Thu Feb 13 2025 20:19:18 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
27471 DRI DRM/Inte CLOS FIXE KMS with some Lenovo X201 fails due to being unable to find_best_PLL 2017-07-24
24548 DRI DRM/Inte CLOS FIXE S3 suspending supports for Ironlake graphics 2017-07-24
24009 DRI DRM/Inte CLOS FIXE sometimes blank screen when openarena start in non-native mode 2017-10-06
18870 xorg Driver/i RESO WONT 945G with KVM and Analog VGA LCD doesn't detect EDID or DDC or Load, fails to start. 2008-12-14
14235 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE [965GM] The Clevo M720R has no tv-out 2008-01-24
23654 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE B43 chipset support 2009-09-11
19063 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE data from readdir used after closedir 2008-12-14
14032 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE i810 should default to 16 bpp 2008-01-16
23175 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE pixmap corruptions after suspend to disk with 2.6.31rc5 + intel-2.8.0 2010-02-23
15353 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE Quirks for -intel from Ubuntu/Dell 2008-04-06
13089 xorg App/xran RESO NOTA [RANDR, dual head] set monitor's position incorrect 2008-02-26
15046 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel - Compile warning fixes. 2008-03-17
15156 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel - Compile warning fixes. 2008-03-25
13948 hal hal-info zeuthen RESO FIXE Acer Aspire 1350 Keymap 2008-02-19
17380 hal misc zeuthen RESO WONT add device info for an el-cheapo mp3 player 2008-10-02
19362 hal hal-info zeuthen RESO FIXE Additional display resume quirk required for Compaq Presario X1000 2009-01-16
34869 dbus core zeuthen RESO FIXE Add ObjectManager interface to the spec 2014-09-25
25367 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Also read local authority configuration data from /etc 2010-01-10
22903 hal build zeuthen RESO FIXE can't disable console-kit 2009-07-23
18866 hal hal-info zeuthen RESO WORK Curitel PanTech USB modem 2008-12-05
17684 hal hald zeuthen RESO FIXE HAL fails to mount NTFS in user mode 2008-12-12
18027 hal misc zeuthen RESO FIXE HP_RECOVERY partition not ignored 2008-10-13
7803 hal hald zeuthen RESO WONT Ignore legacy /dev/audio devices 2011-08-26
19224 hal hald zeuthen RESO FIXE input.tablet capabilities is hiding behind wrong check 2009-03-02
17880 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA No need to set up completion for noninteractive shells 2009-10-21
7290 hal misc zeuthen RESO FIXE Patch: add support for Mandriva pmsuspend 2006-08-03
73321 udisks general zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] configure: GNOME_COMMON_INIT: command not found 2014-12-18
7269 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA Patch for a small leak 2009-10-21
50145 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE [PATCH] polkit-0.115 fails to build on POSIX platforms (like Linux/musl) due to requiring netgroup support 2018-08-20
13803 hal hald zeuthen RESO FIXE "ThinkPad Extra Buttons" device not detected on ThinkPad X61 2008-02-05
27253 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE use GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK from gobject-introspection 2011-02-23
17696 hal build zeuthen NEW --- [patch] always use sys/inotify.h 2008-09-21
30199 DRI DRM/Inte yuanhan.liu CLOS FIXE [Huron River] render corruption after S3 resume (with tiling) 2017-10-06
46580 Ytstenut plugins ytstenut RESO FIXE Copy plugin base files to gabble directory 2012-02-27
47940 Ytstenut ytstenut ytstenut RESO FIXE Fix dependency toolchain for glib in Android 2012-08-06
46492 Ytstenut plugins ytstenut RESO FIXE Fixed API linking after salut and gabble refactoring 2012-02-27
46494 Ytstenut plugins ytstenut RESO FIXE Make wocky optional for Android 2012-02-24
46491 Ytstenut tp-ytste ytstenut RESO FIXE Support building with Android NDK R7 2012-02-27
27164 nice General youness.alaoui CLOS FIXE review/merge/release 'kakaroto/reliable' branch 2010-03-18
25493 Telepath gabble youness.alaoui RESO FIXE GTalk-compatible file transfers are not implemented 2010-06-30
15050 xorg Driver/A yc_chen RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-ast - Compile warning fixes 2008-03-18
14737 xorg Driver/A yc_chen RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-ast - Make sure symbols used by loader are of public visibility 2008-02-29
22891 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [945GC SDVO-TV ]TV no Properties can be set 2017-07-24
21856 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [945GM] Patch for Aopen i945GTt-VFA motherboard and LVDS 2017-07-24
21040 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [965GM Macbook KMS] EDID detection on DVI connector fails(incorrect TV detection) 2017-07-24
23916 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE D945GCLF2: S-Video output is Black/white while setting PAL format. 2017-07-24
23350 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE EDID needs to use the analog DDC port if DVI is used on Mac mini 2017-07-24
21417 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [G33][KMS] "Out of range signal" when changing to lower resolution 2017-07-24
22247 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [G45] Both HDMI take one pipe 2017-07-24
20639 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [KMS] SDVO-TV not detected ( device connected to SDVOC) 2017-10-06
20115 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [lvds dual channel]KMS fails to completely configure 855 chip 2017-07-24
23842 DRI DRM/Inte yakui.zhao CLOS FIXE [Q965] 2.6.31-rc5: No monitor detected on DVI1 (SDVO without EDID) with KMS 2016-12-13
23789 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao VERI FIXE [KMS] xrandr has a wrong output when set panel fitting on LVDS 2009-10-19
21064 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [855GM] garbled screen with intel 2.6.x driver (with tiling off) 2009-08-17
25523 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [945GME KMS] LVDS output not detected as LID status is closed (actually open) 2009-12-21
22248 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [945GM Macbook] MiniDVI gets non-preferred mode if (non-existed) VGA configured as Ignore 2009-09-09
24339 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE Aspect panel fitting generates graphical corruption on LVDS with i945 2009-10-13
23178 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE Black screen out of sync when changing resolution on Q43/Q45 with VGA monitor 2009-10-12
22761 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE Default 60Hz display mode drives LVDS incorrectly 2009-09-13
23099 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [drm:edid_is_valid] *ERROR* Raw EDID in dmesg every 10 seconds, temporarily freezing the desktop 2010-04-11
22124 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [GM965][ integrated TV]switching TV_FORMAT to PAL instantly crashes X 2009-09-21
22716 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [i945G] Incorrect resolution with KMS enabled (fuzzy aspect match) 2009-09-10
23098 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO FIXE [i965] Low resolution for HDMI-connected TV 2010-03-14
