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261 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
62347 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- FORMATTING: open square (check-box) glyph not available as a standard bullet 2013-11-11
86101 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- writer icon missing when icon size bigger than 32x32 2014-11-10
26998 swfdec library swfdec REOP --- Does not compile with -DGSEAL_ENABLED 2012-01-05
1994 xorg Server/D ago RESO FIXE Cleanup WaitForSomething from #ifdef WIN32 2006-05-23
3886 xorg App/xedi bug RESO FIXE Xedit behaves funny. 2006-03-11
4271 cairo general cworth RESO FIXE cairo_image_surface_create() documentation needs updating to new API 2005-08-27
3819 xorg Lib/libx daniel RESO FIXE libxkbfile open codes strcasecmp 2011-10-17
15382 DRI DRM/othe dri-devel RESO FIXE Patches for dri2 linux-core 2008-04-08
18682 openfont website jon RESO FIXE New openfontlibrary-announce list please 2011-02-14
6730 Mesa Other mesa-dev RESO FIXE progs/vp-tris.c cleanup 2009-08-24
11808 Mesa GLU mesa-dev RESO FIXE Mem leak/double free fix for glu/sgi/libnurbs/interface/ 2007-08-02
2968 xorg Server/G mharris RESO FIXE Clean up the huge plethora of MIN() macro definitions in XFree86 server. 2009-06-03
5927 cairomm General murrayc RESO FIXE Add .cvsignore files to the examples subdirectories 2006-02-17
5928 cairomm General murrayc RESO FIXE Remove libxml++ references from various places 2006-02-17
5929 cairomm Build murrayc RESO FIXE Files not cleaned when configured with --disable-docs 2006-02-17
5932 cairomm Document murrayc RESO FIXE Write some basic information to examples/README 2006-02-22
5982 cairomm Build murrayc RESO FIXE MAINTAINERS file not included in releases 2006-02-20
6424 cairomm Build murrayc RESO FIXE fails to build against stable cairo 1.0.4 2006-03-29
8031 Portland xdg-util portland-bugs RESO FIXE False assumption for Desktop directory on GNOME 2006-09-09
7833 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE Useless initilization in compiz_get_double_click_actions() in file compiz-window-manager.c 2006-08-22
6700 dbus GLib robert RESO FIXE /bin/sh is not bash on all platforms 2006-10-25
4000 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE [PATCH] eMachines m68xx notebook keyboard layout 2005-09-30
1925 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE Some man pages aren't converted to UTF-8 2006-01-09
2142 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE X server logs font path all one one very long unreadable line. 2006-04-03
3042 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE lnx_io.c contains conditional code that uses kernel headers in a broken way 2006-07-08
3116 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Server log is noisy, unhelpful, and/or misleading 2018-06-11
3224 xorg Input/ot xorg-team RESO FIXE XKB fallback message is misleading 2005-10-18
3718 Mesa Drivers/ xorg-team RESO FIXE DRI & Xorg ATI headers can't agree on format of register defines 2008-10-06
3928 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE fnttosfnt: too many characters in string initializition 2008-05-02
4417 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE fix VBEInit memory leaks 2012-05-28
5052 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE xkbdata does not include the fr-latin9 keyboard map 2006-02-22
5847 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE client-side code needs to be moved out of xserver because of XID size mismatches on 64bit arch 2009-09-07
6576 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE misc compiler warnings 2006-07-09
7148 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE fix documentation bug and document missing feature 2008-10-26
7719 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO FIXE radeon_mergedfb.c:393 useless assignment/typo 2007-04-11
21419 Galago libnotif chipx86 RESO FIXE Remove deprecated Glib+ symbols 2009-07-24
21420 nice General dafydd.harries RESO FIXE Remove deprecated Glib+ symbols 2009-06-15
11793 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE src/mesa/drivers/dri/common/dri_drmpool.c mem leak fix 2007-08-01
11806 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Wrong upper index check, buffer overflow .../dri/sis/sis_tex.c 2007-08-02
11810 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Nullpointer dereference fix .../dri/i915tex/intel_span.c 2007-08-02
11878 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE i810screen.c use after free 2007-08-07
