 2010-03-23
21611 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO WONT radeon driver should fall back to XAA when DRI is non-functional as EXA requires DRI 2010-03-26
13677 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA Fedora 8 / Xorg 7.3 - VT switch yields all-white screen on ATI Mobility 7500 2010-03-26
27678 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO DUPL [RV730] GPU soft reset infinite loop scrolling in firefox with compiz 2010-04-16
24471 Mesa Drivers/ idr RESO WORK Rendering Artefacts in Nexuiz 2010-04-18
23192 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE racy access to dpy->synchandler in libX11 >= 2010-04-21
27851 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Major slowdowns in Heroes of Newerth with r300g driver. 2010-04-27
23923 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [945GM] X freezes some hours after suspend-to-RAM 2010-05-03
24986 xorg Server/G peter.hutterer RESO FIXE X server crashes with Xinerama and "LeftOf" option 2010-05-13
27996 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g] Sins of a Solar Empire crash when entering menu 2010-05-14
28139 Mesa Drivers/ eric VERI FIXE [i915] top bar is covered if compiz eanbled (on Mesa master branch) 2010-05-18
28210 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected r300g] Heroes of Newerth crash 2010-05-23
28259 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected r300g] Freeorion crash at startup 2010-05-26
27380 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO FIXE X segfault in miCopyRegion 2010-05-26
26543 xorg Input/sy peter.hutterer RESO FIXE Mouse trapped on first screen using Xinerama - Regression from synaptics-fix-xinerama.patch 2010-06-14
16257 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [GM965 EXA] Frame-buffer compression broken for CPU writes (XPutImage) 2010-06-22
29054 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO DUPL [q35] compiz causes SDL surfaces to stop animating 2010-07-14
24970 xorg Driver/i jbarnes RESO FIXE [855GM] Lid close with intel 82852/855GM provokes black screen, loss of control and overheat 2010-07-15
29075 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [i965gm] Screen corruption in KDE windows 2010-07-16
24455 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [852GM] Intel drivers 2.8.0 and 2.9.0 have tiling corruption in xorg server 1.6.3 2010-07-17
29545 Mesa Mesa cor cworth VERI FIXE [bisected glsl2]piglit glslparsertest_preprocess1.frag fails 2010-08-18
29822 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE [glsl bisected] Unigine Sanctuary v2.2: no shadows (allocation of uniforms failed) 2010-08-31
30016 Mesa Drivers/ maraeo RESO FIXE [r300g bisected] glxgears (and many others) crash 2010-09-04
30108 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE [bisected] unable to load driver:, undefined symbol: _glapi_logging_available 2010-09-10
20357 xorg Server/I daniel RESO FIXE vmware workstation 6.5.1 crashes, caused by xkb changes 2010-09-20
30337 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g bisected] Starcraft 2: circles around units are corrupted 2010-09-25
9106 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO FIXE Bug in drive vesa e option "ShadowFB" in trident 9440 2010-10-19
23661 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA [RV380] Xorg randomly freezes (100% CPU) 2010-10-19
27151 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE [XAA] garbled screen with compiz but no KMS on ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 2010-10-19
27478 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE Radeon dac bug, display too bright when using DVI-VGA adapter 2010-10-19
30623 Mesa Mesa cor idr RESO FIXE Conquest crash (Assertion `lhs_components == this->rhs->type->vector_elements' failed.) 2010-10-26
25352 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO WORK [R300] [KMS] Mouse becomes invisible after mode switch 2010-10-27
25350 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO WORK [R300] [KMS] Monitor reports "out of range" when switching resolution to 1024x768 @ 60Hz 2010-10-27
30604 LibreOff Libreoff CLOS FIXE full stop of LibO after pasting table with hyperlink as RTF and clicking in pasted table 2010-11-01
6845 xorg Driver/n aplattner RESO INVA Regression from 6.8.2 when only TV output is in use [PATCH] 2010-11-15
32040 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected, r300g] Heroes of Newerth assert on startup 2010-12-02
21281 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO INVA Mesa 7.4.1 dont produce .so 's, missing *.dylib 2010-12-02
32314 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Writer - OLE-Table with automatic linebreak 2010-12-11
32236 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm VERI FIXE Copy / Paste (as GDI or LibO object) causes crippled view 2010-12-24
