Sat Feb 8 2025 23:16:34 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
88812 dbus core smcv RESO NOTO dbus 1.8.14 made KDE Plasma Workspace 5 regress 2015-03-04
13124 Telepath haze smcv RESO NOTO Setting your own alias unimplemented 2013-01-15
45855 Ytstenut ytstenut robert.staudinger RESO NOTO Fix librest package detection in android build 2012-02-14
91169 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO NOTO The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena fails to start with nouveau 2018-04-24
23586 dbus core hp RESO NOTO [c++] fix build on GNU/kFreeBSD 2011-01-06
23428 dbus core hp RESO NOTO [dbus-c++] fix build with GCC 4.4 2011-02-18
25022 dbus core hp RESO NOTO enhancement of dbus-c++ adding set_timeout, and others 2011-01-05
89251 libva core haihao.xiang RESO NOTO [gst-vaapi-master] fatal error "Status Unknown" decoding h264 content at gstvaapidecoder_h264.c:decode_current_picture 2015-02-25
33309 xorg Driver/i dri-devel RESO NOTO [855GM] GPU freeze due to overlay hang 2012-07-09
18623 cairo general cworth RESO NOTO Patch for Ruby gem cairo-1.8.0 to build on Mac OS X Leopard 2012-02-10
13089 xorg App/xran RESO NOTA [RANDR, dual head] set monitor's position incorrect 2008-02-26
33008 xorg Document xorg-team RESO NOTA cvt.1 manpage spelling fix 2011-01-11
44313 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO NOTA Extent compose key sequences for ligatures 2012-01-03
14834 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA liboldX ansification 2008-07-23
14691 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA libSM ansification and bug fixes. 2008-07-23
14728 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA libXp ansification 2008-07-23
14727 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO NOTA libXpm ansification 2008-07-23
15085 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/app/xeyes - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-25
15063 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/app/xtrap - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-25
15154 xorg Driver/i xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-i740 - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-23
15043 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-rendition - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
14742 xorg Driver/s xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-savage - Don't call nonexisting functions and compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
15041 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suncg14 - Compile warning fix 2008-07-23
15040 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suncg6 - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-23
15036 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-sunffb - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-23
14780 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-sunleo - {ALLOCATE,DEALLOCATE}_LOCAL and compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
15034 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suntcx - Compile warning fix 2008-07-22
15033 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-tdfx - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
15032 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-tga - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-22
14815 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/liblbxutil - ansification 2008-07-23
14837 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libWindowsWM - Update prototypes 2008-07-23
15003 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXprintUtil - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-23
15002 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXrandr - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-23
15001 xorg Lib/Xt xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXt - Ansification patch 2008-07-23
15005 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXtst - Ansification 2008-07-23
14766 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXxf86misc - ansification 2008-07-23
14755 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXxf86vm - ansification patch 2008-07-23
11866 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO NOTA src/radeon_exa_render.c buffer overrun 2007-08-07
26120 Telepath haze telepathy-bugs RESO NOTA build: cleanups 2013-09-17
35204 Wocky General telepathy-bugs RESO NOTA Make link-local PEP easier 2011-03-22
38974 poppler general poppler-bugs RESO NOTA goo/gtypes.h must #include <stdbool.h> 2011-07-05
56875 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA LibreOffice Calc corrupts .dbf files 2012-11-11
23799 xorg Driver/i keithp RESO NOTA xf86-video-intel fails to compile with xorg-server 2009-10-26
69609 LibreOff Installa jluth RESO NOTA registrymodification.xcu in presets folder not copied to newly created profiles. 2014-12-30
717 dbus core hp RESO NOTA D-Bus fails with -ansi -pedantic 2014-09-04
66753 dbus core hp RESO NOTA [PATCH] Do not build test only files into internal libdbus 2013-08-23
30054 Portland xdg-util fabo RESO NOTA Error in open_generic_xdg_mime() function in xdg-open 2011-03-28
15048 xorg Driver/c eich RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-chips - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-23
89826 dbus core dbus RESO NOTA [PATCH] dbus-specification: fix GetConnectionCredentials description 2015-04-28
50145 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE [PATCH] polkit-0.115 fails to build on POSIX platforms (like Linux/musl) due to requiring netgroup support 2018-08-20
29905 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE acceleration for mouse wheel 2018-12-13
83235 xorg Lib/ICE xorg-team RESO MOVE Accessing freed memory in LibICE version 1.0.9 in file "process.c" at line 1177 ,as the relevant pointer is not assigned NULL after freeing. 2018-08-10
19427 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO MOVE Add information about Option NoDDC/NoDDC1/NoDDC2 to man page 2018-12-13
48588 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO MOVE Add support for disabling extensions through environment variables 2018-08-10
63307 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE build error in backtrace.c on Solaris 10 2018-12-13
45500 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO MOVE composite/xrender bug with Xft and FLTK 2019-03-22
91636 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO MOVE Crashes with non-pci graphcis on a pci support device 2018-12-13
15858 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE Equis - DDX for Plan 9 from Bell Labs 2018-12-13
98803 xorg Protocol xorg-team RESO MOVE Fix mistakes in file "randrproto.txt" 2018-08-10
93779 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO MOVE Fix null pointer in FreeRec() 2018-12-13
92351 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE FTBFS on m68k 2018-12-13
