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137 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
5435 xkeyboar General xkb RESO INVA Suggestion for an alternative phonetic cyrillic layout. 2019-03-14
24387 shared-m general shared_mime_info RESO MOVE Add comments to translatable strings 2018-10-13
18648 poppler glib fro poppler-bugs RESO MOVE Poppler is not localizable 2018-08-21
7415 xorg Lib/Xlib jcristau RESO MOVE Update locale support for what glibc 2.3.2 supports 2018-08-10
94781 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO MOVE Plural forms 2018-07-30
41859 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO MOVE translation problem 2018-07-30
92490 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO MOVE Untranslated string for slovak language 2018-07-30
106284 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE Update Polish translation for pavucontrol, paprefs, and PulseAudio 2018-05-01
102567 ModemMan general modemmanager RESO FIXE Polish translation 2017-09-07
102059 PulseAud modules pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE Added Norwegian Nynorsk translation for PulseAudio 2017-08-17
101918 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE [PATCH] Updated Polish translation for PulseAudio 11.0 2017-07-25
101285 PulseAud pavucont pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE Valencian translation has wrong filename 2017-06-04
101006 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE [l10n] Updated French translation 2017-05-22
98872 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE Update Polish translation for PulseAudio 2016-11-27
92139 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE No translated strings 2016-11-27
92142 PulseAud build-sy pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE PulseAudio v7 doesn't load locales 2016-11-27
47861 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE Add galician translations to repository 2016-11-27
98871 PulseAud pavucont pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE Update Polish translation for pavucontrol 2016-11-27
97499 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE Errors and warnings in Belarusian and Korean translations 2016-08-27
95426 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE [PATCH] Updated Polish translation for PulseAudio 9.0 2016-05-18
92901 udisks general martin.pitt RESO FIXE Translation comments not updated to %u 2016-02-29
91795 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE [PATCH] Updated Polish translation for PulseAudio 7.0 2015-09-12
49835 udisks general allamsetty.anup NEW --- Plural forms 2015-04-07
89582 systemd general systemd-bugs RESO FIXE Updated Polish translation 2015-03-16
89230 systemd general systemd-bugs RESO FIXE Updated Polish translation 2015-02-25
89277 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE Updated Turkish translation for PulseAudio 2015-02-23
89229 systemd general systemd-bugs RESO FIXE Typo in a logind polkit description 2015-02-21
88707 systemd general systemd-bugs RESO FIXE Updated Polish translation 2015-01-25
86590 PulseAud misc pulseaudio-bugs RESO FIXE [PATCH] Updated Polish translation for PulseAudio 6.0 2014-11-30
80766 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Print dialog partially in English - make it use the UI language 2014-11-30
39829 LibreOff ux-advis libreoffice-bugs NEW --- L10n decimal and thousands separator selection for CSV (or other delimiter) text being imported to Calc 2014-11-17
56974 Spice xorg qxl spice-bugs RESO WORK Server (Xspice) falling on client disconnection (assertion failed) 2014-11-03
80724 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: Underline problem with Malayalam and other complex glyph Unicode fonts 2014-11-01
80976 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: save dialog partially in English - make it use the UI language 2014-10-24
58810 LibreOff Extensio libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Alternative dialog Find & Replace for Writer: does not highlight first search result 2014-10-05
84402 systemd general systemd-bugs RESO FIXE Polish translation of the catalog 2014-09-27
83015 systemd general systemd-bugs RESO FIXE Updated Polish translation 2014-08-27
82184 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs NEW --- Improve installation process for non en-US locales 2014-08-11
56506 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA 50%+ entries in menus are marked with special character carets, menus unreadable after installation of current GE version via SYNAPTIC 2014-08-04
74314 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE [UI] Impress: no sound listed in gallery for animation or transition if you add language pack 2014-07-13
35125 LibreOff Document libreoffice-bugs NEW --- GETPIVOTDATA Datapilot - Enhance Help Section Manual - L10N 2014-06-26
58774 LibreOff Extensio libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO Alternative dialog Find & Replace for Writer: [DE] UI with untranslated string "Preserve capitalization" 2014-06-23
40073 LibreOff Writer elie.roux RESO FIXE LO fails to import standard frame styles properly when UI is not english 2014-06-10
42140 LibreOff Document timar74 CLOS FIXE LOCALHELP [ES] shows workflow comment 2014-05-03