20785 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO DUPL [SDVO-TV UMS]Sometimes X doesn't start on D945GCLF2 with only TV connected 2009-10-28
2186 xorg * Other xorg-team CLOS FIXE one typo in locale.alias (czech alias) 2011-10-15
6217 xorg Server/G xorg-team CLOS FIXE [PATCH] Fails to build on x86_64-*-kfreebsd-gnu 2006-06-03
6659 xorg Server/G xorg-team CLOS FIXE [PATCH] X server on GNU/kFreeBSD 2006-06-03
15719 xorg * Other xorg-team CLOS FIXE SCIM and other XIM servers never loaded on Thai locale 2011-10-15
11159 xorg * Other xorg-team CLOS DUPL tranlate "man xrandr" in french 2011-10-15
43425 xorg App/xaut xorg-team CLOS FIXE xauth is unable to handle "FamilyWild" resulting in X11 forwarding problems with SSH 2014-06-26
29994 xorg App/xaut xorg-team CLOS FIXE xauth list hangs in resolver 2011-10-15
15082 xorg App/xfs xorg-team CLOS FIXE xorg/app/xfs - Compile warning fixes 2011-10-15
56508 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE 4-byte buffer overflow in MakeBigReq 2013-03-09
14321 xorg App/xwd xorg-team RESO FIXE 64-bit version of xwd crashes when a transparent overlay visual is used 2018-06-17
9842 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE "65533" is not a character number in the document character set 2011-10-15
29905 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE acceleration for mouse wheel 2018-12-13
83235 xorg Lib/ICE xorg-team RESO MOVE Accessing freed memory in LibICE version 1.0.9 in file "process.c" at line 1177 ,as the relevant pointer is not assigned NULL after freeing. 2018-08-10
4247 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Access to freed memory in argb cursor code on server exit 2006-05-25
4168 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE access to freed memory in the modules loader 2006-05-25
4246 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO FIXE Add DDC2 support for Voodoo3 chipsets ( and probably others ) 2007-02-27
54798 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Add glXCreateNewContext support to Xephyr 2012-10-10
30361 xorg Lib/Xi xorg-team RESO DUPL Add handler to convert XI2 events to the wire protocol 2011-10-06
19427 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO MOVE Add information about Option NoDDC/NoDDC1/NoDDC2 to man page 2018-12-13
317 xorg App/twm xorg-team RESO FIXE Additional features for TWM 2007-02-26
30358 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO DUPL Add method to convert XGenericEvents to the wire protocol 2011-10-06
21560 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Add new Indic languages information to libX11 2009-05-06
48588 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO MOVE Add support for disabling extensions through environment variables 2018-08-10
30357 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Add xGESendEventReq to XGE 2011-10-06
66891 xorg Input/wa xorg-team RESO FIXE Add xorg rule for ISD-V4 tablet 2014-05-18
7458 xorg Protocol xorg-team RESO FIXE AIX changes to Xmd.h 2006-07-14
17940 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE app/rstart installs in wrong place for VPATH build 2008-11-28
5523 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE ATI driver doesn't compile when USE_XAA is undefined 2006-01-08
1992 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE [ATI/radeon] timing bug (tearing) 2007-02-22
16501 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE autodetection of sbus graphic cards 2008-10-25
21455 xorg Server/I xorg-team RESO FIXE Bad event list generated when adding fake KeyRelease 2010-04-14
27572 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Bad glyph data fed into Xrender extension can cause a crash of X11 server 2010-06-11
35082 xorg Server/I xorg-team RESO FIXE BadLength in XChangeDevicePropery of XInputExtension when performing byte-swapping 2011-04-06
6668 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO FIXE Black Screen on Xorg 7.1RC1 and Via K8M800 with DRI enabled 2006-07-21
5473 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Blank screen with Radeon Mobility X700 (Acer Ferrari 4005) 2007-10-30
5627 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE Broken font symlinks 2006-02-28
2832 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA Broken implementation of XIMStringConversionCallback in libX11. 2018-06-12
6903 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Broken linked list delete in sync.c 2006-05-15
11053 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Buffer overflow in fbCopyArea() 2018-06-11
63307 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE build error in backtrace.c on Solaris 10 2018-12-13
15483 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO FIXE Build patch for vesa driver 2008-04-17
26839 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Build problem on Interix (POSIX layer on Windows) 2010-04-16
108005 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE calling compScreenUpdate() from a block handler breaks other extensions (VNC) 2018-10-05
8221 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO WORK Cannot copy video BIOS 2006-09-28
6502 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Can't switch resolution via XRandR after some time 2007-09-04
2073 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO FIXE CFLAGS used for sunffb are incoherent on sparc linux using gcc; gcc should never use -mv8 2007-02-22
22672 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO WONT Change VBE version limitation from 2.0 to 1.2 to allow to perform EDID query by means of VBE/DDC 2012-12-19
96257 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE Check for host-prefixed cpp first in XORG_PROG_RAWCPP macro 2018-03-30
6150 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Check in xf86InitFBManager() is always false 2006-03-07
10019 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO INVA "cleanlinks" removes non-dangling absolute symlinks 2018-06-12
10991 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Code-Cleanup: KR-Style function declarations -> ansi (mi/*) 2010-10-28
52289 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Colors aqua, fuchsia, lime, olive, silver, teal missing from rgb.txt 2018-06-13
18998 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Compiling libX11-1.1.3 fails, typo in CrGlCur.c (only for HP-UX) 2009-09-03
44312 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Complete compose key sequences for musical symbols 2012-03-19
30621 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Compose sequences for ligatures 2011-10-14
45500 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO MOVE composite/xrender bug with Xft and FLTK 2019-03-22
18997 xorg Lib/ICE xorg-team RESO FIXE Convert libICE to ANSI C & related cleanup 2009-01-06
7381 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO FIXE Coordinates get wrapped in accelerated line drawing on pixmap 2006-07-01
50252 xorg Lib/Xaw xorg-team RESO FIXE Correct undefined behaviour access to out of scope pointer contents 2012-05-24
91636 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO MOVE Crashes with non-pci graphcis on a pci support device 2018-12-13
43247 xorg Lib/pcia xorg-team RESO FIXE Crash in ios handling in common_io.c 2011-11-28
13463 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO DUPL Cross compiling patches 2009-02-17