10471 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WONT Video card shuts down after a random period playing WoW 2010-12-24
32634 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Massive corruption in Unigine Sanctuary 2011-01-06
30156 Mesa Drivers/ eric RESO FIXE [Wine] After updating to mesa 7.9 dev, Civilization IV starts to show garbage 2011-01-07
32912 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected, r300g] Unigine Sanctuary: r300_emit.c:902:r300_emit_vertex_arrays: Assertion `&buf->b.b' failed with RADEON_HYPERZ=1 2011-01-08
32966 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL report: properties of data controls don't show 2011-01-11
31240 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE SQL queries involving a join make incorrect results. 2011-01-12
31418 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE "Export as PDF" turns Hebrew to gibberish. 2011-01-13
32790 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm CLOS FIXE "Mail Merge > Send via mail" uses mailaddress from first record for all records 2011-01-15
32960 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Query composer does not alias derived tables; breaks MySQL, PostgreSQL 2011-01-20
32250 LibreOff Installa fridrich.strba CLOS FIXE RC1 : Windows installer (multi) wants suffficiently free space 2011-01-22
22072 xorg Driver/i eric CLOS FIXE Compiz no longer loads with 2011-01-25
31830 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected] broken shadows in Unigine Sanctuary and Lightsmark 2011-02-05
33219 Mesa glsl-com idr VERI FIXE [GLSL bisected] implicit sized array triggers segfault in ir_to_mesa_visitor::copy_propagate 2011-02-11
34030 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected] Starcraft 2: some effects are corrupted or too big 2011-02-11
33197 Mesa glsl-com eric VERI FIXE [GLSL bisected] post increment (f++) on varying variable fails 2011-02-15
34332 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] HoN: corruption with tiling and CS ioctl thread offloading 2011-02-16
34822 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Unigine Sanctuary: texture corruption with RGTC format 2011-02-28
27529 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE [rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200 2011-03-07
24414 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WORK [Regression] Memory error; stellarium and googleearth crash with mesa 7.6 on Radeon Mobility 7500 1002:4c57 2011-03-07
30238 Mesa Drivers/ kenneth VERI FIXE [glsl2] 3DMarkMobileES2.0 can't run with segment fault 2011-03-07
31391 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [RADEON:R600C] heroes of newerth crashes with cs parser error 2011-03-08
30157 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [GM45 wine] Strong lines in some parts of Shareaza and SQLYog 2011-03-15
33586 accounts general sameerthehun RESO INVA tgfhfghfghfh 2011-03-17
33584 accounts general mclasen RESO INVA Policy Number is Not displayed correctly 2011-03-17
34018 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [i965gm] *Recovered* GPU lockup if vesafb is left loaded (EIR: 0x00000010 PGTBL_ER: 0x00000100) - *ERROR* EIR stuck: 0x00000010, masking 2011-03-18
34584 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [i945gm] Screen Corruption with new Xorg stack with terminal programs (bisected) 2011-03-22
34307 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [i945gme] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x00007272) 2011-03-22
35533 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE [PATCH] lk: errors introduced by nbsp layout variant zwnj2nb3s 2011-03-23
35519 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO DUPL drawing of drop down boxes produces artifacts temporarily 2011-03-24
35780 cairo general cworth RESO NOTA cairo_pattern_create_radial(rx,ry,r,rx,ry,r) not working 2011-03-30
32949 Mesa Drivers/ kenneth RESO FIXE [glsl wine] Need for Speed renders incorrectly with GLSL enabled 2011-04-02
36000 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [i915gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x54000004) 2011-04-05
36088 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Oilrush: menu and UI are corrupted and flickering 2011-04-08
36007 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO DUPL [natty] system freezes on boot without disabling KMS 2011-04-13
36005 upower general richard RESO FIXE Screen flicker approx. every 30 seconds 2011-04-13
36320 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL General error on opening files 2011-04-18
36271 LibreOff UI tlillqvist RESO INVA FILEOPEN impossible, General error, memory could not be read 2011-04-19
36807 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Missing document type names in tools - options, Load / Save 2011-05-03