91642 xorg App/mkfo xorg-team RESO MOVE legacy codepages entries not generated for raster fonts 2018-08-10
63583 xorg Lib/pcia xorg-team RESO MOVE libpciaccess 0.13.1 FreeBSD Patch to fix xorg-server-1.12.4 (and later) 2018-08-10
37334 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO MOVE Non-standard macros in manual pages 2018-08-10
60891 xorg Driver/S xorg-team RESO MOVE No X with X.Org X Server 1.13.* and SiS video driver 2018-08-10
63534 xorg App/xinp xorg-team RESO MOVE [PATCH] Add rotate option for relative devices 2018-08-10
20762 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE [PATCH] rotated screen updated incorrectly 2018-12-13
107023 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO MOVE [PATCH] xcursorgen: Fix null pointer dereference on very large images. 2018-08-10
73089 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE pseudoramix not conditional on xinerama support 2018-12-13
11456 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO MOVE Serbian locale updates (sr_RS and sr_ME) 2018-08-10
90771 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE Server crash when pluging screen to DP port 2018-12-13
66348 xorg App/setx xorg-team RESO MOVE [setxkbmap] implement -ignoreserver option to ignore current X server settings 2018-08-10
71407 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE Using an ipv6 address with the -from option fails 2018-12-13
46285 xorg App/xcom xorg-team RESO MOVE xcompmgr 1.1.6-1 doesn't draw shadows 2018-08-10
47510 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO MOVE Xephyr leaks shared memory segments 2018-12-13
1755 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO MOVE _XGetAsyncReply mishandling of 'discard' parameter 2018-08-10
77096 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO MOVE xkbprint(1): Some (typographical) corrections to the manual 2018-08-10
10665 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE XOpenDisplay says "XDM authorization key matches an existing client!" 2018-12-13
86665 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO MOVE Xorg does not close old /dev/dri/card0 connections 2018-12-13
84325 xorg Lib/pcia xorg-team RESO MOVE X.Org segfaults when starting DE on an Intel+Radeon laptop, caused by libpciaccess cleanup, patch attached 2018-08-10
50641 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE xorg-server-1.12.0 - When SELinux is enabled the xserver fails 2018-12-13
10052 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE xorg-server: Xorg won't allow to have more than one isolateDevice 2018-12-13
106656 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE [xserver 1.20.0] => not found - meson build 2018-12-13
106588 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE [xserver 1.20.0] Xorg.wrap broken - meson build 2018-12-13
88479 xkeyboar General xkb RESO MOVE I added a Dvorak-style Albanian language keyboard variant 2018-12-28
23163 XCB Misc xcb RESO MOVE configure of libpthread-stubs can't detect stubs on NetBSD 2019-02-16
29743 XCB Protocol xcb RESO MOVE dynamic protocol bindings 2019-02-16
29655 XCB Library xcb RESO MOVE Expand on API docs 2019-02-16
28742 Telepath tp-spec will RESO MOVE Import Connection.Interface.StoredMessages from rtcom-tp-glib 2019-12-03
31660 Telepath tp-spec will RESO MOVE Undraft MergeableConference and Splittable 2019-12-03
30964 Telepath mission- vivek RESO MOVE Account Filters - MC implementation 2019-12-03
30963 Telepath tp-spec vivek RESO MOVE A way for Handlers to match channels based on their Accounts 2019-12-03
27107 Telepath tp-spec tomeu RESO MOVE activity/application presence 2019-12-03
24107 Telepath tp-glib tomeu RESO MOVE support Statuses on TpConnection 2019-12-03
89234 dbus core thiago RESO MOVE Missing support for passing file descriptors with "d-tube" 2018-10-12
25033 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE [1.0] Consider renaming 'account' parameter to 'username' 2019-12-03
43597 Telepath tp-qt telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Add high-level API for Chan.I.FileTransfer.Metadata interface 2019-12-03
26642 Telepath mission- telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Add proper debug flag support 2019-12-03
52482 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Allow replacing running CMs 2019-12-03
55920 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Backport Avatars1 to master 2019-12-03
36342 Telepath tp-doc telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Better error handling in get_user_defined_groups (and build fix) 2019-12-03
33589 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Channel-specific nicknames 2019-12-03
37381 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE appears to have a race 2019-12-03
44348 Telepath tp-qt telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Debugging stream output for Tp::{Contact,ConnectionCapabilities} 2019-12-03
37803 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Debug output should include user-readable enum names 2019-12-03
28741 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Define message-subject, -validity, -to, -cc, -bcc 2019-12-03
27544 Telepath butterfl telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Disconnecting during a channel creation doesn't unregister the path of channel 2019-12-03
41037 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE High level API for SASLAuthentication 2019-12-03
25157 Telepath haze telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE ICQ nicknames get clobbered by Empathy setting the UIN as the Alias. 2019-12-03
32179 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Implement a reader for 2019-12-03
32445 Telepath butterfl telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Implement SASL for passwords 2019-12-03
54198 Telepath logger telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Logger should read logs from superseded accounts as well 2019-12-03
29021 Telepath mission- telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Make ConnectAutomatically default to True 2019-12-03
52531 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Make possible to "upgrade" all proxies/contacts at once 2019-12-03
36162 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Make the pkgconfig dependency on glib/gobject public (Requires instead of Requires.private) 2019-12-03
35736 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE make tp_base_connection_change_status debug prettier 2019-12-03
34918 Telepath butterfl telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Message.MessageTypes should be in the immutable properties 2019-12-03
51527 Telepath salut telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Messages from iChat are silently ignored 2019-12-03
92115 Telepath mission- telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Mission Control: add systemd service 2019-12-03