13464 xorg Lib/Xt xorg-team RESO FIXE Cross compiling patches 2011-10-07
43988 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL crtc-> can point to freed memory. 2013-02-10
33008 xorg Document xorg-team RESO NOTA cvt.1 manpage spelling fix 2011-01-11
7121 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Cygwin/Xming, fix an occasional repeating clipboard pasting problem 2007-01-23
7120 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Cygwin/Xming Multimonitor gdi screen patch. 2007-01-23
18569 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Cygwin/X: Patches to update for various input/MPX/event queue changes 2008-12-17
18568 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Cygwin/X: patch to fix build 2008-12-17
18570 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Cygwin/X: patch to update for changes in shadow framebuffer damage 2008-12-17
18571 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Cygwin/X: patch to use standard DPMS stubs 2008-12-17
99882 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE DEBUG build fails with clang due to -Wformat errors 2018-03-25
2176 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE DGA mode detection sets imageHeight and imageWidth to 0 2009-08-31
29111 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE --disable-xv is broken 2011-10-09
5173 xorg Driver/T xorg-team RESO FIXE Double Scan support for the trident driver. 2006-12-01
7367 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE DRAC4 video (ATI Radeon VE/7000) graphics not working 2006-07-11
5057 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE dri drivers are built without support for s3tc texture compression (using an external library) 2007-05-17
1316 xorg Lib/Xt xorg-team RESO FIXE editres: Fix for GetValues 2008-07-14
9240 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE EINTR in select causes client shutdown 2008-04-30
1718 xorg Input/el xorg-team RESO FIXE elographics driver get's out of sync under heavy load 2007-02-22
7642 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA Entering SS through Lock+ssharp (german) using new type 2010-12-03
15858 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE Equis - DDX for Plan 9 from Bell Labs 2018-12-13
16470 xorg Input/fp xorg-team RESO INVA Erroneous right click events on Gateway M285 tablet. 2018-06-12
6911 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO FIXE exaTryDriverSolidFill() should bail out when exaGetPixelFromRGBA() fails. 2006-06-24
10918 xorg Fonts/ot xorg-team RESO FIXE Excessive stack usage in dixfonts.c can cause server crash 2007-11-18
14781 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA Export symbols required by new compiling modules. 2008-03-13
44313 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO NOTA Extent compose key sequences for ligatures 2012-01-03
21827 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE faulty sdksyms.c generated by the awk script in 2014-11-29
5796 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE fbComposite copy function selection is broken 2006-06-21
7145 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE fix build with gcc 2.95 2007-03-05
18978 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE fix distcheck target -- problems with ChangeLog 2008-12-16
7148 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE fix documentation bug and document missing feature 2008-10-26
7259 xorg Lib/Xft xorg-team RESO FIXE Fixes for some issues found by the coverity checker 2006-07-13
98803 xorg Protocol xorg-team RESO MOVE Fix mistakes in file "randrproto.txt" 2018-08-10
66045 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Fix mouse header include on DragonFly and FreeBSD 2013-07-17
93779 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO MOVE Fix null pointer in FreeRec() 2018-12-13
98877 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO FIXE Fix out of boundary read on unknown colors 2016-12-15
21251 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO FIXE fix r128 multi-head - patch included 2009-04-17
5798 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE fix sysmouse for DragonFly 2011-10-15
5176 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE fonts fail to build without mkfontscale and mkfontdir 2008-10-25
8059 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA forwarding keycode 0 not working on XIM 2018-06-12
4999 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Freeze while on MacMini, possible related to sound usage. 2007-02-22
92351 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE FTBFS on m68k 2018-12-13
7414 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE gccmakedep mutilates arguments containing "'" or " * " 2011-03-02
48669 xorg App/lbxp xorg-team RESO FIXE gcc warning leading to an error 2013-06-08
34219 xorg App/xkbc xorg-team RESO FIXE Gentoo QA warning: x11-apps/xkbcomp-1.2.0: geometry.c:2578: warning: the address of ‘ol’ will always evaluate as ‘true’ 2011-02-13
5911 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL glDrawArrays server byte-swapping bug and patch. 2006-02-27
32095 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE __glXDRIbindTexImage and magic value of 16 2015-05-21
18388 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE GlxExtensionInit() infinite loop on regen in Xvfb/Xephyr 2008-11-07
98878 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO FIXE Gracefully handle EOF while parsing files. 2016-12-15
26015 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO FIXE greeter logs garbage to syslog in case of failed login attempt 2010-01-12
99009 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO FIXE Handle size_t in file/buffer length 2016-12-15
28249 xorg Driver/a xorg-team RESO FIXE Hercules Stingray 64 (ark2000pv) does not work: AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0 2011-02-28
13572 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE hidden cursor reappears on mode switch 2009-01-30
45623 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE hw/xfree86/modes/xf86EdidModes.c fails to build: array subscript is above array bounds 2012-07-09
10055 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE i915 GM DRI white box hardware cursor- apparently due to RemoveOverlaps problem in xf86Bus.c 2018-06-12
2354 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE iceauth man page doesn't describe commands 2011-10-15
98811 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE iceauth segfaults on invalid input 2018-03-25
14137 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Improve the xorg smart scheduler 2008-01-19
21910 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE include/X11/Xutil.h: IsModifierKey misses some modifiers 2011-10-14
27023 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Incorrect calculation of bracket values when startOver = FALSE 2010-05-10
20212 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO WORK Incorrect Pixmap pointer causing prepareaccess / finishaccess inbalance 2011-10-11
20919 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE Kdrive tslib driver crash 2009-04-08
20941 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Kdrive xserver rotation of pointer wrong 2011-10-14
