Fri Feb 7 2025 15:50:05 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
66622 LibreOff graphics 100megabit RESO FIXE PDF export: pictures disappeared 2013-10-09
35320 LibreOff Writer a.alharthi REOP --- Editing : Justified problem in arabic 2015-01-22
83463 Mesa Mesa cor abdiel.janulgue RESO FIXE [swrast] piglit glsl-vs-clamp-1 regression 2016-07-09
108701 Mesa Drivers/ aditya.swarup RESO FIXE [bisected] Failure in Piglit spec.ext_image_dma_buf_import.ext_image_dma_buf_import-intel_external_sampler_with_dma_only 2019-02-03
3464 xorg App/xorg ajax RESO WONT 6.8.2/xorgconfig generates bad xorg.conf with SGI-1600SW-FP/#9 Rev.4 T2R4-FP monitor/card combo. 2007-03-07
88467 Mesa Mesa cor ajax RESO FIXE nir.c:140: error: ‘nir_src’ has no member named ‘ssa’ 2016-07-09
105294 cairo pdf back ajohnson RESO MOVE pdftocairo -pdf inverts image color in this PDF 2018-08-25
9012 xorg Driver/i alanh RESO FIXE Missing mouse cursor after suspend/resume cycle. 2006-11-20
59261 Mesa Mesa cor alexandre.f.demers RESO DUPL xmlpool.h:96:29: fatal error: xmlpool/options.h: No such file or directory 2013-03-05
110922 Mesa Other alexandros.frantzis RESO MOVE [regression][bisected] Android build test fails to include libmesa_winsys_virgl_common 2019-09-18
60098 Mesa Mesa cor RESO FIXE [softpipe] Unexpected PIPE_CAP 78 query 2013-02-04
98402 DRI DRM/Inte andreas.reis CLOS FIXE [HSW] [regression] 4.9-rc1 shows corruption with mpv's vaapi-copy 2016-11-14
108630 Mesa Drivers/ andrey.simiklit.1989 RESO FIXE [G965] piglit.spec.!opengl 1_2.tex3d-maxsize spins forever 2018-11-21
111449 Mesa Drivers/ andrey.simiklit.1989 RESO MOVE SPIR-V shaders that cause segmentation faults in nir_from_ssa 2019-09-18
73904 LibreOff Drawing andrzej RESO FIXE Draw crashes when you check spelling and continue at beginning 2014-02-04
75328 LibreOff Drawing andrzej RESO FIXE Draw and Impress are slow to start on Windows platform 2014-09-19
79368 LibreOff framewor andrzej RESO FIXE toolbar icons that are not visible (only via overflow-button on right edge) performs the action *twice* when clicked 2014-06-10
72287 LibreOff Libreoff andrzej VERI FIXE [TEMPLATE MANAGER] [START CENTER] [UI] [A11Y] unable to scroll thumbnail view list with keyboard only for selecting available templates/documents in the thumbnail views 2014-07-24
74104 LibreOff Presenta andrzej RESO DUPL CRASH: Impress crashes when searching & replace reaches the end of presentation 2014-02-10
72006 LibreOff UI andrzej VERI FIXE Load URL dropdown list remains empty 2014-04-30
76261 LibreOff UI andrzej RESO FIXE TemplateManager: Subfolders not clickable after window scrolled 2014-05-06
75489 LibreOff UI andrzej RESO FIXE Context menu of toolbars not working 2014-05-30
78801 LibreOff Writer andrzej RESO FIXE Copying HTML from web browser - only plain text is pasted 2014-08-04
81835 LibreOff Writer andrzej RESO FIXE EDITING: default paste from MSWord/WordPad create image 2014-08-06
64005 LibreOff Presenta anistenis NEW --- FILEOPEN: Centered heading in PP2007 presentation is left-aligned 2014-10-20
54240 Mesa Other anuj.phogat RESO FIXE [swrast] piglit fbo-generatemipmap-filtering regression 2013-01-29
105820 Mesa Drivers/ apinheiro RESO FIXE [m32] piglit regressions relinking program without shaders 2018-04-04
105817 Mesa Mesa cor apinheiro RESO FIXE scons build broken by glSpecializeShaderARB 2018-03-30
23044 xorg Driver/n aplattner RESO DUPL please add support for GeForce 9400M G (0x10de0866) 2009-07-31
6845 xorg Driver/n aplattner RESO INVA Regression from 6.8.2 when only TV output is in use [PATCH] 2010-11-15
8459 xorg Server/G aplattner RESO FIXE wfb merge broke xserver 2009-01-02
35399 xorg Server/G aplattner RESO FIXE RandR rotation broken with proprietary nvidia driver 2011-05-30
4459 xorg Driver/n aritger RESO NOTA display corruption (screen artifacts) 2005-10-05
79913 LibreOff Presenta arnaud.versini VERI FIXE Empty submenus and crash 2014-06-16
70201 LibreOff Writer arnaud.versini RESO FIXE CRASH during undoing of replace all operation 2013-10-09
70143 LibreOff Writer arnaud.versini RESO FIXE EDITING: undo search&replace corrupt text when searching backward 2013-10-17
72632 LibreOff Writer arnaud.versini VERI FIXE FORMATTING: Math baseline alignment option does not work anymore 2014-01-08
44172 LibreOff BASIC augsod RESO FIXE Basic function VAL produces bad result 2012-01-05
44402 LibreOff Libreoff augsod RESO FIXE key board navigation broken in Tools > Options 2012-01-22
74295 LibreOff UI aurimas VERI FIXE UI: WinXP save dialog is broken if recent file combobox is turned off 2014-08-09
105120 Mesa Drivers/ baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE meson build broken 2018-02-16
78670 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO NOTA ImportError: No module named 2014-05-14
79092 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE AttributeError: 'Parameters' object has no attribute '__dict__' 2014-05-27
86045 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wvla" on OpenBSD 2014-11-08
89347 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'future_imports' 2015-02-27
90971 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO NOTA BUG: spec@glsl-1.10@execution@variable-indexing@vs-varying-mat4-col-rd 2015-06-19
94620 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE find_package called with invalid argument "CONFIG" 2016-03-21
106369 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE TypeError: must be unicode, not str 2018-05-07
106370 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE /bin/sh: BYPRODUCTS: command not found 2018-06-04
107184 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc2' in file tests/ on line 1, but no encoding declared; see for details 2018-07-18
107270 piglit infrastr baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE GLES and GL shaders in the same command! 2018-07-19
107870 Mesa Mesa cor baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_util_cpu_caps" 2018-10-30
107565 Mesa Mesa cor baker.dylan.c RESO FIXE TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'future_imports' 2018-12-07
110765 Mesa Drivers/ bas VERI FIXE ANV regression: Assertion `pass->attachment_count == framebuffer->attachment_count' failed 2019-09-09
68210 LibreOff filters bjoern.michaelsen RESO FIXE Cannot import or read imported tiff images in --enable-mergelibs build 2013-12-09
60041 LibreOff graphics bjoern.michaelsen RESO NOTO VIEWING: LibreOffice Writer crashes after page preview 2013-02-23
43105 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen RESO FIXE regression: WW8 nested table import 2013-05-24
39510 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen CLOS FIXE CRASH closing document with footnotes 2013-08-07
71511 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen VERI FIXE Writer no longer uses Text and Background Colours from Windows High-Contrast theme for displaying document 2014-01-21
64275 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen ASSI --- EDITING: Cursor position is lost when moving the cursor up and down 2014-03-16
72054 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen RESO NOTA VIEWING: Wrong colors in table cells in 4.1 from 4.0 2014-03-17
75319 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen RESO DUPL Text in field not editable 2014-11-20
74981 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen RESO FIXE EDITING: input field duplicated when I press Enter in front of it 2014-12-15
47355 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen VERI FIXE EDITING: When shrinking an object anchored as character, paragraph below it doesn't update its position 2015-01-20
24185 Mesa Drivers/ brianp RESO FIXE [G45] Blender: crash in brw_prepare_vertices after "Render this window" 2009-10-07
25030 Mesa Drivers/ brianp RESO FIXE [bisected] blender menus not displayed at all 2009-12-03