36903 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL export of tables (.doc) produces corrupted document 2011-05-06
36863 LibreOff Formula michael.meeks RESO FIXE [Math] Crash updating formula 2011-05-07
36673 LibreOff Libreoff bubli RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Date format in LibO 3.4 different from LibO 3.3 2011-05-12
36667 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Calculating in Text Documents: update broken 2011-05-13
36524 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDITING: Delete Index causes crash 2011-05-13
36268 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] minor flickering in Unigine Sanctuary 2011-05-14
36366 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FORMATING Small Capitals: setting for character size only affects Uppercase letters 2011-05-15
36676 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE sourroundig lines in paragraphs are missing 2011-05-17
37211 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE "Ctrl+A" keys don't work in Basic IDE 2011-05-18
37322 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli RESO FIXE Calc crash, while open this .xls file 2011-05-19
36613 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE LO 3.4 Beta 2 - Hover over icons produces the wrong behavior 2011-05-20
37027 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Data Validity function broken 2011-05-26
35399 xorg Server/G aplattner RESO FIXE RandR rotation broken with proprietary nvidia driver 2011-05-30
37170 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Delete key does not work in BASIC IDE 2011-05-31
34198 Mesa glsl-com idr VERI FIXE [GLSL] implicit sized array with index 0 used gets assertion 2011-06-01
38002 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO DUPL cannot transpose cells 2011-06-06
36452 xorg Driver/i chris VERI FIXE [piketon] system hang after S4 resume 2011-06-06
36306 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL LibreOffice 3.4 beta1 crash in Letter Wizard 2011-06-09
36891 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL change of tool bar icon size only takes effect if the style is changed too 2011-06-10
36519 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE For default saving options, ODF format is replaced by the filter names (writer8, calc8, etc.) 2011-06-17
37180 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli CLOS WORK Non Linear Solver plugin missing in beta5 2011-06-18
37110 LibreOff Libreoff robert RESO FIXE Start Centre opens at login if QuickStarter enabled 2011-06-21
21587 Mesa Drivers/ idr VERI FIXE [OGLC] >20 oglconform cases take too long time, compared with 7_4_branch 2011-06-22
15370 xorg Driver/i hong.liu RESO FIXE Resolution off by one (1920x1199) with digital output (DVI, HDMI, SDVO-B), but correct in VGA [GM965/GL960] 2011-06-22
37934 Mesa Drivers/ eric CLOS FIXE Corruption with topogun trace 2011-06-23
36963 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE UI : Cell/Range can not be selected with Name Box 2011-06-29
38666 Mesa Drivers/ idr RESO DUPL [gm45] commit c173541d causes gpu hang 2011-06-30
37377 xorg Driver/i chris RESO INVA Xorg session dies 2011-07-03
38905 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Styles categories non localized 2011-07-08
36816 LibreOff Writer kendy RESO FIXE Document statistics: Paragraph Count doesn't work 2011-07-18
39771 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Missing icon in Styles and Formatting for Draw/Impress 2011-08-02
38382 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Missing Icon in Styles and formatting dialog of IMPRESS 2011-08-02
32899 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE [Mailmerge] Impossible to get a document per record when mail merging in a file 2011-08-04
36688 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Borders for sheet headers and footers don't get printed 2011-08-10
33236 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE PostgreSQL fully qualified table name generated as "schema.table" instead of "schema"."table" 2011-08-12
36615 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE EDITING: Some words are converted to hyperlinks 2011-08-16
38458 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Accelerator for .uno:Repeat is broken 2011-08-18
39058 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Shift up when deleting cell does not work 2011-08-19
33850 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL frame anchored form crashes base 2011-08-20
37403 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDIT: Crash when second edit on DRAW object "arc" 2011-08-23
39192 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Formula involving jump matrix calculate incorrectly 2011-08-24