12858 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE Keyboard events tend to escape. 2007-11-17
4771 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Kill xf1bpp 2008-06-25
91642 xorg App/mkfo xorg-team RESO MOVE legacy codepages entries not generated for raster fonts 2018-08-10
14683 xorg Lib/ICE xorg-team RESO FIXE libICE ansification and compile warning fixes 2009-01-08
6703 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO WONT liblbxutil build fixes 2007-01-23
14834 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA liboldX ansification 2008-07-23
63583 xorg Lib/pcia xorg-team RESO MOVE libpciaccess 0.13.1 FreeBSD Patch to fix xorg-server-1.12.4 (and later) 2018-08-10
14691 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA libSM ansification and bug fixes. 2008-07-23
25785 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO INVA libSM: uninitialized / previously buffered data sent in list/array padding 2018-06-12
6405 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE libWindowsWM manpage is from libAppleWM 2008-11-28
7349 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE libX11 1.0.2 missing setuid security fix 2006-07-11
22591 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE libx11 1.2.1 configure does not obey the --enable-*-transport options 2010-06-03
22590 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE libX11 1.2.1 has broken abstract namespace support 2010-06-03
98219 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE libX11-1.6.4 cs_CZ.UTF-8 locale is bad 2017-01-27
14720 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE libX11 ansification and bug fixes 2009-02-02
22584 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE libX11 does not cross compile 2010-12-03
7122 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE lib/X11/src/util/makekeys: Floating point exception due to best_z == 0 2006-06-05
9153 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE libX11 (with XCB backend) accesses freed memory 2006-11-25
14684 xorg Lib/Xau xorg-team RESO FIXE libXau, ansify functions under #ifdef K5AUTH 2009-02-02
18442 xorg Lib/Xaw xorg-team RESO FIXE libXaw6 doesn't depend on libXpm 2008-11-08
14723 xorg Lib/Xext xorg-team RESO FIXE libXext Add missing prototypes 2011-04-10
5491 xorg Lib/Xft xorg-team RESO FIXE libXft uses new fontconfig objects without registering 2007-11-05
14724 xorg Lib/Xmu xorg-team RESO FIXE libXmu "minor" compile warning fix 2008-02-28
14728 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA libXp ansification 2008-07-23
14727 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO NOTA libXpm ansification 2008-07-23
14387 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE [libXrandr] hide private symbols 2008-02-11
14388 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE [libXrandr] kill references to XRRScreenConfig() and XRRConfig() 2008-03-24
7394 xorg Lib/Xren xorg-team RESO WORK libXrender Build fixes 2009-09-01
17942 xorg Lib/Xt xorg-team RESO FIXE libXt manpage formatting 2008-10-20
3042 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE lnx_io.c contains conditional code that uses kernel headers in a broken way 2006-07-08
9845 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL localAllocateOffscreenLinear broken with granularity > 1 2010-12-03
5851 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE "Log" option for xorg.conf undocumented, and needs to set XLOG_FLUSH as well as XLOG_SYNC 2008-10-25
93585 xorg App/luit xorg-team RESO INVA luit. Lost <alt>+key combinations 2019-05-24
8414 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO INVA [mach64] DownloadFromScreen 2018-06-12
44315 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Make check regression on mips*: unit test for mieq fails 2012-02-20
6699 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO INVA Make radeon log messages more sane 2007-09-15
30360 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO DUPL Make SendEvent() alternatively use xGESendEvent 2011-10-06
20575 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE man page for XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData doesn't match signature 2009-03-16
34117 xorg App/xkbc xorg-team RESO FIXE "man setxkbmap" misleading, -I option described incorrectly. 2013-07-01
2168 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO FIXE [Matrox/MGA] Graphics corruption on Matrox Mystique (mga1064sg) 2006-11-19
23286 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Memory leak caused by 100x100 glyphs 2009-09-30
5268 xorg Lib/Xcur xorg-team RESO FIXE Memory leak in XcursorXcFileLoadImages 2006-06-03
46903 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE Mention xkeyboard-config(7) in setxkbmap(1) 2012-03-06
7369 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO FIXE mga(4) manpage typo mutilates part of text 2006-07-10
17421 xorg Input/mi xorg-team RESO INVA microtouch driver should have an option to invert y-axis. 2018-06-12
4537 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE miext/shadow/shrotate.c speedup 2010-05-10
807 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO FIXE Minor display corruption with XAA offscreen pixmaps for mach64 2006-08-04
50320 xorg App/xedi xorg-team RESO FIXE Minor set of xedit patches 2012-05-31
6576 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE misc compiler warnings 2006-07-09
6838 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO WONT miscelaneous modular xorg jhbuild file updates 2008-05-06
40577 xorg Lib/Xt xorg-team RESO FIXE Missing bound checking in FreeSelectionProperty() from Selection.c 2011-10-03
16764 xorg Input/ot xorg-team RESO FIXE Missing xf86shmget symbol in xf86-input-synaptics driver 2008-07-23
7345 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE mkfontscale and SemiBold Type 1 weight 2006-10-31
48639 xorg App/mkfo xorg-team RESO INVA mkfontscale: Ignore symlinks pointing to files in the same directory 2018-06-17
44779 xorg Driver/a xorg-team RESO FIXE Modify against new feature for PC-9821 2012-05-26
12814 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO INVA Mouse keys KP_9 doesn't move the pointer northeast 2018-06-12
3113 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE Mouse pointer sticks to left side of screen 2008-04-30
7300 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Move xf86RAC.[hc] to hw/xfree86/common 2008-07-15
640 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Moving of libXThrStub into libX11 2006-11-29
312 xorg Driver/s xorg-team RESO FIXE New Driver: SMI 501 2007-12-17
5564 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE New loader option -showopts 2008-11-23
6940 xorg Driver/f xorg-team RESO FIXE new shadow changes make fbdev segfault 2006-05-18
37334 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO MOVE Non-standard macros in manual pages 2018-08-10
60891 xorg Driver/S xorg-team RESO MOVE No X with X.Org X Server 1.13.* and SiS video driver 2018-08-10
29045 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE On some devices mouse button click fails to trigger event 2011-10-06
6297 xorg Lib/xtra xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] add abstract socket support 2009-04-03
11566 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] add documentation about-catalogue-dir-FPE to manpages 2008-06-21