62378 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Offline contact caching 2019-12-03
37076 Telepath idle telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Omits part of the room member list on #telepathy 2019-12-03
19178 Telepath haze telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE purple network callbacks don't work properly on Windows 2019-12-03
38366 Telepath mission- telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Should fallback to Offline instead of Busy if Invisible is not supported 2019-12-03
37100 Telepath butterfl telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE telepathy-butterfly crashed with ValueError in Received(): You can't receive the same message twice. 2019-12-03
89253 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE telepathy-gabble ignores some messages 2019-12-03
55394 Telepath logger telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Three test cases #include the .c file they're testing! 2019-12-03
38036 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE TpConnection: add Location support 2019-12-03
59921 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Use g_timeout_add_seconds to reduce wakeups 2019-12-03
22858 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Various roster fixes 2019-12-03
24901 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE voicemail interface usable with at least GSM and Skype 2019-12-03
83358 pixman pixman soren.sandmann RESO MOVE pixman-0.32.6 fails to build on mips32r2 2018-06-05
64520 Telepath tp-spec smcv RESO MOVE add Contact_Info_Field_Flag_Read_Only, for GTalk <URL> 2019-12-03
32299 Telepath tp-spec smcv RESO MOVE allow out-of-tree builds, perhaps by using Autoconf 2019-12-03
69176 Telepath mission- smcv RESO MOVE break plugin API 2019-12-03
46442 Telepath tp-spec smcv RESO MOVE Call1.I.Mute not considered stable 2019-12-03
39720 dbus core smcv RESO MOVE Clumsy semantics when connecting to session bus owned by another user 2018-10-12
105656 dbus core smcv RESO MOVE Containers message filtering/policy (#101902): basic, strict policy 2018-10-12
31029 Telepath tp-glib smcv RESO MOVE convenience function to listen on an arbitrary Unix socket 2019-12-03
85108 dbus core smcv RESO MOVE dbus-daemon: syslog when we disconnect a peer 2018-10-12
22156 dbus GLib smcv RESO MOVE dbus-glib returns UnknownMethod on GetAll if no properties 2018-08-22
83499 dbus core smcv RESO MOVE document the assumption that makes our use of credentials-passing secure 2018-10-12
108178 dbus core smcv RESO MOVE Move more test code to test/ 2018-10-12
14540 Telepath tp-spec smcv RESO MOVE Names interface - Aliasing replacement with separate nickname, local alias etc. 2019-12-03
46443 Telepath tp-spec smcv RESO MOVE [next] Remove obsolete parts of Chan.I.DTMF1 2019-12-03
49433 dbus python smcv RESO MOVE [PATCH] Add support for Python-based main loops 2018-08-22
19723 dbus python smcv RESO MOVE Patch to expose Marshal and Demarshal in the Python API 2018-08-22
54972 dbus core smcv RESO MOVE Please make libdbus thread-safe by default 2018-10-12
65290 Telepath gabble smcv RESO MOVE tests will fail with Automake 1.13 2019-12-03
68610 dbus core smcv RESO MOVE various thread-safety issues involving static variables 2018-10-12
83893 dbus GLib smcv RESO MOVE when demarshalling an object method call fails, the error is weird 2018-08-22
105838 shared-m freedesk shared_mime_info RESO MOVE [PATCH] JavaScript (and HTML) files containing "use strict" are misdetected as Perl files 2018-10-13
102155 shared-m freedesk shared_mime_info RESO MOVE SQL files should have a generic text icon 2018-10-13
98509 Portland xdg-util rdieter RESO MOVE Patches from Ubuntu for xdg-{email,screensaver} 2019-02-16
92721 dbus core ralf.habacker RESO MOVE bus-test and dbus-test failure on cross compile for windows 2018-10-12
105806 PulseAud modules pulseaudio-bugs RESO MOVE module-ladspa-sink: How can I use run_adding? 2018-07-30
101040 Portland xdg-util portland-bugs RESO MOVE Add "google-chrome-unstable" and "google-chrome-beta" to fallback browsers 2019-02-16
104973 Portland xdg-util portland-bugs RESO MOVE xdg-open can't handle URI schemes containing numbers 2019-02-16
50401 Portland xdg-util portland-bugs RESO MOVE xdg-open does not mount shares before opening them 2019-02-16
108865 Portland xdg-util portland-bugs RESO MOVE xdg-screensaver: Support xss-lock 2019-02-16
3188 poppler general poppler-bugs RESO MOVE Pasting tables cells in strange order 2018-08-21
4006 poppler general poppler-bugs RESO MOVE selection expands in unexpected ways 2018-08-20
79030 pkg-conf src pkg-config RESO MOVE Option to print location of .pc file 2018-08-25
79032 pkg-conf src pkg-config RESO MOVE Unintuitive error message for missing .pc file 2018-08-25
54117 Telepath rakia mikhail.zabaluev RESO MOVE use AS_IF, AS_CASE instead of if/fi and case/esac 2019-12-03
98163 Mesa GLX mesa-dev RESO MOVE [PATCH] glx: usability: *must* also log issue context ("failed to open drm device"). 2019-09-18
7832 xorg Lib/Xfon mattst88 RESO MOVE Font lookup by fontfile is slow on certain patterns. 2018-08-10
65212 xorg Server/G keithp RESO MOVE call xf86SetDDCproperties() after compat_output change 2018-12-13
92976 xorg App/xran keithp RESO MOVE fix memory leak 2018-08-10
35149 xorg App/xran keithp RESO MOVE modes unassigned to outputs not shown distinctly 2018-08-10
26895 xorg App/xran keithp RESO MOVE Setting mode with xrandr fails after changing panning region 2018-08-10
104849 xdgmime xdgmime jrb RESO MOVE Unquoted directory in desktop_file_to_binary of xdg-mime creates errors when filename contains forbidden characters 2018-10-13
30461 Telepath gabble jonny.lamb RESO MOVE Review Conn.I.Resources 2019-12-03
21957 Telepath idle jonathon RESO MOVE Doesn't implement SimplePresence 2019-12-03
12378 xorg App/xini jeremyhu RESO MOVE ConsoleKit patch for xinit 2018-08-10
17612 xorg Server/D jeremyhu RESO MOVE [PATCH] x86emu: add single-stepping and cleaner instruction tracing 2018-12-13
7415 xorg Lib/Xlib jcristau RESO MOVE Update locale support for what glibc 2.3.2 supports 2018-08-10
92103 Mesa Drivers/ intel-3d-bugs RESO MOVE [G45] Segmentation fault in get_stencil_miptree 2019-09-25
108466 desktop- general hpj RESO MOVE Quickbooks enterprise phone number 2018-11-16
108478 desktop- general hpj RESO MOVE QuickBooks point of sale support number 2018-11-12
30938 dbus core hp RESO MOVE <allow group="foo"> only matches against auxiliary groups, not primary group 2018-10-12
59734 dbus core hp RESO MOVE cmake 2.8.8 fixes 2013-02-12
43555 dbus core hp RESO MOVE Feature request: support for variant maps in dbus-send 2018-10-12
6309 xorg Driver/R henry.zhao RESO MOVE radeon/r128 fails to read hsync/vsync rates when range descriptor is missing 2019-11-19
10301 cairo freetype freedesktop RESO MOVE LCD filtering patch 2019-07-20