40345 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE [EDITING] SwAnchoredObject::GetAnchorFrm crash on loading styles from other document 2011-08-25
36926 LibreOff Linguist timar74 CLOS FIXE Missing bundled English dictionary extension dict-en 2011-08-30
37164 LibreOff BASIC nopower RESO FIXE testtool complains Unknown Command for legal script when running bas. 2011-09-21
41061 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL Xrandr probing slow unless HDMI1 disabled 2011-09-22
39916 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE There is no way to rename a defined name range (EDITING) 2011-09-23
39342 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK LibreOffice 3.4.2rc1 throws "cannot find comphelpMSC.dll" on startup 2011-09-25
41241 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL spell check is broken for templates on 3.4.x 2011-09-27
40392 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Application launches in background, does not receive foreground focus 2011-09-28
41367 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] WebGL test runner regression 2011-10-02
41121 DRI DRM/Rade dri-devel RESO FIXE Apple Thunderbolt display is not initialized when plugged into iMac 12,2 (Radeon 6870) 2011-10-06
38052 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Creating footnotes LO 3.4.0 crashes 2011-10-07
10070 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO WONT RGB core line text performance regression 2011-10-10
7873 xorg Driver/N xorg-team RESO INVA version 1.1.1 of the Neomagic driver no longer drives external monitor properly on NM2360 laptop 2011-10-11
21457 xorg Server/I peter.hutterer RESO FIXE evdev-2 doesn't support Griffin Powermate USB knob 2011-10-11
20971 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO WORK openchrome driver lead to hangup 2011-10-11
21617 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO WORK [mach64] (WW) MACH64: Mach64 in slot 4:0:0 could not be detected! 2011-10-11
23383 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO DUPL Corruption on (KMS bug) 2011-10-11
23433 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [GM965] Extreme Tux Racer shows 66% performance regression compared with Hardy 2011-10-11
23660 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO NOTO [RV350] freeze unless XAA used 2011-10-11
36003 DRI DRM/Rade dri-devel RESO FIXE [Radeon HD 5650 and 5470] Driver crash during recovery boot and in normal boot (Regression from 2.6.38-3 to -4) 2011-10-12
11106 xorg Driver/T libv RESO WONT xf86-video-tseng fails to detect Ramdac on ET4000/w32p card 2011-10-16
39059 LibreOff Spreadsh cno RESO FIXE wrong data removed with various sorting, cut'n paste, ... in build from master 2011-10-17
39060 LibreOff Database cno RESO FIXE crash with autotext holding database field 2011-10-17
40224 LibreOff Writer cno CLOS WORK Autocorrect "Correct TWo INitial CApitals" broken 2011-10-17
23387 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE [R300] Screen artifacts on X [KMS] 2011-10-18
41868 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE Removing sheet, breaks formulae 2011-10-18
37584 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE track changes: deleted text lost 2011-10-29
37008 LibreOff Writer thb RESO FIXE Staroffice-Import-filters <= 5.0 unavailable 2011-10-29
37317 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Select comments print position in print dialog and closing crashes writer 2011-10-29
37015 LibreOff Libreoff thb RESO FIXE Scripting other than Basic unavailable 2011-10-29
37356 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice CLOS FIXE Paste Special of copied cells with transposition causes LibreOffice to hang 2011-10-29
37869 LibreOff Formula timar74 RESO FIXE Missing symbols in Math Elements windows 2011-10-29
37013 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILESAVE - Saving in DOC format loses all styles 2011-10-29
36957 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE EDITING: Insert TOC – Edit – Writer crashes 2011-10-29
38623 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH, FILEOPEN - opening MS word processor document causes crash 2011-10-29
37017 LibreOff Presenta rodo RESO FIXE Bullets in presentation not saved 2011-10-29
41022 LibreOff Database serval2412 RESO FIXE Activation Order Crashes Address Database 2011-10-29
38544 LibreOff Spreadsh christoph.spamforme CLOS FIXE UI: No edit of OLE without mouse, Navigator access inconsistent 2011-10-29
39159 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE PRINTING: Switching radio buttons "Selection <-> All" Crashes 2011-10-29
37277 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Formulas in table are inserted into the wrong cell 2011-10-29
38000 LibreOff Libreoff michael.meeks RESO FIXE Document crash with a closing parenthesis on the beginning of a line 2011-10-29