63534 xorg App/xinp xorg-team RESO MOVE [PATCH] Add rotate option for relative devices 2018-08-10
11863 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO FIXE Patch: Build libXpm on MS Windows 2007-08-06
8039 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE [patch] byteswap on GNU/kFreeBSD 2007-03-10
30112 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE [patch] clean/fix some trivial Indian locale aliases 2011-10-09
17968 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE patches to avoid gcc warnings for libSM + comment about potential segfault 2008-11-28
17946 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE patches to avoid gcc warnings for libX11 2009-01-29
11568 xorg App/xfs xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCHES xfs] s|libdir/X11|configdir|, add catalogue:<dir> to config 2009-03-16
5668 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] Evdev support in kdrive 2007-08-07
25216 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA [PATCH] Fix a small potential memory leak in ProcRotateProperties 2010-04-08
8390 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO INVA [PATCH] Fix dmx utilities' return values and output 2010-12-05
10797 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA [Patch] Fixes Xinerama not respecting Display Boundries, Multi-monitor 2018-06-11
11567 xorg App/xfs xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] Fix handling of invalid, non-path FPE 2008-12-19
11640 xorg Driver/g xorg-team RESO FIXE [patch] fix "implicit declaration" compiler warnings 2008-02-05
17774 xorg Lib/Xext xorg-team RESO FIXE [patch] Fix improper memory access in XSyncListSystemCounters 2008-10-21
8383 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] Fix index matching of visuals 2008-04-07
4289 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO DUPL Patch for multimedia keyboard Genius Comfy KB-19e 2006-04-19
14543 xorg Lib/ICE xorg-team RESO INVA patch from 2008-02-19
14544 xorg Lib/Xau xorg-team RESO INVA patch from 2008-02-19
14545 xorg Lib/Xft xorg-team RESO INVA patch from 2008-02-19
14546 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO INVA patch from 2008-02-19
22129 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE patch from AVR32 support 2009-06-07
22133 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA patch from fix include 2009-06-08
22132 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA patch from fix includes 2009-06-07
22131 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE patch from fix INCLUDES 2009-06-07
22130 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO INVA patch from fix missing include 2009-06-30
6310 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] GNUArchitecture needed for GNU/kFreeBSD 2011-10-15
6619 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH]Hardware Cursor disappearing bug in Cygwin/X and Xming 2006-06-03
31093 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] Integer overflow for dashed lines longer than 46340 2010-11-15
5064 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] libX11 locale data files should be in ${datadir}/X11/locale 2006-06-01
11569 xorg Lib/Xaw xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH libXaw] fix potential infinte loop in XawBoxQueryGeometry() 2011-03-01
19424 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE [patch] migrate to dixLookupResource 2010-12-11
11830 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] Multiple randr1.2 fixes 2007-08-08
62365 xorg App/xkbc xorg-team RESO FIXE patch needed to build xkbcomp natively on Windows with MinGW 2013-07-13
26973 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE [patch] Optimize shadowUpdatePacked(). 2010-11-10
6583 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] parse /proc/bus/pci/devices *once* 2006-06-01
3413 xorg App/xrdb xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] predefined cpp macros can produce unexpected resuls in xrdb 2013-07-20
15305 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE (patch):prevent crash in libX11 when reading broken Xcms.txt 2008-04-07
11703 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] RandR1.2: Set the crtc in the outputs before delivering notifications 2007-08-03
19798 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] remove extra / in Loading module line 2009-01-29
3547 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] RFE: Generate MouseUp event on EmulateWheel button release 2006-06-04
20762 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE [PATCH] rotated screen updated incorrectly 2018-12-13
6096 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO INVA patch: simplify drivers src/ (here: ATI driver) 2009-09-30
1441 xorg Fonts/ot xorg-team RESO INVA [PATCH] Some converted fonts are not generated. 2006-04-17
2739 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO WONT [PATCH] StaticNeedsPicForShared YES is often required on x86 2006-06-03
14400 xorg App/xman xorg-team RESO FIXE patch to allow xman to use bzip to decompress man pages. 2008-02-12
17944 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO FIXE patch to avoid gcc warning for libXpm 2008-10-20
18038 xorg Lib/Xext xorg-team RESO FIXE patch to avoid gcc warning in libXext 2009-01-29
17945 xorg Fonts/ot xorg-team RESO FIXE patch to avoid gcc warnings for libXfont 2008-10-20
17943 xorg Lib/Xft xorg-team RESO FIXE patch to avoid gcc warnings for libXft 2010-12-03
11545 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO INVA patch to support Linux Extended MEDIUMRAW keyboard mode (keycodes 128-255) 2018-06-12
1836 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL [PATCH] undesired keycode conversion for NEC PC-98x1 2007-04-08
11652 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO FIXE patch updates for the mga driver 2008-04-16
5234 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO DUPL [patch] x11-servers/xorg-server-snap crashes with ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 2005-12-06
107023 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO MOVE [PATCH] xcursorgen: Fix null pointer dereference on very large images. 2018-08-10
7968 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO INVA [patch] xdpyinfo should list the virtual root window ID, as well as the actual root window ID 2018-06-12
24623 xorg Input/el xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] xf86-input-elographics: Add support for GeneralTouch serial touchscreens 2009-12-17
93462 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] xf86-video-dummy fails with xorg git post-1.18 due to ChangeWindowProperty removal. 2016-12-19
4711 xorg Lib/Xft xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] Xft symbol reduction 2006-06-03
20742 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE [patch] xorg.conf man page - 'Device' no longer mandatory 2013-02-15
13631 xorg App/xpro xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH]: xprop fails to build under autoconf 2.57 & 2.59 2018-06-17
4325 xorg App/xrdb xorg-team RESO WONT [PATCH] xrdb should use mcpp if it's available 2011-10-15
11571 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH xserver] some xprint build-system cleanups 2009-01-30