16189 fontconf orth fontconfig-bugs RESO MOVE Please Add Canadian Aborignal Syllabics to Fontconfig 2018-08-20
26085 Portland xdg-util fabo RESO MOVE xdg-screensaver resume activates the screensaver on KDE4 2019-02-16
26300 Portland xdg-util fabo RESO MOVE [xdg-settings] [PATCH] Should use basenames in GNOME 2019-02-16
21018 Portland xdg-util fabo RESO MOVE xdg-utils incorrectly parses output, causing wrong output 2019-02-16
101723 DRI DRM/Rade dri-devel RESO MOVE hdmi unplug not changing connector status 2019-11-19
54287 Telepath gabble drf54321 RESO MOVE Implement Stream Tubes over ICE-UDP 2019-12-03
99585 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Add dbus verbose channels to verbose output. 2018-10-12
82346 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE add new limit: max_connections_per_process 2018-10-12
81469 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE add new limit: max_connections_per_systemd_unit 2018-10-12
47581 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Add Smack LSM support to DBus daemon 2018-10-12
38784 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Add standard DBus interface for managing the lifetime of objects based on shared ownership 2018-10-12
92831 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE avc_init() function is deprecated 2018-10-12
72251 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE bus-test dispatch test fail on FreeBSD 9.1 2018-10-12
65134 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Callback for dbus_connection_send_with_reply never is called if service answers incorrectly 2018-10-12
85572 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Call /bin/dbus-uuidgen in systemd unit file 2018-10-12
66114 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE change spec so unknown match rule keys are ignored 2018-10-12
93920 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Check ListNames() permissions with MLS (SELinux) 2018-10-12
50418 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE configuration: add <listen_if_possible> option 2018-10-12
83539 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Correct Win32 runtime with D-Bus 1.8.0 2018-10-12
83938 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE CVE-2014-3638 follow-up: improve data structures for pending replies 2018-10-12
18013 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE dbus autolaunch fails on OS X 10.5 because of '/' characters in $DISPLAY 2018-10-12
85106 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE dbus-daemon-launch-helper: log to syslog on failure 2018-10-12
42441 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE dbus-daemon print unavailable options on help request 2018-10-12
73636 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE dbus install location issue 2018-10-12
97528 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE DBus Manpage concerning SELinux wrong 2018-10-12
105521 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Do CI builds on MSVC using Appveyor or similar 2018-10-12
106987 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Drop chdir("/") in dbus-launch 2018-10-12
101221 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE fdpass test fails on Solaris 2018-10-12
43557 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Feature request: support for file descriptors in dbus-send 2018-10-12
105380 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Fix dbus-send not returning an error exit code in case an error occured and --print-reply is not set 2018-10-12
94494 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Included configuration file "org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist" contains deprecated fields, requires user intervention on old OSX 2018-10-12
95191 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Memory leak when running test-(d)bus test on Windows 2018-10-12
99512 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Missing dbus daemon auth config test coverage 2018-10-12
92899 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE move test coverage out of test/name-test/ so it works when cross-compiling 2018-10-12
33234 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [PATCH] Allow to setup connect timeout for TCP transport 2018-10-12
106339 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [PATCH] bus: Mark service as requiring 2018-10-12
106183 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [PATCH] Fix is_valid_section_name always returning true 2018-10-12
66728 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [PATCH] launch-helper: fix error code parsing 2018-10-12
40409 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [PATCH] Natively read systemd unit directories to find actvitable services 2018-10-12
93464 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [Patch] New multi-threaded message sending test case. 2018-10-12
66576 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [PATCH] two small fixes for dbus hash: remove dead code, fix comments and remove redundant AND operation 2018-10-12
39611 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [PATCH] warn if people use at_console 2018-10-12
23679 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Set DBUS UUID from Linux random boot ID 2018-10-12
99751 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Shut down autolaunched Windows session bus after disconnecting last client 2018-10-12
91755 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE [SPEC EXTENSION][PATCH] Add new "arg0has=" string array matches 2018-10-12
100795 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Specify the drivers error code in the dbus specification 2018-10-12
105330 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Stop using selinux_set_mapping() function 2018-10-12
35311 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE sysdeps-win: abuse of sprintf into fixed-size buffers 2018-10-12
94638 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE There are no options to automatically create a socket directory. 2018-10-12
35887 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE use runtime dirs for ~/.dbus autolaunch crap 2018-10-12
84871 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE Use secure_getenv if it is available 2018-10-12
96577 dbus core dbus RESO MOVE W32: dbus does not support SSPI-based authentication mechanisms 2018-10-12
26526 cairo general cworth RESO MOVE Cairo gem fails to install 2018-08-25
12026 cairo general cworth RESO MOVE missing unlocks in src/* (font related) 2018-08-25
42422 cairo image ba cworth RESO MOVE When I use clip with mixed AA option cairo_fill() works incorrectly 2018-08-25
27857 dbus core christian RESO MOVE Implement "maybe", nullable container type 2018-10-12
56854 cairo xlib bac chris RESO MOVE Bug in non true color (pseudo, direct ...) support 2018-08-25