37030 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice RESO DUPL Crash when Copy/Paste as GDI metafile selected cell range from CALC to WRITER 2011-10-29
41807 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE Crash in Row or Column function without parameter, with matrix validation 2011-11-01
40909 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CRASH when updating defined name's range (EDITING) 2011-11-06
37488 LibreOff Writer tlillqvist RESO WORK PRINTING table borders in Writer not printed if there are also images in the document, DRAW object printed crippled 2011-11-09
41096 Mesa Drivers/ kenneth RESO FIXE [sandybridge-m-gt2+] GPU lockup render.IPEHR: 0x7a000002 2011-11-12
35091 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE EDITING: table or view double-click open with preview mode on: opens in the background (loses focus) 2011-11-13
26043 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WONT Graphics corruption in Sauerbraten 2011-11-13
38409 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE regression in hu spellchecking (3-ban, %-kal) 2011-11-14
39600 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN SVG impossible, Error message 2011-11-19
42930 Mesa glsl-com mesa-dev RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] EVE online only shows black screen 2011-11-22
43154 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDTING : Empty string "" equivalent to any number with several functions. 2011-11-22
40447 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE CONFIGURATION: Macro security dialog does not open 2011-11-23
43122 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE piglit: spec/ARB_depth_buffer_float/fbo-depth-GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F-{blit,{read,draw,copy}pixels} 2011-11-23
32347 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE Unable to configure Ado connection parameters [FILEOPEN] 2011-11-28
42762 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN particular document with Math Formula object will CRASH 2011-11-30
40363 LibreOff Chart erack RESO FIXE Chart wizard hangs up if date value out of range 2011-12-01
43384 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE: causes lots of error messages (access denied/ I/O errors) or even impossible 2011-12-01
40902 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN CRASH with trivial lorem ipsum text document 2011-12-01
41888 LibreOff Drawing rodo CLOS FIXE [FORMATTING] Shapes move on opening file 2011-12-01
40899 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: CRASH when 'Insert - Header/Footer - Default 2011-12-01
40615 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK PDF: Most of contents missing, wrong PDF syntax 2011-12-01
40468 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN xls looses y-axis, wrong settings 2011-12-02
41451 Mesa Drivers/ eric RESO FIXE [bisected SNB] Some textures now display badly in Neverwinter Nights 2011-12-02
36555 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE Cannot View Tables of Connected Access Database files 2011-12-06
39950 LibreOff Extensio caolanm VERI FIXE Libreoffice Base crashes when trying to drag and drop or copy/paste controls in report builder. 2011-12-08
43383 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: via Hyperlink from document does not work 2011-12-08
42958 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Correctly import "center across selection" alignment settings. 2011-12-09
43467 LibreOff Chart libreoffice RESO FIXE axis number FORMATTING not taken automatically from cells with calculated value 2011-12-09
43718 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH when FILEOPEN particular document 2011-12-11
41692 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH while EDITING specific document 2011-12-11
39528 LibreOff Drawing timofeev.i.s CLOS FIXE UI: Object pane in Navigator disappears when reduce height 2011-12-12
43713 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO NOTA VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP do not accept TRUE/FALSE as Sort Order 2011-12-13
43831 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Advanced FILTER incompatible with 3.4.4 documents 2011-12-15
42633 Mesa Drivers/ idr RESO FIXE [ilk, wine] FEAR triggers assertion in brw_vs_emit 2011-12-15
39580 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO INVA Resizing a window crashes Xorg server 1.10.3 2011-12-17
37622 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE xls file loses formatting 2011-12-22
36285 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK LibO 3.4 beta1 – No available language modules, spell check is impossible 2011-12-22
43684 LibreOff Presenta thb RESO FIXE SLIDESHOW: Animation 'Start on Click' not respected. 2011-12-22