70662 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Add new keymap for Manipuri language using Meetei mayek script 2014-01-18
72945 LibreOff Installa timar74 CLOS FIXE L10n UI French Custom install does not list user interface languages ​​in alphabetical order 2014-01-11
54538 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT Incorrect translation of menu item LibO (Russian language) 2013-12-24
62993 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA UI: Chinese input method reaction ver slow 2013-12-22
68627 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs NEW --- UI: Page number indicator on statusbar is not correctly formatted in Dutch localization 2013-12-10
71909 LibreOff WWW timar74 RESO FIXE Pootle mess up strings 2013-11-24
68440 LibreOff Linguist timar74 RESO FIXE New DocumentList.xml for Italian autocorrection 2013-11-21
58981 LibreOff Localiza fitojb RESO FIXE Lost translation to spanish for window: "This Document was last saved by Excel. Some Formula cells may produce differents results when recalculated. Do you want to recalculate all formula cells now?" 2013-11-14
58797 LibreOff Localiza erack RESO DUPL Date field format contain excess quotation mark in Hungarian version 2013-11-14
54686 LibreOff Spreadsh jumbo4444 RESO FIXE Numbers with percent signs not detected as numbers in French 2013-09-24
61339 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE FILEOPEN LibO 3572 .ods: CONDITIONAL FORMATTING without style type, UI Localization related 2013-09-11
65482 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT Main English install on OSX should include also localized READMEs in the README folder 2013-07-03
65484 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Sidebar's Gallery folders are in English 2013-06-18
65485 LibreOff UI dtardon RESO FIXE Tabs names and window titles in Character, Paragraph, B&N, Title Page dialogs are now in English 2013-06-12
65483 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Sidebar contains unlocalized Navigator strings 2013-06-11
64367 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Calc fails transforming galician month's names in format DMY 2013-05-15
35717 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Error installing Estonian language pack 2013-02-24
49238 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK keyboard hangs when changing sheet name in japanese 2013-01-31
39955 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO Bad Support Of Farsi, Arabic, Ordu, ... (Persian Style Languages) 2012-10-11
51860 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Startup Screen "i" icon points to non-defined site, which redirects to English site 2012-10-01
23736 udisks general zeuthen RESO FIXE Swedish translation for devicekit-disks 2012-09-28
24420 udisks general zeuthen RESO FIXE German translations 2012-09-28
23534 udisks general zeuthen RESO FIXE Add Italian translation 2012-09-28
41209 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA No Thai, Lao or Khmer Language choices for fonts 2012-08-31
37680 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Fail to install libreoffice3.4-dict-ru 2012-08-31
35940 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA UI Validation criteria dialogue box wrong translation to Portuguese 2012-08-31
50606 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL User Interface language not set correctly 2012-06-02
47547 LibreOff Installa timar74 RESO WORK The Spanish Installer shows kanji instead of accented characters 2012-05-18
39483 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Typo in tooltip in the WIN Start Center Calc icon 2012-05-04
30811 LibreOff Writer andre.schnabel CLOS FIXE [DE] wrong page label "Vergleich" in Writer Options 2012-05-04
47012 LibreOff Localiza timar74 RESO FIXE [pa-IN] updated Translation for file (SDF) Punjabi 2012-03-08
45107 LibreOff Localiza timar74 RESO FIXE GUI: Rectangles instead of Characters for Tamil and Dogri 2012-01-26
19564 PackageK General richard RESO FIXE gnome-packagekit translation issues 2012-01-05
43923 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Cyrillic strings in Danish GUI 2012-01-02
39735 LibreOff Libreoff timar74 VERI FIXE Include Czech spellchecker 2011-12-28
32498 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Russian langpack dependency problem (DEB) 2011-12-22
42078 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL The buttons in combo boxes are not mirrored in RTL interface 2011-11-27
6035 xorg Lib/Xext keithp CLOS FIXE Keyboard mapping for Canada French not correct 2011-10-15
1474 xorg * Other xorg-team CLOS FIXE xlib locale support broken without duplicate entries 2011-10-15
3646 xorg * Other daniel CLOS FIXE Many Indian language locales still missing as of xorg_x11 6.8.2 2011-10-15
2268 xorg * Other xorg-team CLOS FIXE New locales for South African languages (*_ZA) 2011-10-15
8762 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Please recover the fontset order in XLC_LOCALE for UTF-8 locale 2011-10-02
3806 xorg App/xkbc xorg-team RESO WORK after xstart pressing any key changing the video mode only 2011-09-24
39671 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT Malformed (and unwanted) lt emph/ gt tags found in en-US master Help texts on Pootle 2011-08-01