110678 xorg Driver/i chris RESO MOVE Split "assert (a && b)" statements into "assert(a); assert(b)", for more precise diagnostics 2019-11-27
63310 cairo general chris RESO MOVE x11-libs/cairo-1.12.14 fails to compile using clang+lto 2018-08-25
99054 cairo win32 ba cairo-bugs RESO MOVE cairo snapshot 1.15.[2,4], win32 backend: assertion (surface->is_clear) failed 2018-08-25
28110 Mesa Drivers/ brian.e.paul RESO MOVE Mesa classic-only: glMultiDrawElements doesn't draw right 2019-09-18
25113 xorg Server/G arvind.umrao RESO MOVE XCopyArea() does not work in Xinerama 2018-12-13
31200 Telepath tp-qt andrunko RESO MOVE Windows portability patches for telepathy-qt4 2019-12-03
15946 xorg Server/G ajax RESO MOVE Certain incantations of XDrawLines() can cause a server crash 2018-12-13
18866 hal hal-info zeuthen RESO WORK Curitel PanTech USB modem 2008-12-05
8221 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO WORK Cannot copy video BIOS 2006-09-28
20212 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO WORK Incorrect Pixmap pointer causing prepareaccess / finishaccess inbalance 2011-10-11
7394 xorg Lib/Xren xorg-team RESO WORK libXrender Build fixes 2009-09-01
6742 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WORK xorg xprt linking needs to be re-ordered on darwin to function properly 2008-05-06
26249 Telepath tp-glib smcv RESO WORK get GObject-Introspection bindings stable and somewhat complete 2010-09-10
25257 Telepath gabble smcv RESO WORK race condition sometimes causes muc/ to time out 2009-12-04
50378 Portland xdg-util portland-bugs CLOS WORK xdg-open no longer respects DE variable 2012-08-09
17423 xorg App/comp kristian RESO WORK windows showing in incorrect positions but responding as if they were correctly positioned 2011-09-25
11573 xorg Lib/Xfon krh RESO WORK [PATCH libXfont] rescan catalogue:<dir> fontpaths on directory changes 2010-03-16
97992 DRI DRM/Inte intel-gfx-bugs CLOS WORK [PATCH] Lenovo L440 backlight better with OpRegion panel type 2018-04-20
9616 liboil unknown ds RESO WORK [PATCH] Fix buggy MMX check for non-SSE AMD cpus 2010-03-28
33318 cairo general cworth RESO WORK Crash due to missing cairo_clip_init call in cairo_gstate_show_text_glyphs 2012-02-09
20785 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO DUPL [SDVO-TV UMS]Sometimes X doesn't start on D945GCLF2 with only TV connected 2009-10-28
30361 xorg Lib/Xi xorg-team RESO DUPL Add handler to convert XI2 events to the wire protocol 2011-10-06
30358 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO DUPL Add method to convert XGenericEvents to the wire protocol 2011-10-06
13463 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO DUPL Cross compiling patches 2009-02-17
43988 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL crtc-> can point to freed memory. 2013-02-10
5911 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL glDrawArrays server byte-swapping bug and patch. 2006-02-27
9845 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL localAllocateOffscreenLinear broken with granularity > 1 2010-12-03
30360 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO DUPL Make SendEvent() alternatively use xGESendEvent 2011-10-06
4289 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO DUPL Patch for multimedia keyboard Genius Comfy KB-19e 2006-04-19
1836 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL [PATCH] undesired keycode conversion for NEC PC-98x1 2007-04-08
5234 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO DUPL [patch] x11-servers/xorg-server-snap crashes with ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 2005-12-06
17712 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO DUPL permanently growing memory leak 2008-09-22
9060 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL The backslash/bar definition is missing in the us dvorak variant 2007-01-25
11159 xorg * Other xorg-team CLOS DUPL tranlate "man xrandr" in french 2011-10-15
7343 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL Ungrab/DISABLEGRAB and ClearGrab/CLOSECLIENT don't work 2006-07-04
4939 xorg Lib/Xfon xorg-team RESO DUPL XCreateFontSet / XListFonts is very slow for UTF-8 locales 2011-10-10
5719 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL xorg server segfaults upon startup 2006-01-24
31537 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL xserver segfaults in _glXGetDrawable() when firefox goes on some web sites (NULL pointer) 2010-11-11
48471 Telepath libtelep vivek RESO DUPL TpConnection self_contact / TpContact circular reference results in a leak 2013-05-01
28693 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL Call needs to be able to indicate to the UI that starting to stream has failed for some reason 2011-02-11
26867 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL .client file is documented incorrectly 2010-03-15
31051 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL DTMF for Chan.Type.Call 2010-10-25
35339 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL Fix never-read variable warnings from GCC 4.6. 2011-03-18
59705 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL Fix out of source builddir - autogen 2016-09-01
29376 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL Interface.Messages should be mandatory 2010-11-08
28723 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL Need to document/design how to handle codec negotiation failures 2011-03-31
75204 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL [next] remove TpAsv from public API 2014-04-07
34247 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO DUPL plugins should be able to create channel managers 2011-02-14
29619 Telepath tp-glib smcv RESO DUPL Allow user-specified feature requests on TpBaseClient 2010-08-23
31170 Telepath tp-spec smcv VERI DUPL Chan.I.Messages: decide if the values of "content-type" body part keys must be normalized 2010-11-09
27287 dbus core smcv RESO DUPL Don't expose @DBUS_CLIENT_LIBS@ in public Libs header for pkg-config 2011-03-03
55392 Telepath mission- smcv RESO DUPL _mcd_channel_depart doesn't Close() channels that turn out not to be a Group 2013-09-10
27998 Telepath tp-glib smcv RESO DUPL TpProtocol in tp-glib 2010-07-01
30308 Telepath gabble smcv RESO DUPL use tp_clear_object, etc., more 2010-09-22
19623 dbus GLib rob.taylor RESO DUPL dbus_bus_get_private doesn't have a dbus-glib wrapper 2011-03-28
8131 dbus GLib robert RESO DUPL [patch] 0.71: allow compiling with -Wshadow 2006-10-25
12309 poppler general poppler-bugs RESO DUPL poppler-data-0.1 Makefile fails on Solaris and gnumake 2007-09-07
57749 LibreOff Database lionel RESO DUPL UI: Misplaced ON in multiple outer join generated by query design view 2012-12-02
22871 xorg Driver/i RESO DUPL xf86-intel 2.8.0 uses wrong mode on LVDS1, due to DVI1 (Thinkpad x200, intel GM45) 2009-07-23