94134 Mesa Drivers/ brianp CLOS FIXE [regression] piglit.spec.arb_texture_view.sampling-2d-array-as-2d-layer assertion 2016-02-15
104863 Mesa Mesa cor brianp RESO FIXE 186 assertions in piglit 2018-01-30
106462 Mesa Mesa cor brianp RESO FIXE piglit.spec.arb_vertex_array_bgra.get regression 2018-05-10
9578 Mesa Mesa cor brian.paul RESO FIXE moebius ribbon broken as of commit 8dcfcad7a2598ba835930aac8f3fd6576e464c1c 2010-01-29
108818 Spam Two brightonms1994 RESO INVA submit button is not working 2019-01-15
99119 Mesa Drivers/ bruce.cherniak RESO FIXE swr_fence_work.cpp(42): error: argument of type "std::nullptr_t" is incompatible with parameter of type "unsigned long" 2016-12-23
82681 LibreOff Drawing bubli RESO FIXE EDITING: Draw crashes when copying table row 2014-11-26
36673 LibreOff Libreoff bubli RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Date format in LibO 3.4 different from LibO 3.3 2011-05-12
84228 LibreOff Presenta bubli ASSI --- EDITING: Shadow preview rendered incorrectly 2015-01-05
37322 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli RESO FIXE Calc crash, while open this .xls file 2011-05-19
37180 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli CLOS WORK Non Linear Solver plugin missing in beta5 2011-06-18
93120 DRI DRM/Inte bugs CLOS FIXE [SNB BAT IGT regression] WARN_ON(was_visible) 2016-12-13
5878 xorg Driver/s bugzi11.fdo.tormod RESO INVA Savage hangs, conflicts with savagefb 2018-06-12
111059 Mesa Drivers/ caio.oliveira RESO WORK ANGLE DrawBuffersTest.Gaps/ES2_Vulkan test fails on Intel Ubuntu19.04 2019-07-10
111069 Mesa Drivers/ caio.oliveira RESO FIXE Assertion fails in nir_opt_remove_phis.c during compilation of SPIR-V shader 2019-09-09
111339 Mesa Drivers/ caio.oliveira RESO FIXE [Debug mesa]. Dirt 4 crashes after launching 2019-09-17
107305 Mesa Mesa cor caio.oliveira RESO FIXE glsl/opt_copy_propagation_elements.cpp:72:9: error: delegating constructors are permitted only in C++11 2018-07-23
59038 cairo qt backe cairo-bugs RESO FIXE cairo-1.12 fails to build with gold due to underlinking 2014-07-12
66761 LibreOff BASIC caolanm RESO FIXE Other: Macro controlled Python Mailmerge broken 2013-07-15
81039 LibreOff BASIC caolanm RESO FIXE Macro Recording: Crash when click "New Libary" button 2014-09-15
85875 LibreOff BASIC caolanm RESO FIXE [EDITING] properties of controls cannot be selected in the normal manner 2014-12-22
87527 LibreOff BASIC caolanm RESO FIXE Editing a dialog crashes on 4.5 master (dbgutil) 2014-12-30
42543 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE Report Designer Wizard missing Label display and editing capability 2013-01-20
66252 LibreOff Database caolanm VERI FIXE EDITING format in formatted field of a form in Base is broken 2013-07-03
66700 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE REPORTBUILDER - CRASH when deleting field added in Report Design mode 2013-08-30
79178 LibreOff Database caolanm VERI FIXE Crash when opening a form created with a previous version 2014-06-21
80423 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE UI: Missing "From top" label in Record Search dialog 2014-06-25
82413 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE Formatting of fields in the databrowser of a form crashes LO immedialtely 2014-08-13
84930 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Report-Builder crashes LO, when editing report and start Format → Page 2014-10-13
80938 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE view not editable 2014-12-04
42694 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Crash when insert Table Control 2012-01-04
46038 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: CRASH when pasting text from writer into draw when there's a header/footer with a table in it present 2012-03-14
60627 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: CRASH when 'Format - Bullets and Numbering' 2013-02-15
65536 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE UI: Modify Style will lead in Crash 2013-06-08
67665 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE Style font is not stored for ODG and ODP files: after editing a style, closing and reponening, it is changed 2013-08-28
43082 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: impossible for DXF 2013-11-25
47291 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: scrambled Vector Graphic (EMF) with negative points 2013-11-29
83062 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE Cannot open ODG file created on 3.x.x 2014-08-28
84729 LibreOff Drawing caolanm VERI FIXE CRASH on an EMF IMPORT 2014-11-14
39950 LibreOff Extensio caolanm VERI FIXE Libreoffice Base crashes when trying to drag and drop or copy/paste controls in report builder. 2011-12-08
83678 LibreOff Extensio caolanm RESO FIXE MySQL connection configuration screen displays port number with thousand separators 2014-09-09
53909 LibreOff filters caolanm VERI FIXE FILEOPEN Word 97-2003 DOC structure as exported by Apple Pages is not recognized 2012-12-17
58730 LibreOff filters caolanm RESO FIXE paragraph styles line spacing does not stick when also specifying non-zero left and right margins 2013-02-11
65501 LibreOff filters caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE Can not save a modified document with backups enabled 2013-06-26
52433 LibreOff filters caolanm VERI FIXE MEMORY LEAK: large .odt (with many big StarViewMetafiles) leading to 200Mb leak each save. 2014-05-30
62461 LibreOff filters caolanm RESO FIXE LO-4.x.x creates new ODT, ODP and ODG file with fallback PNG graphic first, if an SVG picture inserted into the file 2014-08-15
87601 LibreOff filters caolanm RESO FIXE HTML to DOCX hangs up if HTML contains "MsoHeader" 2015-01-22
75525 LibreOff Formula caolanm RESO FIXE Unable reduce the amount of space on the left and right of a formula. 2014-04-17
77831 LibreOff Formula caolanm RESO FIXE Formula editor doesn't replace %Ux#### with symbols 2014-05-29
75408 LibreOff Formula caolanm RESO FIXE Formula in writer is shrinked instead of keeping same size when changing border space in writer style 2014-11-29
56882 LibreOff framewor caolanm VERI FIXE Font list is unsorted in 'insert special character' dialog 2012-11-29
57469 LibreOff framewor caolanm RESO FIXE key handling broken in dialog Tools > Customize .. > Add 2012-12-12
68275 LibreOff graphics caolanm VERI FIXE Other: Grayscale TIFF is imported as a white area 2013-08-23
78040 LibreOff graphics caolanm RESO FIXE OLE preview image (SVM) isn't visible when loading document prior to LibreOffice 4.3 2014-06-14
82219 LibreOff graphics caolanm RESO FIXE WordPerfect document import shows color graphics as black and white 2015-01-07
79975 LibreOff graphics caolanm ASSI --- GALLERY: images no longer have transparency behind them 2015-01-13
37195 LibreOff Installa caolanm CLOS FIXE Dictionary access lost after LibO upgrade 2013-11-15
72022 LibreOff Installa caolanm RESO FIXE Integrated help ignored if installed 2014-02-05
32236 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm VERI FIXE Copy / Paste (as GDI or LibO object) causes crippled view 2010-12-24
32790 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm CLOS FIXE "Mail Merge > Send via mail" uses mailaddress from first record for all records 2011-01-15
47733 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm VERI FIXE key board navigation broken in Tools > Options for Autocorrection 2012-05-01
40292 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE Tamil vowelless consonants should be treated as independent grapheme clusters 2012-06-18
55685 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH when create or modify Character Style or Paragraph Style 2012-10-12
53337 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH - using search function in built-in help causes crash 2012-10-24