43837 LibreOff Presenta rodo RESO FIXE SLIDESHOW CRASH on custom animation of particular objects 2011-12-22
39447 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL Writer crashes at closing a document with footnotes in a single paragraph over two pages 2011-12-23
38286 LibreOff Database serval2412 RESO FIXE EDITING: Crash when inserting a constant in a query 2011-12-23
38587 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO DUPL [UI] Spreadsheet with OLE object in current sheet has always status "modified" 2011-12-23
40652 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO DUPL SUM of linked cell range ignores last cell of range if first cell is empty 2011-12-23
42382 LibreOff BASIC nopower RESO WORK Scripting in JavaScript and BeanShell broken 2011-12-23
40466 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Chart objects fail to get imported 2011-12-23
40579 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN Crash opening docx file 2011-12-23
42178 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE CRASH when PRINTING from Page Preview 2011-12-23
40701 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE Base crashes with runtime error when "Find Record" button is clicked with certain documents 2011-12-23
37620 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Data in reports created by Report Wizard do not display all data records in LO 3.4 RC1 2011-12-23
42227 LibreOff Drawing rodo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: rotated objects all in top left slide corner 2011-12-23
36495 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Extension updates which are unavailable online cause crash when checking "show all updates" in Extension Manager 2011-12-23
38561 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard RESO DUPL save without password does not work 2011-12-23
37763 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Define a range name prevents recognition of a label 2011-12-23
37658 LibreOff Spreadsh erack CLOS DUPL text color FORMATING in calc 2011-12-23
37367 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE docx import of hyperlinks is broken 2011-12-23
33904 LibreOff Database thb CLOS WORK Opening Report in ODB causes LibO to enter hang / race condition, requiring forced kill 2011-12-23
41369 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Cell borders not recognized in XLS import 2011-12-23
39485 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Data corruption for matrices 2011-12-23
39465 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Selection border for all different conflicting item texts 2011-12-23
42640 LibreOff Presenta nopower RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Impress shows a picture different from the image stored in the file 2011-12-23
40651 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Cannot remove event from document 2011-12-24
39427 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL CRASH when closing particular document.odt created from .doc 2011-12-25
40297 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL LibO 3.4.3 crashes on startup when extensions offered by default are installed and the OS has Java 7 2011-12-26
43623 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g] EVE online: texture corruption 2011-12-27
44190 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Error in view of file create with LibO 3.3 2011-12-27
44204 LibreOff UI timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE LibO File dialog Title column width too big per default 2011-12-28
40448 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE Unigine Sanctuary: window disappear when changing settings 2011-12-30
38435 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Missing icons in index designer 2012-01-02
42694 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Crash when insert Table Control 2012-01-04
44172 LibreOff BASIC augsod RESO FIXE Basic function VAL produces bad result 2012-01-05
44459 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA grec letter not allowed for Named range as in previous versions 2012-01-06
44544 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA EDITING : When filter applied, auto fill erased hidden cells 2012-01-06
44437 LibreOff Chart libreoffice RESO DUPL FILEOPEN particular .xls shows wrong scale for y-axis 2012-01-07
44518 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: CRASH for any input in Full Screen Mode 2012-01-07
40755 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL UI: Pulldown selector for slide transition partial covered 2012-01-07
44545 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING : When filter applied, auto fill erased hidden cells 2012-01-09