35121 LibreOff Installa fridrich.strba RESO DUPL Cannot install de_DE lang pack on Mac OS X 10.4/PPC 2011-06-29
30909 LibreOff Document andre.schnabel RESO FIXE [DE] Help: bookmark visible in page content 2011-05-05
36180 LibreOff Installa andre.schnabel RESO FIXE [DE]: incorrect module description for several langguages 2011-04-26
30967 LibreOff Libreoff andre.schnabel RESO FIXE [DE] Help: several times untranslated "Database link" mentioned 2011-04-26
34086 accounts general mclasen RESO FIXE Suggestion about string 2011-03-17
31165 LibreOff Libreoff andre.schnabel CLOS FIXE [ZA] Update localistaions for all South African languages 2011-01-12
7642 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO INVA Entering SS through Lock+ssharp (german) using new type 2010-12-03
3392 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO FIXE xemacs complains about UTF-8 input 2010-11-19
31529 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE UI: Info Button on the Start Center has a wrong link 2010-11-11
23737 upower general richard RESO FIXE Swedish translation for devicekit-power 2010-01-20
15887 xorg Lib/Xlib jcristau RESO FIXE libX11 has no "true" ru_RU.UTF-8 locale 2009-10-17
21731 shared-m general jrb RESO WONT Bulgarian translation 2009-10-07
22865 shared-m freedesk jrb RESO WONT Adding a Kazakh translation for shared-mime-info package 2009-10-05
20600 shared-m general jrb RESO FIXE French translation for release 0.60 2009-09-22
21049 system-t init carlosg RESO FIXE Swedish translation for system-tools-backends 2009-08-19
22280 PackageK General richard RESO FIXE Spanish translation contains several bugs 2009-06-15
22249 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE dead_cedilla missing from us(altgr-intl) 2009-06-12
21924 libxklav General svu RESO FIXE Non-localizable string found 2009-05-27
2608 xkeyboar General xkb RESO INVA Missing keyboard layout for Kyrgyz 2009-03-07
3104 xorg Lib/Xlib mat RESO FIXE Compose table cache for faster X11 application starts 2009-01-28
14565 xdg-user General alexl RESO WONT Kannada(kn_IN) translation of xdg-user-dirs.HEAD.po. 2008-04-01
7648 xorg Driver/n xorg-team RESO INVA Errorless Failing Xorg Startup 2008-01-23
12154 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE Italian translation of compiz-core is outdated 2007-09-10
11195 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Adding Hindi phonetic XKB map - bolnagri to 'in' xkb map. 2007-06-07
5266 openfont website jon RESO FIXE Please consider including the Gentium font family in R7.0 2007-04-30
10269 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Please add the Korean translation 2007-03-12
9061 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE The backslash/bar definition is missing in the us dvorak variant 2007-01-25
9060 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL The backslash/bar definition is missing in the us dvorak variant 2007-01-25
2681 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE please add my german dvorak keymap 2006-12-26
8453 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Keyboard configuration for Sorani Kurdish (Arabic) 2006-12-20
8779 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE fr-latin9 : Usage de la touche ² (Use of the key ²) 2006-11-03
8728 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE new Dvorak french layout 2006-11-02
4949 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Hindi (Devanagari) Keyboard Map Updates 2006-10-10
8240 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Unicode-enabled French map with new keypad 2006-09-29
8114 shared-m general jrb RESO FIXE Updated Bulgarian translation of shared-mime-info 2006-09-03
7693 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Kashubian keyboard layout 2006-07-30
5575 xorg Lib/Xlib daniel RESO FIXE Serbian locale update from sr_YU to sr_CS 2006-06-01
2401 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO WORK DVI monitor misdetected w/ Soltek SL-B7C-FGR mobo 2006-05-19
6878 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Added spanish translation 2006-05-09
4680 xorg App/xkbc xorg-team RESO NOTO Error activating XKB configuration 2006-04-01
6013 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE 3 neu afghan keymaps created (dari, pashto, southern uzbek), add to xkb 2006-02-24
5052 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE xkbdata does not include the fr-latin9 keyboard map 2006-02-22
5342 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Dutch translation: wrong keyboard setting description 2005-12-30
3790 xkeyboar General gatis.spats RESO FIXE add latvian xkb layout with aphostrophee dead key 2005-12-30
4506 shared-m freedesk jrb RESO FIXE Updated Bulgarian translation of the po file of shared-mime-info 2005-11-03
2856 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Add South African keyboard to Xorg 2005-10-08
3538 xorg App/xkbc xorg-team RESO FIXE Comma error in greek keyboard (arithmetic keypad) 2005-10-03
2609 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE Missing entry for ky_KG locale in nls 2005-09-29
4010 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE Right ALT not working in Bulgarian keyboard layout 2005-09-13
137 bugs found.


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