61940 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE : Unable to Change Shape Fill Colors 2013-04-07
65930 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE UI: List Custom document properties collapses after first property (properties are placed on the same position) 2013-06-22
59184 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm VERI FIXE Can't see Unicode U1F300 2013-12-16
73260 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE UI window Registered Databases (from window Datasources) empty and large 2014-01-13
70741 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE Telugu Subletters Completely Broken in LibreOffice 4.1 2014-02-06
79161 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE Sidebar Crashes LO when deactivated from 'View' menu 2014-05-25
79181 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE LibreOffice logo not vertically aligned in about dialog 2014-06-05
78477 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE segfault on startup, but only with some fonts installed 2014-06-05
87353 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE Start Center "Help" button not functioning any more 2015-01-15
87636 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE TOOLBAR: New button not clickable when Templates preselected 2015-01-21
36678 LibreOff Linguist caolanm VERI FIXE Missing user-defined dictionaries with a specified language attribute via "Spelling and Grammar" <F7> 2012-01-21
40449 LibreOff Linguist caolanm CLOS FIXE SPELLCHECK does not recognize text language 2012-08-14
67743 LibreOff Linguist caolanm VERI FIXE can't save new autocorrect entries or delete existing ones 2013-09-02
82025 LibreOff Localiza caolanm RESO FIXE Russian Help crash office when invoke for Writer, Draw, Impress 2014-08-18
51247 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: CRASH when modify Text Animation properties to "As one object" and check "Animate attached shape" option 2012-10-26
55974 LibreOff Presenta caolanm VERI FIXE CRASH: segfault while closing an Impress file 2013-01-19
59183 LibreOff Presenta caolanm VERI FIXE EDITING: Copy 4 or more slides then crash 2013-01-24
60144 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Crash when inserting hyperlink 2013-02-05
64897 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE [CRASH] Impress crashes when saving as .ppt 2013-06-04
66924 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Editing master-pages is broken 2013-10-02
70229 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE UI: New sidebar-ized custom animation list misses tree option 2013-10-11
69975 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE SLIDESHOW: Customized slideshow broken; shows all slides (see comment #1 ) 2013-11-13
45911 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO WORK crash when drag/drop slide between two instances of Impress 2013-11-15
70230 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE UI: New sidebar-ized custom animation list misses context menu 2013-11-22
34987 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Impress disregards Master Slide setting of text area 2013-11-24
76916 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Section "User paths" is missing in tab Motion Paths of Animation 2014-04-22
77174 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Sidebar: crash with "New style from selection" with List styles 2014-05-28
80140 LibreOff Presenta caolanm VERI FIXE The "Spellcheck of entire document has been completed" dialog hangs when doing spell check in an Impress file 2014-06-23
78404 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Crash when inserting formula in Impress 2014-07-08
62038 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE SLIDESHOW: particular .eps images not shown 2014-09-15
83588 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Scrollwheel zoom centers page in Impress and Draw 2014-10-22
84417 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE SIDEBAR: Impress Slide transitions list loses focus following preview then unable to navigate with keyboard 2014-10-22
86466 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Wrong background color shown in format table in impress 2014-11-21
84043 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE FILEOPEN ODF import fails after saving due to non well-formed styles.xml (duplicate attributes on draw:enhanced-geometry) 2014-12-18
70725 LibreOff Printing caolanm RESO FIXE Calc export to PDF shows !!br0ken!! instead of values 2013-10-21
46923 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH EDITING Thai text 2012-12-22
58301 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm VERI FIXE Controls in dialog Data > Sort invisible after starting 2013-01-11
60920 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE PRINTING: Printing: Print dialogue looks stripped and flat 2013-02-21
61459 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm VERI FIXE UI: Function wizard buttons icons broken 2013-03-01
69440 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Function Wizard crashes LibreOffice 2013-09-25
79392 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Calc crashes when deleting rows in .CSV file 2014-06-14
79142 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm VERI FIXE When Creating Styles - The 2nd One Always Replaces the 1st 2014-06-14
83633 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE: Crash when save in ODF 1.0/1.1 2014-09-14
86907 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE [Rollit fuzzer]: Calc crashes with invalid memory read 2014-12-07
87245 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE Crash when opening Page dialog, after sorting with a macro 2014-12-18
51166 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Macro security dialog does not open 2012-06-25
58373 LibreOff UI caolanm VERI FIXE Info if the current font is missing or not has been removed from Format > Character > Font dialog 2012-12-18
59767 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Missing second button row in (Polish) Page Format dialog with very long texts in buttons 2013-02-24
61656 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE broken functionality on Page Layout tab 2013-03-02
64105 LibreOff UI caolanm VERI FIXE Open the findbar by using menu entry (Edit > Find...) result in a crash 2013-05-01
65569 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE UI LibreOffice native file dialog does not offer selection list to choose from names that have the same start 2013-06-14
66502 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE VIEWING: Position of "Choose..." button is wrong in Insert Footnote/Endnote dialog (Japanese) 2013-07-03
66675 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Prompt to save dialog box is resizeable 2013-07-12
65635 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Huge Dialog Boxes 2013-07-27
67944 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE UI TAB does not bring focus to list with Paths in dialog Options 2013-08-13
67718 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE UI: Advanced configuration tab empty when compiling without java 2013-09-09
68081 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE UI: can't auto-scroll many dialogs spinners holding mouse click 2013-10-07
72258 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Empty Options window for "Spelling and Grammar" 2013-12-09
65609 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE UI the dialog Tools > Autocorrect has extreme width when large texts are marked/used for replacing 2014-01-19
74057 LibreOff UI caolanm VERI FIXE UI: Autocorrect Replacement Table. 'Replace' text is truncated to the left (Impress, Calc, Draw) 2014-02-01
63228 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Printers list does not increase height with Print Dialog 2014-04-02