44546 LibreOff Chart libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: Y axis scale auto-detection finds much too big maximum value 2012-01-09
41089 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK FILESAVE: Impossible with password protection 2012-01-10
43532 LibreOff Libreoff sbergman RESO FIXE Renaming and deleting of inserted template categories broken, inserted templates land in wrong category (indexing issue in code) 2012-01-11
44693 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE [r600g,regression] Piglit: Four GL_SELECT tests fail 2012-01-12
37255 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK EDIT: Text in columns not deleted completely 2012-01-17
44831 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE FILEOPEN Excel.xls shows #NAME instead of calculation result or formula 2012-01-20
41863 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: Ellipse drawing shape anchored to cell shown much too small 2012-01-21
41926 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE backlight does go off after screensaver activation and doesnt come back 2012-01-21
36678 LibreOff Linguist caolanm VERI FIXE Missing user-defined dictionaries with a specified language attribute via "Spelling and Grammar" <F7> 2012-01-21
44402 LibreOff Libreoff augsod RESO FIXE key board navigation broken in Tools > Options 2012-01-22
44025 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE SEARCH does not go beyond prefetch window if row count is not final 2012-01-22
44726 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE [regression,r600g] Piglit: glx/glx-shader-sharing fails 2012-01-23
45046 LibreOff UI RESO FIXE New page break indicators flicker and are unusable 2012-01-23
43479 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE LibreOffice Base crashes when connected to Spreadsheet when "SELECT DISTINCT" used 2012-01-23
40344 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK [regression] graphics / objects in older documents positioned wrong 2012-01-24
43705 LibreOff Drawing timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE UI: Switching landscape <-> portrait leaves ugly fragments in page pane 2012-01-24
41616 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE to sxd produces empty document 2012-01-24
42051 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Regression -- dictionaries do not install 2012-01-26
44604 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH EDITING particular CALC OLE object in WRITER 2012-01-26
40438 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE CRASH in OLE object EDITING 2012-01-27
41733 xorg Driver/i chris RESO INVA [g4x] Screen jitters every so often, especially when laptop under load 2012-01-27
44040 LibreOff Writer timar74 CLOS FIXE VIEWING: Crash when page preview after <f4> (data sources) 2012-01-28
45353 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL charts in Calc no longer update automatically 2012-01-28
41215 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL LibreOffice segfaults when trying to display font selection dialog with RaghuMalayalam or RaghuOriya fonts 2012-01-29
36843 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Address Datasource wizard does nothing / doesn't function 2012-01-29
43695 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA VIEWING for particular picture configuration broken 2012-01-30
45255 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FILEOPEN .doc comments are missing 2012-01-31
45401 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE CRASH when XML filter settings XSLTs test 2012-01-31
45370 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO DUPL EDITING: Calculated cell contents not updated after copy - paste - delete of source values 2012-01-31
42784 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE BorderLine do not work 2012-02-03
39117 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Borders made with macros dont work as expected - FORMATTING 2012-02-03
43462 LibreOff BASIC markus.mohrhard VERI FIXE findAll doesn't work 2012-02-06
38745 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE redlining / undo document breakage / corruption 2012-02-07
45330 LibreOff Writer tomcsikbence RESO DUPL UI: UI glitches in german fileSaveAs dialog (save as Word 97.., as HTML, as OOo 1.0 template) 2012-02-08
38595 LibreOff Spreadsh RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: thin double line cell borders invisible 2012-02-08
45115 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE BorderLine UNO API broken in LibreOffice 3.4 / 3.5 2012-02-08
45045 LibreOff Writer timar74 RESO FIXE No help is linked to the Help button in the Word Count dialog 2012-02-08
40378 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Defined names are improperly saved as lowercase 2012-02-08
40957 LibreOff Spreadsh nopower RESO FIXE Ctrl-Shft-F2 does not put focus in formula bar 2012-02-08