5877 xorg Protocol xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH]X server takes 100% CPU, in endless select()/read() loop 2006-05-18
17689 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE Path of the rgb.txt file in the X man page 2008-09-21
17712 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO DUPL permanently growing memory leak 2008-09-22
23775 xorg Driver/c xorg-team RESO FIXE pitch too high for CL5446 at 1360x768 2011-10-20
63801 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE please Add Aarch64 support to Imake 2015-12-12
5808 xorg Lib/Xft xorg-team RESO FIXE Please add embedded bitmap rule 2010-12-03
38339 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO FIXE Please include systemd unit file for xdm 2011-10-03
9356 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WONT poor colormap management 2010-03-26
6802 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE prints agp info even on PCI cards 2006-06-15
11858 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Probable of by one buffer overflow in .../xorgconfig/xorgconfig.c 2007-08-06
13840 xorg Input/el xorg-team RESO INVA proposed patch for the VM84 touchscreen ( uses elographics ) 2018-06-12
73089 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE pseudoramix not conditional on xinerama support 2018-12-13
1889 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO FIXE r128_dri: isn't patient enough waiting for idle (4.2->4.3 regression) 2006-06-03
11973 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO WONT [r128] Rage Fury Pro Interlaced mode not working right. 2011-10-17
6493 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO FIXE [r128] Xv vertical scaling problem, fix attached but needs attention 2012-08-31
6872 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE Radeon 7000 option ROM inaccessible w/ digital output enabled 2006-07-03
5678 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Radeon AGP mode setting is broken 2006-06-19
6761 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Radeon caching broken in MMIO EXA render acceleration 2006-04-27
6762 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Radeon may have excessive cache flushing 2006-07-02
13407 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO FIXE Radeon Mobility crashes with EXA + RenderAccel 2008-05-16
39949 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE RandR scaling doesn't work 2018-05-02
5971 xorg Driver/X xorg-team RESO FIXE Release source code of XGI Z9 2018-07-17
28188 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Remove dolt 2010-09-14
7262 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Remove old xfree86 changelog 2006-11-04
13467 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Remove Perl dependency from the build 2007-12-05
5910 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE remove stray apperances of IN_MODULE 2008-10-25
7085 xorg Driver/c xorg-team RESO FIXE Removing mutual symbol dependencies between cirrus and ati drivers and their submodules 2010-03-26
6877 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO FIXE RENDER support for mach64 2006-08-12
13465 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE Replace Perl script with C program 2007-12-03
24274 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE reproducible X crash in uxa_check_poly_lines+0x138 2018-06-11
14771 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA Rewrite commented out out code for audit message compression. 2008-07-23
728 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE RUI in _X11TransSocketINETGetAddr at lines 371, 379, 441 etc. in file "Xtranssock.c" 2006-09-13
25855 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Screensaver not disabled because of a XResetScreenSaver() regression 2010-02-12
7346 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE segfault in composite due to xprint/ps lack of WindowPixmap 2006-07-11
6867 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Segfault in ProcRenderComposite 2006-05-09
1478 xorg Lib/Xt xorg-team RESO FIXE Selection.c damages user error handler function 2010-09-23
11456 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO MOVE Serbian locale updates (sr_RS and sr_ME) 2018-08-10
10866 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE serial Genius NetScroll+ autodetection 2010-04-13
90771 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE Server crash when pluging screen to DP port 2018-12-13
36557 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA server regeneration messes up console with -novtswitch 2018-06-12
50940 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE sessreg-1.0.7: Compilation error in sessreg.c -- undefined *TMPX paths 2012-07-08
5970 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE setxkbmap causes segmentation fault 2006-04-22
66348 xorg App/setx xorg-team RESO MOVE [setxkbmap] implement -ignoreserver option to ignore current X server settings 2018-08-10
13556 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE sgml docs fail to build 2007-12-07
59825 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE SIGSEGV: uninitialized variable "framebuffer" inside __glXDRIscreenProbe 2013-07-10
7671 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO WONT Small EXA enhancements "bug". 2010-03-27
13134 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Some panoramiX requests fail from a byte swapped client 2008-01-29
13462 xorg App/xini xorg-team RESO INVA startx xauth "unknown command" error 2018-06-12
2552 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE Stretching display to fill LCD panel should be optional 2007-02-22
2030 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO FIXE Support of Cherry Cymotion Master Linux keyboard 2007-02-22
97880 xorg Server/I xorg-team RESO FIXE Switching from VT console disables keyboard 2016-10-15
7149 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO FIXE tdfx driver not working because of getsecs undefined symbol 2006-06-17
17557 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO FIXE tdfx: uninitialized ChipType with libpciaccess 2008-10-17
12517 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Thai XIM does not filter inputs when NumLock/CapsLock is on 2009-04-13
12759 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Thai XIM fails to retrieve multi-byte surrounding text on UTF-8 locale 2009-04-13
9060 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL The backslash/bar definition is missing in the us dvorak variant 2007-01-25
18566 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE towards xorg-macros-1.2 2008-11-29
6661 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Trim some historical crap from miarc.c 2010-05-10
17728 xorg Driver/f xorg-team RESO FIXE tslib.c problem 2008-10-09
8566 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO INVA TV-Out patch for Radeon cards 2006-11-01
5691 xorg App/twm xorg-team RESO FIXE twm mouse button limit too low 2007-11-29
18159 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE Typo in GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic Extension Name 2008-10-21
26376 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Typo in Xvfb help. 2010-04-22
96310 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE typos in "Xlib - C Language X Interface" document 2017-01-02