75307 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Character format dialog, Position - Subscript/Superscript uses wrong relative size (1%) in Writer/Impress 2014-04-03
65446 LibreOff UI caolanm VERI FIXE Selection lists for properties way to short: show only two items 2014-04-29
58170 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Help button in menu 'Tools - Options - Load/Save - General' does not reach context related LOCALHELP 2014-05-19
72142 LibreOff UI caolanm VERI FIXE Default Application Background is too much bright! 2014-05-27
79124 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Options dialog text shift down when "measurement unit" listbox clicked. 2014-05-29
73051 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Font and Font Size Dropdown boxes are too small... 2014-08-16
83501 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Text too long on dialog box linking tables in a query - covering buttons at bottom. 2014-09-09
83010 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE UI: Spinboxes (WrapFields) reset back to 0 after crossing max value 2014-10-01
86799 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Insert Special Character doesn't work in Find/Find and Replace 2014-12-01
75066 LibreOff UI caolanm VERI FIXE [REGRESSION] Cannot <TAB> advance through custom properties in Custom Properties tab since 4.1.x 2014-12-25
86911 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Missing description of Color Tolerance in Contour Editor 2015-01-06
87823 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE incorrect name dialogue 2015-01-07
32899 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE [Mailmerge] Impossible to get a document per record when mail merging in a file 2011-08-04
40345 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE [EDITING] SwAnchoredObject::GetAnchorFrm crash on loading styles from other document 2011-08-25
38623 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH, FILEOPEN - opening MS word processor document causes crash 2011-10-29
39159 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE PRINTING: Switching radio buttons "Selection <-> All" Crashes 2011-10-29
49340 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH closing window Edit > Changes > Accept or Reject with ESC 2012-05-08
49208 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE Freezes when FILEOPEN particular .doc 2012-05-19
47644 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN: Huge load time and CPU load with .doc file 2012-05-24
47636 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Extremely slow display with font fallback 2012-06-25
50967 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE File >> Wizards >> Address Data Source Yields No UI 2012-06-26
37044 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE Case changing crash 2012-07-03
51908 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Word Count doesn't update immediately when Numbering is applied or removed 2012-08-27
55524 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE UI: Hang when accessing "Insert > Manual Break..." 2012-10-04
55807 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE CRASH when accessing "Tools > Outline Numbering..." 2012-10-17
49587 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular .rtf causes HANG 2012-12-12
58284 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE UI: Number dropdown list in Tools > Outline Numbering is empty 2012-12-17
58273 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Buttons in Insert Bibliography Entry do not respond to the mouse after a long short name 2012-12-17
58998 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE duplicated sections 2013-01-17
58324 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE VIEWING: In Libreoffice 4.0 Beta1, Writer fail to find other fonts for displaying unicode characters. 2013-01-24
59586 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Missing comma in particular PDF file (regression) 2013-01-25
57532 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular .doc (MSO97) fails with error message 2013-02-05
58071 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN .DOT (MSO97) as plain .txt without explicit file type selection 2013-03-25
58749 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH when "Format > Page" 2013-05-27
64287 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE missing preview in "Insert Index/Table" dialog 2013-05-28
66027 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Writer crashed when attempting to insert/link an item from the sidebar gallery 2013-07-02
38242 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE format ordinal number suffix not auto-correcting 2013-08-30
67113 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE UI: the AutoText icon on the Insert toolbar has no more arrow to choose AutoText 2013-09-06
60578 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO WONT sw_subsequent_ww8export crashes on s390(x)/mips 2013-09-17
64699 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO DUPL UI: Autocorrect Replace with format is broken. Items are always "Only text". 2013-09-19
69220 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE crash on open .doc file 2013-10-07
68192 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE Writer incorrectly displays non-numbered list dot. 2013-10-11
70358 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Crash when deleting tables 2013-11-02
49342 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH EDITING TABLE when merge cells in .sxw 2013-11-13
56549 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH in menu 'Format → Autocorrect → Apply and Edit Changes' 2013-11-13
57939 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN kerning is always disabled in imported ODT document 2013-11-13
54862 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE FILEOPEN .doc: Merged TABLE cells appear split 2013-12-12
60132 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: Error reading file after inserting comment 2013-12-15
74780 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Text after input field is partially lost when editing template 2014-02-14
73851 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE UI: options dialog contents truncated 2014-03-01
76905 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE UI: Seconds delay when changing font size from percentage to points 2014-04-02
79371 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH: press delete key in contour dialog 2014-05-30
82904 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE OO,o-generated Word 95 file has mangled textencoding on load in LO 2014-08-27
81277 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: HTML file loads without retaining table properties 2014-09-29
81223 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Frame background showing in blue 2014-09-29
84698 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE crash when replacement is triggered by new paragraph 2014-10-06
77516 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE Crash when setting sub-grid to 0 2014-10-06
84752 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Document With Form Controls Unusable Speed 2014-10-18
68347 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Incorrect word count in a document with recorded changes 2014-11-07
80468 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Image background color not retained, defaults to blue 2014-11-23
85590 LibreOff Writer caolanm VERI FIXE COLOR PICKER: 'Pick a color' circle location is incorrect when opened 2014-12-09
80571 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Freezing caused by specific edit sequence (undoing CTRL+Backspace of tab on a new line) 2014-12-12