40590 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Formulas stored as defined names "lost" when spreadsheet opens 2012-02-08
32957 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE new report through wizard: cancel => abort/segfault 2012-02-09
37590 LibreOff Database nopower RESO FIXE Radio button in BASE change state in lockstep instead of exclusively 2012-02-09
45453 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE db no bool support => any query with "many" rows fails to open in datasheet 2012-02-10
36109 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Errors not detected for nested #REF! errors 2012-02-10
37602 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE The border of the page header and footer are barely visible on the screen 2012-02-12
43399 LibreOff Writer lionel RESO FIXE Address data source wizard only uses evolution 2012-02-14
41712 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in SwTxtFrm::HideAndShowObjects() 2012-02-14
40113 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Calc Print Preview does not show page background content and formatting 2012-02-14
45992 LibreOff BASIC nopower RESO FIXE embedded image for Dialog not working 2012-02-16
45177 LibreOff Presenta thb RESO FIXE EDITING : CRASH when enter *tralala* in outline view 2012-02-16
38956 LibreOff Spreadsh erack CLOS FIXE FORMATTING: Negative Currency Numbers Don't Show Red and other number format prefixes are lost 2012-02-16
44143 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE formula's that use data from pivot table don't update with the pivot table 2012-02-16
45481 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: undo incomplete for pasted column from text editor 2012-02-16
43921 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE MAILMERGE UI: Display of data sets with NEXT button limited to 10 2012-02-16
20169 xorg Server/I peter.hutterer RESO FIXE Shift states (ctrl,shift,alt) do not work properly with multiple keyboards. 2012-02-19
45432 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE memory errors on cayman with VM support + nexuiz 2012-02-21
45450 LibreOff Spreadsh mst.fdo RESO FIXE Calc ODF export: invalid "style:vertical-justify"/"css3t:text-justify" written in ODF 1.1/1.2 2012-02-24
43862 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE Page FORMATTING: Margin settings information not compatible with 3.4.4 2012-02-24
42570 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL ODF import: Frame Border "double" gone under 3.4.3 2012-02-24
46482 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE insert frame duplicates existing frames anchored at start/end paragraph 2012-02-24
46153 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA EDITING, FORMATTING: SUM() function behave differently than Sum operator 2012-02-26
46616 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Recent Documents feature not working 2012-02-26
46608 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL File>Recent Documents stays empty (regression from 3.4.5) 2012-02-26
43868 LibreOff Libreoff thb CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN document saved with password: correct password not recognized 2012-02-26
46680 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Changing toolbar icon size is not applied to main toolbars 2012-02-27
38313 xorg Server/I peter.hutterer RESO FIXE xorg-server crashes on keyboard BTN events 2012-02-27
46675 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE PostgreSQL: permissions granted via group ignored. 2012-02-29
46340 LibreOff Presenta mst.fdo RESO FIXE crash: saving a resized image 2012-02-29
44816 LibreOff Writer noel.power RESO FIXE : crash editing instance name - xforms 2012-03-01
46628 LibreOff Formula libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FORMULAEDITOR: Formula Editor Broken with some old ~/.libreoffice profiles 2012-03-02
46913 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Alt + Drag and Drop does not move cell formatting 2012-03-05
47033 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE UI [DE] [FR]: Basic Fonts menu items missing, dialog contents wrong 2012-03-07
39694 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE JAVA UNO API: XTextRange.getString returns correct String only after some delay 2012-03-07
42073 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Writer input fields are not populated using the Java UNO API 2012-03-07
46498 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA LibreOffice COM object registry entries are missing 2012-03-07
40792 LibreOff Presenta rodo RESO WORK FILEOPEN: CRASH when open particular .pptx 2012-03-07
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.


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