7343 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL Ungrab/DISABLEGRAB and ClearGrab/CLOSECLIENT don't work 2006-07-04
54168 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Updating to xorg-server-1.12.4 breaks xfwm4 themes with 1 pixel width .xpm's 2018-07-17
98822 xorg Lib/ICE xorg-team RESO FIXE use after free on subsequenct erroneous calls 2016-12-10
36108 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Use of released memory 2013-02-10
71407 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE Using an ipv6 address with the -from option fails 2018-12-13
81885 xorg Server/I xorg-team RESO FIXE Using "Floating" option set to "On" causes server to SEGV 2015-01-05
925 xorg Lib/Xfon xorg-team RESO FIXE Using Freetype 2.1.8+ symbols breaks build on many systems 2006-06-03
21487 xorg Driver/T xorg-team RESO INVA V4L doesn't use Trident Backend Scaler on Trident CyberBlade/i1 2018-06-12
7703 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE valgrind uninitialized memory warnings reading versioned structs (XSetWMHints, XSetWMNormalHints, and XSetWMSizeHints) 2007-03-30
7713 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE valgrind warning reading uninitialized part of xEvent when calling XWithdrawWindow (XSendEvent) 2007-03-29
3470 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO WONT vga/generic.c will not link if XF1Bpp or XF4Bpp is undefined 2006-06-03
18479 xorg App/xsm xorg-team RESO FIXE VPATH build for viewres, xfd, xgc, xmh, and xsm fails 2011-10-15
23091 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE want left and right arrows in compose table 2009-08-02
22070 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE When using set_mode_major( ), transform is ignored and xserver driver has no access to it, thus scaling breaks. 2009-08-25
41141 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Wrong physical size reported for Acer Aspire One screen 2011-11-21
20493 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO INVA wsmouse: enable absolute X and Y position event. 2018-06-12
19572 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA X11 library: problem with KeySym translation for Russian font that uses Mode_Switch 2018-06-12
15664 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE x11.pc contains uneeded dependencies 2009-03-12
31456 xorg Protocol xorg-team RESO INVA x11-proto/xproto-7.0.19: configure check for poll.h 2018-06-12
3526 xorg Lib/Xaw xorg-team RESO FIXE XawInit.h should include Instrinsic.h 2010-10-27
4914 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE XCalc-color resource file offered for use 2006-07-12
13537 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xclock 1.0.3: Clock.c Initialize(): wrong core.width 2007-12-20
13357 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xcmsdb segfaults on xcms.txt (patch included) 2007-11-28
46285 xorg App/xcom xorg-team RESO MOVE xcompmgr 1.1.6-1 doesn't draw shadows 2018-08-10
26090 xorg App/xcom xorg-team RESO INVA xcompmgr and ICCCM manager spec 2018-06-12
20839 xorg App/xcom xorg-team RESO FIXE xcompmgr doesn't handle XShape window which shape change 2012-02-20
2340 xorg App/xcom xorg-team RESO INVA xcompmgr option to not fade big windows 2018-06-12
77095 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xconsole : possible buffer error 2014-04-06
7083 xorg Protocol xorg-team RESO FIXE XCreateColormap returns BadValue when it should return BadMatch 2006-11-04
4939 xorg Lib/Xfon xorg-team RESO DUPL XCreateFontSet / XListFonts is very slow for UTF-8 locales 2011-10-10
24589 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO FIXE xdm-1.1.9: core dump in SessionExit -> PAM -> strlen() 2010-02-01
25066 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO FIXE xdm-1.1.9: sessreg+who not working; Xstartup should exec sessreg 2010-03-16
17325 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO INVA xdm lacks consolekit support 2018-06-12
10145 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO FIXE xdm passes file descriptors to children 2008-05-06
20546 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO FIXE xdm RESERVER_DISPLAY server crash detect extension 2011-03-03
2478 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO FIXE xdm should support echoing * for password entry 2010-03-15
5711 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO WONT Xdmx shouldn't depend on xaw7 - xaw8 does the same thing 2008-10-25
5867 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO INVA X doesn't know when to turn off offscreen pixmaps 2010-03-26
7027 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE xdpyinfo should be buildable without dmx, dga or xinerama 2007-03-20
47510 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO MOVE Xephyr leaks shared memory segments 2018-12-13
18835 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Xext/mbuf.c fails to compile in server-1.6-branch xserver 2008-12-09
28672 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE XF86CONFIGDIR is undefined when built with --disable-xorg 2010-11-24
18649 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE xf86-input-mouse fails to build for linux 2008-12-02
17953 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE xf86Modes.c xf86PrintModeline(): Also print DisplayMode type bits. 2011-09-22
11761 xorg Driver/n xorg-team RESO FIXE xf86-video-newport fails with XAA because of undefined symbol XAACreateInfoRec 2008-02-25
32606 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO FIXE xf86-video-r128 fails to restore video mode on exit 2015-03-04
31290 xorg App/xfs xorg-team RESO FIXE xfs-1.1.1 cross compilation is broken 2011-09-23
4703 xorg Lib/Xft xorg-team RESO FIXE Xft.h includes prototypes for undefined functions 2008-10-25
1755 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO MOVE _XGetAsyncReply mishandling of 'discard' parameter 2018-08-10
12897 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE XGetIMValues doesn't return the name of the first argument that could not be obtained 2011-10-11
7869 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE XIM SYNC_REPLY not sent when switching input contexts. 2011-10-14
8144 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE X input methods broken with --enable-loadable-i18n 2018-03-24
77096 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO MOVE xkbprint(1): Some (typographical) corrections to the manual 2018-08-10
12790 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xkbprint produce wrong internal outline with cornerRadius 2008-11-27
6820 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Xlib handle EAGAIN as a fatal IO error 2009-03-12
6669 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Xlib won't cross compile 2010-12-03
5049 xorg Server/D xorg-team RESO FIXE Xming fails to use xkb 2006-12-12
11633 xorg App/xmod xorg-team RESO INVA xmodmap: Add "-pme" option to print modifier map as expressions 2018-06-12
77097 xorg App/xmod xorg-team RESO WONT [xmodmap] Manpage out of date 2014-04-06
10292 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE XOpenDisplay() leaks memory 2007-03-28
10665 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE XOpenDisplay says "XDM authorization key matches an existing client!" 2018-12-13