87612 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE UX: Fields in the Format->Columns dialog update incorrectly, leads to confusing/wrong values 2015-01-07
73165 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE inline spellchecking waits for typing pauses before redlining errors 2015-01-07
87015 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE WW8 import: image missing in particular document 2015-01-13
85666 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Indent increases when alternating between numbering and bullets 2015-01-15
88378 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH (segfault) when "flip" selected for an image previously saved in .doc 2015-01-22
87639 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Image-filter Smooth crashes LO immediately 2015-01-22
76930 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Creating an Index produces error message 2015-01-24
97666 DRI DRM/Inte carlos.santa CLOS FIXE Kernel "NULL pointer dereference" with MST monitor on HSW 2016-11-22
89629 DRI DRM/Inte carlos.santa CLOS INVA [i965 regression]igt/kms_rotation_crc/sprite-rotation causes WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 4126 at drivers/gpu/drm/drm_irq.c:1133 drm_wait_one_vblank+0x3b/0x16d [drm]() 2016-11-30
93263 DRI DRM/Inte carstenmattner CLOS FIXE 945GM regression since 4.3 2017-07-24
30604 LibreOff Libreoff CLOS FIXE full stop of LibO after pasting table with hyperlink as RTF and clicking in pasted table 2010-11-01
58328 LibreOff Libreoff VERI FIXE FILESAVE: Creating a new document version no longer working 2013-05-28
37129 LibreOff Libreoff RESO FIXE Dotted and Dashed table borders are not drawn correctly. 2013-09-23
38595 LibreOff Spreadsh RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: thin double line cell borders invisible 2012-02-08
45046 LibreOff UI RESO FIXE New page break indicators flicker and are unusable 2012-01-23
62659 LibreOff UI VERI FIXE CRASH - Template Manager dumps core on closing after browsing templates 2013-04-08
36667 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Calculating in Text Documents: update broken 2011-05-13
36524 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDITING: Delete Index causes crash 2011-05-13
36366 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FORMATING Small Capitals: setting for character size only affects Uppercase letters 2011-05-15
36676 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE sourroundig lines in paragraphs are missing 2011-05-17
36615 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE EDITING: Some words are converted to hyperlinks 2011-08-16
37403 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDIT: Crash when second edit on DRAW object "arc" 2011-08-23
36957 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE EDITING: Insert TOC – Edit – Writer crashes 2011-10-29
37584 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE track changes: deleted text lost 2011-10-29
37277 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Formulas in table are inserted into the wrong cell 2011-10-29
42762 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN particular document with Math Formula object will CRASH 2011-11-30
40902 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN CRASH with trivial lorem ipsum text document 2011-12-01
39447 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL Writer crashes at closing a document with footnotes in a single paragraph over two pages 2011-12-23
37255 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK EDIT: Text in columns not deleted completely 2012-01-17
40344 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK [regression] graphics / objects in older documents positioned wrong 2012-01-24
40438 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE CRASH in OLE object EDITING 2012-01-27
45255 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FILEOPEN .doc comments are missing 2012-01-31
37602 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE The border of the page header and footer are barely visible on the screen 2012-02-12
43862 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE Page FORMATTING: Margin settings information not compatible with 3.4.4 2012-02-24
42570 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL ODF import: Frame Border "double" gone under 3.4.3 2012-02-24
41679 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN: file open docx crash 2012-03-08
38025 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE RTF regression 2012-03-19
37114 LibreOff Writer CLOS WORK Gradient deformed when paste as metafile GDI 2012-03-21
41620 LibreOff Writer RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Drawing Object outside of Page Margins causes CRASH 2012-03-23
45962 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE "context menu" key with cursor in header/footer makes the cursor jump to document body 2012-04-04
36496 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK content of frames and captions not editable in text document 2012-04-21
31856 LibreOff Writer CLOS WORK VIEWING: Wrong table border color for OOo document 2012-05-07
38542 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FORMATTING TABLE double borders incompatibility with old LibO / OOo Versions 2012-05-23
44708 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL FILEOPEN old document: Paragraph border FORMATTING lost 2012-05-23
48932 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDITING: Writer 3.5.2 slow typing in large documents 2012-07-14
46020 LibreOff Writer VERI FIXE FILESAVE [DOC] [DOCX] Loss of footnotes when exporting to DOC- and DOCX- Files 2013-01-03
30763 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Missing input caret (cursor) after saving and re-opening large documents 2013-03-31
32082 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE [EDITING] Table Number Format not modified for empty table cells 2013-04-04
59779 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE Double click on page style name in Styles and Formatting does not work 2013-04-24
45100 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN particular .doc shows TABLE as plain text 2013-06-19
40791 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILESAVE extremely slow (~10 minutes for a 500K file) on ODT file from Google Docs 2013-06-27
52182 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE cannot put cursor into frames with Wrap "In Background" 2013-11-13
39928 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE VIEWING: pictures in particular .doc shown wrong, picture size correct, but contents shrunken and surrounded by white margin. 2013-11-24
53508 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Format Paintbrush only modifies last paragraph of selected target 2013-12-12
37758 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE UI: Particular dialogs with preview show useless toolbars 2014-02-11
46739 Mesa Drivers/ chadversary RESO DUPL [snb-m-gt2+] compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in intel_miptree_release() 2012-03-22
22877 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [855GM regression] batch_start_atomic horribly breaks performance after a while 2009-09-11
24459 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE Intel Driver > 2.8: Cairo rendering bug, triggered in QtCurve GTK engine 2009-10-26
24537 xorg Driver/i chris RESO NOTO -intel pegs CPU, desktop performance suffers after upgrade to 2.9.0 2009-12-01
25409 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [bisected] rendering corruption since a938673e 2009-12-06
30157 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [GM45 wine] Strong lines in some parts of Shareaza and SQLYog 2011-03-15