12687 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12688 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12689 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12690 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12691 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12695 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12696 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12697 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12702 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
12729 shared-m freedesk jrb CLOS DUPL Description of application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database 2007-10-09
25371 DRI DRM/Inte jbarnes CLOS DUPL [945gm] lvds panel blinking from time to time 2016-12-13
40072 dbus core hp RESO DUPL dbus_threads_init() should be made reentrant 2013-09-13
46886 dbus core hp RESO DUPL Implement own_prefix policy statements 2012-03-12
28155 Telepath tp-glib guillaume.desmottes RESO DUPL TpBaseClient should be able to unregister itself 2010-05-24
3247 xorg Driver/V eich RESO DUPL Setting the DAC mode when depth >8 produces problems with some BIOSes 2006-06-03
15522 dbus core dbus RESO DUPL assigns between signed and unsigned pointers without a cast 2015-11-24
97821 dbus core dbus RESO DUPL dbus-daemon ignores effective group id of the client 2018-01-16
21961 Icon the hicolor alexl RESO DUPL support high resolution icons in hicolor 2009-09-25
18870 xorg Driver/i RESO WONT 945G with KVM and Analog VGA LCD doesn't detect EDID or DDC or Load, fails to start. 2008-12-14
17380 hal misc zeuthen RESO WONT add device info for an el-cheapo mp3 player 2008-10-02
7803 hal hald zeuthen RESO WONT Ignore legacy /dev/audio devices 2011-08-26
22672 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO WONT Change VBE version limitation from 2.0 to 1.2 to allow to perform EDID query by means of VBE/DDC 2012-12-19
6703 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO WONT liblbxutil build fixes 2007-01-23
6838 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO WONT miscelaneous modular xorg jhbuild file updates 2008-05-06
2739 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO WONT [PATCH] StaticNeedsPicForShared YES is often required on x86 2006-06-03
4325 xorg App/xrdb xorg-team RESO WONT [PATCH] xrdb should use mcpp if it's available 2011-10-15
9356 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WONT poor colormap management 2010-03-26
11973 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO WONT [r128] Rage Fury Pro Interlaced mode not working right. 2011-10-17
7671 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO WONT Small EXA enhancements "bug". 2010-03-27
3470 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO WONT vga/generic.c will not link if XF1Bpp or XF4Bpp is undefined 2006-06-03
5711 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO WONT Xdmx shouldn't depend on xaw7 - xaw8 does the same thing 2008-10-25
77097 xorg App/xmod xorg-team RESO WONT [xmodmap] Manpage out of date 2014-04-06
15779 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WONT xorg/xserver - branch origin/server-1.4-branch - fix parsing weird EDID 2009-02-02
8647 xorg Input/ev warp-spam+fdo RESO WONT Patch to support button remapping per device 2008-05-01
3512 shared-m freedesk teuf RESO WONT Support for the EET archive file type 2007-02-05
32205 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Add ability to watch for message acknowledgement in TpMessageMixin 2011-07-27
36145 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Add Connection_Presence_Type_Blocked 2012-01-23
42954 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Call: Why does MediaDescription.Reject return a reason? 2011-12-23
24696 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Define an 'offline-message' flag for message headers 2009-11-09
23166 Telepath tp-glib telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Do not build tests unless required 2009-08-17
25713 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Gabble 0.8 leak fixes 2010-10-07
24697 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Set offline-message for delayed incoming messages 2009-11-09
33101 Telepath tp-spec telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Undraft interfaces for Hidden accounts 2013-10-30
68143 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Work around empty aliases in roster updates from Facebook 2016-07-13
40775 p11-glue p11-kit stefw RESO WONT Prevent loading of modules from different architecture 2011-09-14
48821 dbus GLib smcv RESO WONT add support for GVariant-based method calls 2015-02-09
30043 Telepath tp-spec smcv RESO WONT A way for channel handlers to request observer bypassing 2014-01-07
34970 dbus core smcv RESO WONT decides whether to cache a used message based on length, not allocation 2012-02-21
46049 dbus core smcv RESO WONT doesn't compile under Windows CE (probably) 2014-09-23
30423 Telepath tp-glib smcv RESO WONT Provide convenience API for GVariant-based a{sv}s 2012-03-08
2563 xprint Server: roland.mainz RESO WONT [PATCH] Xprint overuses strlen; various fixes 2011-09-13
609 xprint Fonts: O roland.mainz RESO WONT print job gets flushed from buffer on SPARCprinterE 2011-09-13
967 xprint Server: roland.mainz RESO WONT Temporary file vulnerabilities in spool directory support 2011-09-13
2794 xprint Document roland.mainz RESO WONT Typo: missing parameter on manpage 2011-09-13
1038 xprint Tools: O roland.mainz RESO WONT xdpyinfo should list all ISO DPA 10175 "attribute objects" 2011-09-13
30834 dbus GLib rob.taylor RESO WONT [PATCH] fix property handling when one introspection XML contains multiple interfaces 2014-05-12
13588 xorg App/comp reveman RESO WONT [PATCH] allow build with older libfuse 2010-12-01
39055 xorg Input/sy peter.hutterer RESO WONT Can't disable touchpad by tapping on hot-area on touchpad 2018-04-06
38331 xorg Lib/Xi peter.hutterer RESO WONT libxi causes segfault on mips64 abi n32 2016-11-28
1265 xorg Driver/t MostAwesomedude RESO WONT EXA for tdfx 2014-11-17
1424 xorg Driver/R mat CLOS WONT Font rendering glitches w/ acceleration 2007-11-22
38943 Telepath gabble marco.barisione RESO WONT Implement Facebook's power saving mode 2016-07-06
73382 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT PRINTING: Printing leaves out some lines 2014-04-02
5114 xorg Server/D keithp CLOS WONT Elographics - xf86Elo.c 2011-10-15
168 xorg Server/D keithp CLOS WONT xserver doesn't compile on FreeBSD 2011-10-15
10400 shared-m freedesk jrb RESO WONT [PATCH] application/x-cd-image-bootable 2008-04-10
1607 xorg Input/Ke jay.cotton RESO WONT Xorg keyboard configuration is difficult. 2006-06-03
97360 dbus core jan.steffens RESO WONT user dbus.socket: Remove [Install] Also=dbus.service 2016-08-17
28460 dbus core hp RESO WONT dbus-config api 2012-03-12
23252 dbus core hp RESO WONT Make dbus read the ConsoleKit database directly for at_console= handling 2011-07-27