15029 xorg App/mkfo xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/mkfontscale - Compile warning fixes 2011-10-15
15085 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/app/xeyes - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-25
15084 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xf86dga - xf86dga doesn't require Xt, Xmu and Xaw 2008-11-27
15083 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xfontsel - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15081 xorg App/xinp xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xinput - Mandriva patches to xinput and compile warning fixes 2011-10-15
15079 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xkbevd - Add functionality to work close to xev (regarding to xkb events) and compile warning fixes. 2008-07-29
15078 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xkbprint - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15077 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xkbutils - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15075 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xload - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-28
15074 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO INVA xorg/app/xlogo - Compile warning fix 2008-11-14
15073 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xlsfonts - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
14698 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xmag patch 2008-07-29
15071 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xmh - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15070 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xpr - Compile warning fixes 2009-01-26
15069 xorg App/xpro xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xprop - Compile warning fixes 2018-06-17
15067 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xrx - Compile warning fixes 2009-01-26
15066 xorg App/xsm xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xsm - Compile warning fixes 2011-10-15
15063 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/app/xtrap - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-25
15062 xorg App/xwd xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xwd - Ansification and compile warning fixes 2018-06-17
15072 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/build/xorg/app/xmessage - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
5614 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg-cf-files ignores configure parameters 2009-10-14
41149 xorg Server/I xorg-team RESO FIXE Xorg crashes on pressing multimedia keys 2012-06-13
25206 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Xorg crash when closing down appgroup process 2009-11-28
86665 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO MOVE Xorg does not close old /dev/dri/card0 connections 2018-12-13
15051 xorg Input/ac xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-acecad - Compile warning fixes 2008-04-30
14732 xorg Input/el xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-elo2300 - Dont call non existent functions 2008-04-14
14734 xorg Input/ma xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-magellan - Dont call nonexistent functions 2008-03-20
15153 xorg Input/ma xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-magellan - Minor compile warning fix. 2008-04-30
14735 xorg Input/ma xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-magictouch - Dont call nonexistent function and compile warning fixes 2008-05-04
14736 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-mouse - Ensure symbol used by xf86misc extension is of public visibility and compie warning fixes 2008-04-24
14976 xorg Driver/a xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-apm - Check for XF86RUSH and correct xf1bpp test 2008-07-28
14739 xorg Driver/c xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-cirrus - Corrections: _X_EXPORT and missing symbols 2008-07-28
15047 xorg Driver/g xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-glint - Remove dependency on cfb8_32 2008-07-29
14997 xorg Driver/i xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-i128 - Don't call non existing functions and cast int64 printf arguments 2008-03-20
14740 xorg Driver/i xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-i128 - Dont include xf86_ansic.h 2008-03-13
15154 xorg Driver/i xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-i740 - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-23
15044 xorg Driver/N xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-neomagic - Compile warning fixes 2008-05-14
14887 xorg Driver/n xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-nsc - libpciaccess conversion 2008-07-28
15043 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-rendition - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
15042 xorg Driver/s xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-s3 - Correct unresolved symbol and incorrect assignment 2008-07-28
14979 xorg Driver/s xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-s3virge - Correct crash due to improper pointer deference 2008-07-28
14742 xorg Driver/s xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-savage - Don't call nonexisting functions and compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
15041 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suncg14 - Compile warning fix 2008-07-23
15040 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suncg6 - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-23
15036 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-sunffb - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-23
14780 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-sunleo - {ALLOCATE,DEALLOCATE}_LOCAL and compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
15034 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suntcx - Compile warning fix 2008-07-22
15033 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-tdfx - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
15032 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-tga - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-22
15031 xorg Driver/T xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-tseng - Remove dependency on xf1bbp and xf4bpp 2008-07-28
14743 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-vga - Add pciaccess and remove xf?bpp support 2008-07-29
14842 xorg Driver/X xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-xgixp - Patch for missing symbol XGIAdjustFrame 2014-11-17
95181 xorg Driver/X xorg-team RESO FIXE Xorg fails to load xgi driver: "Module xgi does not have a xgiModuleData" 2016-04-28
14731 xorg Input/Ci xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/input/xf86-input-citron - Don't call non existent functions 2008-02-28
14839 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/lib/libAppleWM - ansification 2009-01-30
14813 xorg Lib/Xfon xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/lib/libFS - ansification and some fixes 2009-02-02
14815 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/liblbxutil - ansification 2008-07-23
14837 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libWindowsWM - Update prototypes 2008-07-23
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.


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