34018 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [i965gm] *Recovered* GPU lockup if vesafb is left loaded (EIR: 0x00000010 PGTBL_ER: 0x00000100) - *ERROR* EIR stuck: 0x00000010, masking 2011-03-18
34584 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [i945gm] Screen Corruption with new Xorg stack with terminal programs (bisected) 2011-03-22
34307 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE [i945gme] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x00007272) 2011-03-22
36000 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [i915gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x54000004) 2011-04-05
36452 xorg Driver/i chris VERI FIXE [piketon] system hang after S4 resume 2011-06-06
37377 xorg Driver/i chris RESO INVA Xorg session dies 2011-07-03
41061 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL Xrandr probing slow unless HDMI1 disabled 2011-09-22
41926 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE backlight does go off after screensaver activation and doesnt come back 2012-01-21
41733 xorg Driver/i chris RESO INVA [g4x] Screen jitters every so often, especially when laptop under load 2012-01-27
32547 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE uxa: CompositeRectangles not flushing damage 2012-03-23
43649 xorg Driver/i chris CLOS FIXE Clipping in libreoffice welcome screen 2012-04-13
52376 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE Random corruption in small areas 2012-10-21
69730 xorg Driver/i chris RESO FIXE Intel driver SNA causes x11vnc to display black screen when running xbmc 2013-09-24
71493 xorg Driver/i chris CLOS INVA [PATCH] get intel_backlight back into backlight_interfaces 2013-11-15
69779 xorg Driver/i chris RESO WORK [gm45 SNA] xbmc flickers 2014-08-08
94110 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [sna] corrupted images (horizontal lines) 2016-06-13
100617 xorg Driver/i chris RESO WORK [ILK][Regression bisected] Gnome Shell slow animations 2019-08-17
99001 Mesa Drivers/ chris RESO MOVE [HSW] GPU HANG: ecode 7:0:0x85dffffc, in glxspheres64 [4492], reason: Hang on render ring, action: reset 2019-09-25
30295 DRI DRM/Inte chris CLOS FIXE [Piketon] extended desktop shifts left with compiz, in kernel 2016-11-03
32527 DRI DRM/Inte chris CLOS FIXE Blanked screen with 2.6.37-rc6, -rc5 works OK (bisected to 541cc966915b6756e54c20eebe60ae957afdb537) 2016-11-03
41802 DRI DRM/Inte chris CLOS FIXE [i965, ilk] Texture rendering broken in ut2004 2016-11-03
41098 DRI DRM/Inte chris CLOS DUPL [arrandale] GPU lockup render.IPEHR: 0xff4c4c4c on GNOME Shell [garbage in batch] 2016-11-03
90112 DRI DRM/Inte chris CLOS WORK [BSW bisected] OglGSCloth/Lightsmark/CS/ Portal/ Half Life 2 games performance decreased by 15%-45% 2017-06-27
99093 DRI DRM/Inte chris CLOS FIXE N450 and D510 machines get stuck in igt@gem_ringfill@basic-default-hang 2018-04-20
108490 DRI DRM/Inte chris CLOS FIXE [CI][SHARDS] igt@syncobj_wait@wait(-all)?-for-submit-*- incomplete 2018-11-09
103025 DRI DRM/Inte chris RESO MOVE [GM45] corrupt renders, GPU hangs, and eventual loss of driver acceleration occurs when performing certain 2D operations 2019-11-29
112315 DRI DRM/Inte chris RESO MOVE 5.3.11 regression: No RC6 on Kaby Lake 2019-11-29
80503 LibreOff graphics chris.sherlock79 NEW --- VIEWING: EMF images in DOC file not rendered correctly 2014-12-26
62752 LibreOff Libreoff chris.sherlock79 NEW --- Bad wmf display in Writer 2014-12-29
77206 LibreOff Printing chris.sherlock79 RESO FIXE CRASH printing with all applications 2014-06-14
86412 LibreOff Writer chris.sherlock79 VERI DUPL Print Preview causing Writer to Crash 2014-11-19
84199 LibreOff Writer chris.sherlock79 NEW --- FILEOPEN: Vector-based hand writing picture objects not visible 2014-12-29
97878 DRI DRM/Inte christophe.prigent CLOS FIXE [SKL][REGRESSION][BISECTED] Dropped frames and FIFO underruns when moving mouse across (plane?) boundary 2016-12-09
98290 DRI DRM/Inte christophe.prigent CLOS FIXE [BDW] kms_frontbuffer_tracking fbc-suspend fails 2017-03-10
98289 DRI DRM/Inte christophe.prigent CLOS FIXE [BDW] kms_flip / vblank-vs-suspend-interruptible is failing 2017-03-10
38544 LibreOff Spreadsh christoph.spamforme CLOS FIXE UI: No edit of OLE without mouse, Navigator access inconsistent 2011-10-29
84051 LibreOff Drawing clement NEW --- "Distribute on multiple sheets of paper" does not work any more in 2015-01-08
97918 DRI DRM/Inte clinton.a.taylor CLOS DUPL [bdw regression 4.8] Severe graphics regression, rainbow glitching and flickering on Intel Broadwell 5500U integrated graphics 2017-09-07
101373 DRI DRM/Inte clinton.a.taylor CLOS NOTO [KBL] modeset to a different refresh rate periodically results in a black screen 2017-11-03
39060 LibreOff Database cno RESO FIXE crash with autotext holding database field 2011-10-17
39059 LibreOff Spreadsh cno RESO FIXE wrong data removed with various sorting, cut'n paste, ... in build from master 2011-10-17
40224 LibreOff Writer cno CLOS WORK Autocorrect "Correct TWo INitial CApitals" broken 2011-10-17
104197 Mesa Drivers/ currojerez RESO FIXE Some Wine programs fail to start after mesa commit af2c320190 2017-12-22
109328 Mesa Drivers/ currojerez RESO FIXE [BSW BXT GLK] dEQP-VK.subgroups.arithmetic.subgroup regressions 2019-02-21
105497 Mesa glsl-com currojerez RESO FIXE shader-db crashes on 72 core system after ast_type_qualifier bitset change 2018-05-09
111251 Mesa Drivers/ cwabbott0 RESO FIXE [Regression][Bisected] dEQP GLES 3 tests crash with node_for_deref: Assertion `idx < parent->num_children' failed 2019-08-02
108961 Mesa Mesa cor cwabbott0 RESO FIXE make check test_replace_src_bitsize failure 2018-12-07
21556 xorg Driver/i cworth VERI FIXE [945] X11 performance degrade on xf86-video-intel master branch,compared with 2.7 branch 2009-05-08
22111 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO DUPL [i965] Text corruption in some applications after several hours on Dell 1420 (regression since 2.7.1) 2009-06-08
22842 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO INVA KDE4 desktop compositing is broken in newest git 2009-07-23
23083 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO WORK [G43] GtkPerf performance measurements 15% slower with 2.8.0 than 2.6.x (regression) 2009-08-06
18424 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE Screen not repainiting with EXA 2009-08-10
22982 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [i830 KMS] xorg hang on 2.8.0 [regression] 2009-10-09
18426 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE xrandr --orientation broken with EXA/UXA 2009-12-02
25414 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO DUPL [i915 KMS] extreme rendering lag 2009-12-05
25481 xorg Driver/i cworth VERI FIXE Wrong cursor format and cursor blink rate with compiz enabled 2009-12-07
25911 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE 2.10.0 causes kernel oops and system hangs 2010-02-09
25475 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [i915] Xorg crash / Execbuf while wedged 2010-02-19
16257 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [GM965 EXA] Frame-buffer compression broken for CPU writes (XPutImage) 2010-06-22
29054 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO DUPL [q35] compiz causes SDL surfaces to stop animating 2010-07-14
29075 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [i965gm] Screen corruption in KDE windows 2010-07-16
24455 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [852GM] Intel drivers 2.8.0 and 2.9.0 have tiling corruption in xorg server 1.6.3 2010-07-17
31693 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE [i3/arrandale] scrolling produces horizontal artifacts 2012-07-15
31367 xorg Driver/i cworth RESO FIXE Black screen after switching to fullscreen... 2013-02-25
22496 DRI DRM/Inte cworth CLOS INVA [945GME] Severe performance regression, rdesktop with vector graphics 2016-11-03