8934 dbus core hp RESO WONT Reset activated process' priority and create new process group for it 2014-09-23
34526 dbus core hp RESO WONT Support service activation via Upstart 2014-09-23
11765 xorg Driver/i eric RESO WONT Make configure check for GL/gl.h in the intel driver 2007-11-25
23238 Telepath tp-glib eitan.isaacson RESO WONT Add acking hooks to TpMessageMixin/TpTextMixin 2010-11-23
26043 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO WONT Graphics corruption in Sauerbraten 2011-11-13
99834 dbus core dbus RESO WONT Get rid of legacy dbus-1.0 include dir location. 2017-02-20
94591 dbus core dbus RESO WONT Use the ConsoleKit database for at_console support 2016-03-18
27602 Telepath tp-glib danielle RESO WONT tp_connection_ensure_channel_async 2010-09-13
19410 cairo beos bac cbiesinger RESO WONT Add haiku as a build target 2014-09-22
2607 xorg Lib/Xlib bernie RESO WONT -fvisibility=hidden patch for libX11 2011-10-04
8811 xorg Driver/r alexdeucher RESO WONT TV-in for All in Wonder 128 2010-09-11
23846 dbus GLib alban.crequy RESO WONT make DBusGProxy signal-match rules more specific 2013-09-10
3304 xorg Driver/T alanh RESO WONT [PATCH] - trident cyberblade FIFO status check 2010-12-04
1097 xorg Driver/m ajax RESO WONT [PATCH] [Matrox/MGA] Add Pseudo-Xinerama to MergedFB for mga 2014-03-20
5493 xorg Driver/R ajax RESO WONT Smarter clone mode for radeon(4) 2008-12-02
17880 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA No need to set up completion for noninteractive shells 2009-10-21
7269 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA Patch for a small leak 2009-10-21
2832 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA Broken implementation of XIMStringConversionCallback in libX11. 2018-06-12
10019 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO INVA "cleanlinks" removes non-dangling absolute symlinks 2018-06-12
7642 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA Entering SS through Lock+ssharp (german) using new type 2010-12-03
16470 xorg Input/fp xorg-team RESO INVA Erroneous right click events on Gateway M285 tablet. 2018-06-12
14781 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA Export symbols required by new compiling modules. 2008-03-13
8059 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA forwarding keycode 0 not working on XIM 2018-06-12
25785 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO INVA libSM: uninitialized / previously buffered data sent in list/array padding 2018-06-12
93585 xorg App/luit xorg-team RESO INVA luit. Lost <alt>+key combinations 2019-05-24
8414 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO INVA [mach64] DownloadFromScreen 2018-06-12
6699 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO INVA Make radeon log messages more sane 2007-09-15
17421 xorg Input/mi xorg-team RESO INVA microtouch driver should have an option to invert y-axis. 2018-06-12
48639 xorg App/mkfo xorg-team RESO INVA mkfontscale: Ignore symlinks pointing to files in the same directory 2018-06-17
12814 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO INVA Mouse keys KP_9 doesn't move the pointer northeast 2018-06-12
25216 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA [PATCH] Fix a small potential memory leak in ProcRotateProperties 2010-04-08
8390 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO INVA [PATCH] Fix dmx utilities' return values and output 2010-12-05
10797 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA [Patch] Fixes Xinerama not respecting Display Boundries, Multi-monitor 2018-06-11
14543 xorg Lib/ICE xorg-team RESO INVA patch from 2008-02-19
14544 xorg Lib/Xau xorg-team RESO INVA patch from 2008-02-19
14545 xorg Lib/Xft xorg-team RESO INVA patch from 2008-02-19
14546 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO INVA patch from 2008-02-19
22133 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA patch from fix include 2009-06-08
22132 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA patch from fix includes 2009-06-07
22130 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO INVA patch from fix missing include 2009-06-30
6096 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO INVA patch: simplify drivers src/ (here: ATI driver) 2009-09-30
1441 xorg Fonts/ot xorg-team RESO INVA [PATCH] Some converted fonts are not generated. 2006-04-17
11545 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO INVA patch to support Linux Extended MEDIUMRAW keyboard mode (keycodes 128-255) 2018-06-12
7968 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO INVA [patch] xdpyinfo should list the virtual root window ID, as well as the actual root window ID 2018-06-12
13840 xorg Input/el xorg-team RESO INVA proposed patch for the VM84 touchscreen ( uses elographics ) 2018-06-12
14771 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA Rewrite commented out out code for audit message compression. 2008-07-23
36557 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA server regeneration messes up console with -novtswitch 2018-06-12
13462 xorg App/xini xorg-team RESO INVA startx xauth "unknown command" error 2018-06-12
8566 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO INVA TV-Out patch for Radeon cards 2006-11-01
21487 xorg Driver/T xorg-team RESO INVA V4L doesn't use Trident Backend Scaler on Trident CyberBlade/i1 2018-06-12
20493 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO INVA wsmouse: enable absolute X and Y position event. 2018-06-12
19572 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA X11 library: problem with KeySym translation for Russian font that uses Mode_Switch 2018-06-12
31456 xorg Protocol xorg-team RESO INVA x11-proto/xproto-7.0.19: configure check for poll.h 2018-06-12
26090 xorg App/xcom xorg-team RESO INVA xcompmgr and ICCCM manager spec 2018-06-12
2340 xorg App/xcom xorg-team RESO INVA xcompmgr option to not fade big windows 2018-06-12
17325 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO INVA xdm lacks consolekit support 2018-06-12
5867 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO INVA X doesn't know when to turn off offscreen pixmaps 2010-03-26
11633 xorg App/xmod xorg-team RESO INVA xmodmap: Add "-pme" option to print modifier map as expressions 2018-06-12
15074 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO INVA xorg/app/xlogo - Compile warning fix 2008-11-14
5140 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO INVA Xorg slow when acpid running 2018-06-12
2135 xorg App/xpro xorg-team RESO INVA xprop doesnt select the right window in tab-using windowmanagers 2018-06-17
19772 xkeyboar General xkb RESO INVA add keypad:comma option 2009-01-27
5435 xkeyboar General xkb RESO INVA Suggestion for an alternative phonetic cyrillic layout. 2019-03-14
8469 xorg Input/ev warp-spam+fdo RESO INVA make multimedia keys map as keys and not buttons 2008-12-04
44778 xorg Driver/m tilman RESO INVA Extend mga driver to PC-9821 again. 2018-06-13