23187 DRI DRM/Inte cworth CLOS WORK cairo's performance drops greatly caused by the kernel 2016-11-03
35780 cairo general cworth RESO NOTA cairo_pattern_create_radial(rx,ry,r,rx,ry,r) not working 2011-03-30
65112 Mesa glsl-com cworth RESO FIXE glcpp hangs parsing line continuations 2013-06-30
29545 Mesa Mesa cor cworth VERI FIXE [bisected glsl2]piglit glslparsertest_preprocess1.frag fails 2010-08-18
88519 Mesa Mesa cor cworth RESO FIXE sha1.c:210:22: error: 'grcy_md_hd_t' undeclared (first use in this function) 2015-01-19
45188 xorg App/xkbc daniel RESO FIXE xkb-data: New version breaks custom bepo keymap 2015-11-20
106642 Mesa Drivers/ daniel VERI FIXE X server crashes in i965 on desktop startup when DRI3 v1.2 / modifier support is enabled 2018-06-08
46078 DRI DRM/Inte daniel CLOS FIXE [ivb] Call Trace in 3.2.4 2015-05-12
23468 DRI DRM/Inte daniel CLOS WONT [[GM45] [HDMI]] Plugging in HDMI cable causes system to hang (vanilla kernel 2.6.31-rc7, intel video 2.8.0) 2016-11-03
41092 DRI DRM/Inte daniel CLOS FIXE [965gm] ringbuffer coherency failure upon resume 2016-11-03
48170 DRI DRM/Inte daniel CLOS FIXE [regression arrandale] X blanks when external HDMI/DVI connected since 3.2.7 and 3.3 2016-11-03
32396 DRI DRM/Inte daniel CLOS FIXE GPU lockup - Invalid GTT entry during Display B Fetch or Host Access 2016-11-03
44999 DRI DRM/Inte daniel CLOS INVA [arrandale] kernel BUG setting external monitor to a higher resolution 2016-11-03
37526 DRI DRM/Inte daniel CLOS INVA [i915gm] screen repeatedly (hotplug polling) goes black for a fraction of a second 2016-11-03
102983 DRI DRM/Inte daniel CLOS INVA [SKL][regression][bisected] Performance regression after linux 4.7 2018-01-04
7097 xorg Server/G daniel RESO FIXE Zoom Hotkeys Are Nonfunctional With Xorg-7.1 2006-08-31
14584 xorg Server/G daniel RESO FIXE Keyboard VT switch not working 2008-03-04
19776 xorg Server/G daniel RESO FIXE Alt/Meta actions broken after last batch of xkb updates 2009-01-28
45544 xorg Server/I daniel RESO WORK Xserver blocks/crashes with two usb keyboards connected 2012-06-14
20357 xorg Server/I daniel RESO FIXE vmware workstation 6.5.1 crashes, caused by xkb changes 2010-09-20
51446 LibreOff Spreadsh RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: All columns have the same default width 22,58mm 2012-07-13
107366 Mesa Drivers/ danylo.piliaiev RESO FIXE NIR verification crashes on piglit tests 2018-07-24
93084 dbus core dbus RESO NOTO High CPU usage of dbus-daemon on resume from suspend 2016-07-04
92074 dbus core dbus RESO FIXE destination= rules don't match anything when using BecomeMonitor 2018-04-26
81010 LibreOff Spreadsh deena.francis VERI FIXE Calc crashes when sorting using autofilter sort 2014-09-06
81696 LibreOff Spreadsh deena.francis VERI FIXE CRASH while sorting cells with conditional formatting 2014-10-11
81286 LibreOff Spreadsh deena.francis RESO FIXE When selecting (highlighting) cells with numbers, SUM/AVERAGE/... in statusbar is calculated only after mouse button release 2015-01-09
45848 LibreOff Drawing detective.conan.1412 CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN particular PDF: Characters duplicated 2012-05-11
51179 LibreOff Presenta detective.conan.1412 RESO FIXE FILESAVE cannot save file as .ppt 2012-07-10
47669 LibreOff Writer detective.conan.1412 RESO FIXE Bad processing hyperlink with anchor in DOCX 2012-10-22
57553 LibreOff Writer detective.conan.1412 RESO FIXE EDITING: On computer without JRE, Picture dialog shows: JRE required and freezes after OK 2012-12-07
105470 DRI DRM/Inte dhinakaran.pandiyan CLOS FIXE [BISECTED] Failure to boot docked with laptop lid closed 2018-04-20
88124 DRI DRM/Inte dhinakaran.pandiyan CLOS WONT i915: regression: after DP connected (via docking station) monitor is turned off, when turned on, it does not work anymore 2018-09-10
76078 LibreOff Formula dinesh.patil RESO FIXE FILESAVE: crash while saving .docx file containing only opening brace 2014-03-13
79008 LibreOff Writer dinesh.patil RESO FIXE FILESAVE: .docx with textbox and locked canvas crashes while saving in LO 2014-05-26
57417 LibreOff Database d.ostrovsky RESO WONT LDAP address book support disappeared 2013-02-07
65761 LibreOff Database d.ostrovsky VERI FIXE UI: DB: Thunderbird/Icedove doesn't appear anymore 2013-07-22
53070 LibreOff Database d.ostrovsky RESO FIXE freeze/hang when connecting to ADO source (e.g. MS Access 2003 mdb / 2007 accdb) 2013-11-13
57285 LibreOff Database d.ostrovsky RESO FIXE Address Book Data Source Wizard lists "Mac OS X address book" on Linux 2014-10-26
38512 xorg Driver/i dri-devel RESO FIXE [855GM] windows flicker 2012-05-12
21281 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO INVA Mesa 7.4.1 dont produce .so 's, missing *.dylib 2010-12-02
17170 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [PATCH] intel: intel_miptree_depth_offsets() returns byte offsets 2009-08-24
24131 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE radeon_bo_legacy.c:207: legacy_is_pending: Assertion `bo_legacy->is_pending <= bo->cref' failed 2009-11-18
24414 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WORK [Regression] Memory error; stellarium and googleearth crash with mesa 7.6 on Radeon Mobility 7500 1002:4c57 2011-03-07
10471 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WONT Video card shuts down after a random period playing WoW 2010-12-24
2377 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel NEW --- Polygon stipple broken. 2013-01-17
23303 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO INVA Dri enabled freezes my computer 2016-02-26
21774 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE blender menus all black (or white) 2009-08-10
27851 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Major slowdowns in Heroes of Newerth with r300g driver. 2010-04-27
27996 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g] Sins of a Solar Empire crash when entering menu 2010-05-14
28210 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected r300g] Heroes of Newerth crash 2010-05-23
28259 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected r300g] Freeorion crash at startup 2010-05-26
31391 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [RADEON:R600C] heroes of newerth crashes with cs parser error 2011-03-08
26043 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WONT Graphics corruption in Sauerbraten 2011-11-13
30337 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g bisected] Starcraft 2: circles around units are corrupted 2010-09-25
32040 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected, r300g] Heroes of Newerth assert on startup 2010-12-02
32634 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Massive corruption in Unigine Sanctuary 2011-01-06
32912 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected, r300g] Unigine Sanctuary: r300_emit.c:902:r300_emit_vertex_arrays: Assertion `&buf->b.b' failed with RADEON_HYPERZ=1 2011-01-08
31830 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected] broken shadows in Unigine Sanctuary and Lightsmark 2011-02-05
34030 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected] Starcraft 2: some effects are corrupted or too big 2011-02-11
34332 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] HoN: corruption with tiling and CS ioctl thread offloading 2011-02-16
34822 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Unigine Sanctuary: texture corruption with RGTC format 2011-02-28
36088 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Oilrush: menu and UI are corrupted and flickering 2011-04-08
36268 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] minor flickering in Unigine Sanctuary 2011-05-14
41367 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] WebGL test runner regression 2011-10-02
43623 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g] EVE online: texture corruption 2011-12-27
46005 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] piglit glsl-vs-loop-redundant-condition fails 2012-04-13
45901 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] vs-atan-float-float fail 2012-04-13
45921 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Multiple piglit regressions after glsl_to_tgsi changes 2012-04-14
50980 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] WebGL cars demo crash (r300_emit.c:865:r300_emit_vertex_arrays: Assertion `(buf)' failed) 2012-07-23
56966 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] multiple piglit tests crash in r300_draw_arrays_immediate 2012-11-13
36723 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Unigine Sanctuary: fog is not rendered properly 2013-02-06
46006 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] piglit glsl-max-varyings fails 2013-02-08
60541 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WONT [r300g, bisected] Some piglit NV_conditional_render tests fails 2013-02-10
61351 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] some piglit tests fails with blit-based TexImage and TexSubImage 2013-02-26
62696 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] Around 50 piglit vs variable-indexing tests fails after "glsl_to_tgsi: allocate arrays separately v2" 2013-03-26
66921 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g] Heroes of Newerth: HiZ related corruption 2013-07-15
61349 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO NOTA [r300g, bisected] piglit rgtc-teximage-01 fails 2013-11-02
74853 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] some piglit fbo tests segfault 2014-04-24
82828 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel VERI FIXE Regression: Crash in 3Dmark2001 2014-09-17
56519 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [r300g, bisected] piglit max-texture-size fails 2015-01-20
50999 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO MOVE [r300g, bisected] piglit glsl-fs-discard-04 fails 2019-09-18
70009 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO MOVE [r300g, bisected] some wine apps renders black 2019-09-18
45432 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE memory errors on cayman with VM support + nexuiz 2012-02-21
49198 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel CLOS FIXE glxinfo SIGSEGV in pthread_detach under radeon_drm_cs_destroy under dri2_destroy_context 2012-09-20
53130 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE 99c65ba breaks rendering (flickery, eventual fail) 2013-02-01
58042 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected] Garbled UI in Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Source 2013-03-07
62573 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [bisected] Half-Life 2: Deathmatch native version crashes 2013-03-27
59592 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Radeon HD 5670: reproducable GPU lockups with htile enabled 2013-05-06
66337 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE evergreen_compute.c:559:26: error: 'kernel' undeclared (first use in this function) shader->active_kernel = kernel; 2013-07-01
76009 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE r600_streamout.c:108:6: error: conflicting types for 'r600_set_streamout_targets' 2014-03-11
77738 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WONT [r600g, bisected] 4 piglit texwrap tests regressed 2014-07-14
91985 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [regression, bisected] FTBFS with commit f9caabe8f1: R600_UCP_CONST_BUFFER is undefined 2015-09-13
68901 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO MOVE wine/3DMark2001: shader generation fails 2019-09-18
94581 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO NOTO [drm:radeon_cs_parser_relocs [radeon]] *ERROR* gem object lookup failed 0xe 2019-10-23
70104 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE radeonsi_compute.c:260:11: error: 'struct pipe_context' has no member named 'bind_compute_sampler_states' 2013-10-03
70106 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE si_state.c:2776:13: error: conflicting types for 'si_bind_sampler_states' 2013-10-04
70804 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE radeonsi_compute.c:254:11: error: 'struct pipe_context' has no member named 'set_compute_sampler_views' 2013-10-23
89045 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO DUPL [HAWAII,REGRESSION] X crash on KDE session initialisation 2015-02-12
91520 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO NOTO [radeonsi, PIGLIT, regression] spec@arb_gpu_shader_fp64@execution@fs-indirect-temp-double-{dst,src} triggers SIGSEGV 2015-08-03
98336 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE si_shader.c:6612:26: error: implicit declaration of function ‘LLVMGetCalledValue’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration] 2016-10-20
98785 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Talos Principle causes GPU faults when rendering main menu animation 2017-01-05
97917 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Enabling sisched gives Assertion `!NodePtr->isKnownSentinel()' failed 2017-01-25
97961 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE radeon: Failed to allocate virtual address for buffer 2017-01-25
99579 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO DUPL [radeonsi,regression] Hardware-accelerated video playback with mpv spams console with "r600_texture_transfer_map - failed to create temporary texture to hold untiled copy" 2017-01-28
99542 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel CLOS FIXE vdpau logging errors since gallium/radeon: adjust the rule for using the LINEAR_ALIGNED layout 2017-02-15
98784 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO NOTO Talos Principle rendering flickering garbage on start instead of its logo and loading squares 2017-02-15
101198 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Major performance regression for AMD card 2017-05-26
102014 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Mesa git build broken by commit bc7f41e11d325280db12e7b9444501357bc13922 2017-08-03
103138 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [regression, vega] BUG: Bad page state in process gnome-shell pfn:77cc33 2017-10-12
103130 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WORK Mesa from git causes games to crash mid-play 2017-10-26
99078 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WONT Desktop icons oversaturated with red after December 11 2016 update 2018-04-11
103246 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE PoE: GPU hang with mesa >= 17.2.0 + gallium-nine 2018-05-13
105333 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE [gallium-nine] missing geometry after commit ac: replace ac_build_kill with ac_build_kill_if_false 2018-09-26
107334 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Artifacts in Unigine Valley with RX 580 2018-10-29
111099 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Green video when playing a hevc video with vdpau 2019-07-23
104090 DRI DRM/AMDg dri-devel RESO FIXE Reduced colors on RX580 through eDP on Asus GL702ZC laptop 2018-03-27
105760 DRI DRM/AMDg dri-devel RESO FIXE [4.17-rc1] RIP: smu7_populate_single_firmware_entry.isra.6+0x57/0xc0 [amdgpu] RSP: ffffa17901efb930 2018-09-10
108729 DRI DRM/AMDg dri-devel RESO FIXE [Kaveri CIK 7400K] [regression, works on radeon] [drm:vce_v2_0_start [amdgpu]] *ERROR* VCE not responding, trying to reset the ECPU!!! 2018-11-19
105018 DRI DRM/AMDg dri-devel RESO FIXE Kernel panic when waking up after screen goes blank. 2018-12-10
96532 DRI DRM/othe dri-devel RESO FIXE [BISECTED: 0955c1250e] 4.7-rc1 oops at drm_connector_cleanup+0x5c/0x1d0 2016-06-28
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.


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