16980 xorg Driver/m tilman RESO INVA Set displays depth as 16 for G200SE 2018-06-12
26119 Telepath haze telepathy-bugs VERI INVA aliasing: workaround for set_alias() 2010-07-18
37264 Telepath yell telepathy-bugs RESO INVA Crash using freed object 2011-10-07
34092 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO INVA Gabble crashes when quickly connecting and disconnecting from the Internet 2011-02-25
36205 dbus core smcv RESO INVA provide dbus_threads_mutexes_are_recursive() 2012-02-21
46068 Telepath salut siraj RESO INVA Make salut compile with wocky.h public API header 2012-02-15
17793 dbus GLib rob.taylor RESO INVA delete bonged EchoVariant test method 2008-11-28
7920 cairomm Build murrayc RESO INVA PATCH: cairomm-1.1.10 fails to build complete documentation 2006-08-19
13040 xorg Input/hy Manuel.Spam RESO INVA Make the "cursor" option in xorg.conf useful 2018-06-12
37331 xorg Server/D mallum RESO INVA fix pointer coordinate translation when screen is rotated 2018-06-12
1191 xorg Server/D keithp RESO INVA Fixes for Kdrive composite exposures 2018-06-11
2715 xorg Lib/Xft keithp RESO INVA libxft is calculatint wrong width of CJK fonts 2018-06-12
11859 xorg Server/G keithp RESO INVA Mem leak fixes for randr 2009-10-13
10698 shared-m general jrb RESO INVA shared-mime-info.pc belongs in libdir, not in datadir 2007-07-25
31175 xorg Lib/Xaw jeremyhu RESO INVA Incorrect scale lines in xload window 2018-06-12
7474 xorg Lib/Xmu jeremyhu RESO INVA XmuClientWindow chooses the wrong window 2018-06-12
17010 xorg Lib/Xlib jamey RESO INVA Bad error handling in Multi-threaded environment 2018-06-12
16418 xorg Driver/i gordon.jin RESO INVA [Backlight] asus laptops patch for intel video 2008-07-15
6829 xorg Driver/m fufutos610 RESO INVA [mach64] driver needs to enable PCI bus after S3 suspend 2018-06-12
2381 xorg Input/hy eich RESO INVA Hyperpen input driver improvements 2018-06-12
79649 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO INVA [PATCH RFC] r300/compiler: recursive look for RC_OPCODE_S** 2014-10-14
11307 xorg Lib/Xlib cloos RESO INVA New Compose file for Ethiopean locale am_ET.UTF-8 2019-10-30
9409 xorg Driver/S chechun_kuo RESO INVA adding path for 662 chipset 2018-06-12
6845 xorg Driver/n aplattner RESO INVA Regression from 6.8.2 when only TV output is in use [PATCH] 2010-11-15
5817 xorg Driver/i alanh RESO INVA hotkey switching from LFT to CRT gives 'dirty' crt output on i915GM 2007-05-11
7102 xorg Driver/i alanh RESO INVA [PATCH] Non-dri builds of i810 driver are broken 2006-06-08
41208 xorg Server/D ajax RESO INVA Xorg start fails with missleading log entries: Module [...] does not have a [...] data object. 2012-07-20
14235 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE [965GM] The Clevo M720R has no tv-out 2008-01-24
23654 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE B43 chipset support 2009-09-11
19063 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE data from readdir used after closedir 2008-12-14
14032 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE i810 should default to 16 bpp 2008-01-16
27471 DRI DRM/Inte CLOS FIXE KMS with some Lenovo X201 fails due to being unable to find_best_PLL 2017-07-24
23175 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE pixmap corruptions after suspend to disk with 2.6.31rc5 + intel-2.8.0 2010-02-23
15353 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE Quirks for -intel from Ubuntu/Dell 2008-04-06
24548 DRI DRM/Inte CLOS FIXE S3 suspending supports for Ironlake graphics 2017-07-24
24009 DRI DRM/Inte CLOS FIXE sometimes blank screen when openarena start in non-native mode 2017-10-06
15046 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel - Compile warning fixes. 2008-03-17
15156 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel - Compile warning fixes. 2008-03-25
13948 hal hal-info zeuthen RESO FIXE Acer Aspire 1350 Keymap 2008-02-19
19362 hal hal-info zeuthen RESO FIXE Additional display resume quirk required for Compaq Presario X1000 2009-01-16
34869 dbus core zeuthen RESO FIXE Add ObjectManager interface to the spec 2014-09-25
25367 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Also read local authority configuration data from /etc 2010-01-10
22903 hal build zeuthen RESO FIXE can't disable console-kit 2009-07-23
17684 hal hald zeuthen RESO FIXE HAL fails to mount NTFS in user mode 2008-12-12
18027 hal misc zeuthen RESO FIXE HP_RECOVERY partition not ignored 2008-10-13
19224 hal hald zeuthen RESO FIXE input.tablet capabilities is hiding behind wrong check 2009-03-02
7290 hal misc zeuthen RESO FIXE Patch: add support for Mandriva pmsuspend 2006-08-03
73321 udisks general zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] configure: GNOME_COMMON_INIT: command not found 2014-12-18
13803 hal hald zeuthen RESO FIXE "ThinkPad Extra Buttons" device not detected on ThinkPad X61 2008-02-05
27253 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE use GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK from gobject-introspection 2011-02-23
30199 DRI DRM/Inte yuanhan.liu CLOS FIXE [Huron River] render corruption after S3 resume (with tiling) 2017-10-06
46580 Ytstenut plugins ytstenut RESO FIXE Copy plugin base files to gabble directory 2012-02-27
47940 Ytstenut ytstenut ytstenut RESO FIXE Fix dependency toolchain for glib in Android 2012-08-06
46492 Ytstenut plugins ytstenut RESO FIXE Fixed API linking after salut and gabble refactoring 2012-02-27
46494 Ytstenut plugins ytstenut RESO FIXE Make wocky optional for Android 2012-02-24
46491 Ytstenut tp-ytste ytstenut RESO FIXE Support building with Android NDK R7 2012-02-27
25493 Telepath gabble youness.alaoui RESO FIXE GTalk-compatible file transfers are not implemented 2010-06-30
27164 nice General youness.alaoui CLOS FIXE review/merge/release 'kakaroto/reliable' branch 2010-03-18
15050 xorg Driver/A yc_chen RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-ast - Compile warning fixes 2008-03-18
14737 xorg Driver/A yc_chen RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-ast - Make sure symbols used by loader are of public visibility 2008-02-29
21064 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [855GM] garbled screen with intel 2.6.x driver (with tiling off) 2009-08-17
22891 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [945GC SDVO-TV ]TV no Properties can be set 2017-07-24
25523 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [945GME KMS] LVDS output not detected as LID status is closed (actually open) 2009-12-21
22248 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [945GM Macbook] MiniDVI gets non-preferred mode if (non-existed) VGA configured as Ignore 2009-09-09
21856 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [945GM] Patch for Aopen i945GTt-VFA motherboard and LVDS 2017-07-24
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.


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