11812 Mesa Drivers/ eric RESO FIXE Wrong return value of fwrite() in dri/i965/brw_aub.c 2007-09-24
15401 xorg Driver/i eric RESO FIXE [patch] derf before NULL check patch, -unused var 2008-06-30
13791 fontconf library keithp RESO FIXE fontconfig's code generators unnecessarily depend on freetype 2010-10-08
15068 xorg App/xran keithp RESO FIXE xorg/app/xrandr - Compile warning fixes 2009-01-26
27048 libcanbe Unspecif lennart RESO FIXE Does not compile with -DGSEAL_ENABLE 2010-04-19
22840 xorg Server/G memsize RESO FIXE [PATCH] dix: xserver "make dist" fails due to eventconvert.h 2009-07-19
22979 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE geode: inline assembler fails on 64-bit platforms 2010-01-30
23010 xorg Driver/X memsize RESO FIXE video-xgi: compile error in xgi_driver when opening framebuffer 2009-08-25
23028 xorg Driver/s memsize RESO FIXE s3virge: compile error due to undefined macro GET_ABI_MAJOR 2009-07-30
11791 Mesa GLUT mesa-dev RESO FIXE [patch] src/glut/glx/glut_dstr.c forgotten free() 2007-08-01
11795 Mesa GLU mesa-dev RESO FIXE Buffer overrun fix for src/glu/sgi/libutil/error.c 2007-08-01
11807 Mesa GLU mesa-dev RESO FIXE Use after free in src/glu/sgi/libnurbs/interface/ 2007-08-02
11880 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE shader_api.c: wrong NULL-Check order/deref before null check 2007-08-07
11540 xorg App/comp mike RESO FIXE plugins/ini.c bad free 2007-07-11
14861 xorg Driver/V nolan RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-vmware - Compile warning fixes. 2008-04-17
21672 Farstrea Core olivier.crete RESO FIXE Migrate from libglade to GtkBuilder 2009-06-16
21422 Farstrea Core philippe.kalaf RESO FIXE Remove deprecated Glib+ symbols 2009-12-03
21361 poppler glib fro poppler-bugs RESO FIXE Remove deprecated Glib symbols 2009-06-06
21673 poppler glib fro poppler-bugs RESO FIXE Migrate from libglade to GtkBuilder 2009-07-01
27579 poppler glib fro poppler-bugs RESO FIXE Does not compile with -DGSEAL_ENABLE 2010-04-21
11394 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE [QA/patch] src/screen.c unneccesary check 2007-07-05
11395 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE fuse: Wrong NULL-Check order/deref before null check 2007-07-05
11553 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE [patch] Missing NULL checks 2007-08-02
11778 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE src/window.c missing NULL check 2007-07-31
14681 PackageK General richard RESO FIXE OnlyShowIn=GNOME; should be NotShowIn=KDE; 2008-02-29
29365 at-spi2 core rob.taylor RESO FIXE GNOME Goal: Remove deprecated GLib symbols 2010-08-02
15475 xorg Driver/m tilman RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-mga - Don't use cfb and compile warning fixes. 2008-06-12
21362 dbus GLib walters RESO FIXE Remove deprecated Glib symbols 2009-07-01
10103 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Again XF86AudioEject bug in inet. 2007-04-12
10104 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Right "Meta" key sets the wrong modifier in compat/misc 2007-02-26
12653 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE [PATCH] key mapping for Dell Inspiron 2007-10-02
60991 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE German DIN 2137-T2 keyboard layout 2019-03-14
12698 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE rename 1002:5975 from RS482 to RS485 2007-10-05
15045 xorg Driver/m xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-mach64 - Compile warning fixes. 2008-03-19
15049 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati - Compile warning fixes. 2008-03-19
2354 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE iceauth man page doesn't describe commands 2011-10-15
10129 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xvmc: COPYING is still a stub file 2010-08-12
10538 xorg Lib/pcia xorg-team RESO FIXE fbdehwstub.c need cleanup for libpci 2007-09-30
10560 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Code-Cleanup: function declarations () -> (void) 2007-04-09
10948 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Code-Cleanup: KR-Style function declarations -> ansi 2010-10-28
10991 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Code-Cleanup: KR-Style function declarations -> ansi (mi/*) 2010-10-28
11139 xorg Driver/s xorg-team RESO FIXE minor code cleanup 2008-02-24
11653 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE unused local variable ret in GL/glx/glxdri.c 2007-08-01
12932 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE make xrandr use DEFAULT_DPI instead of 96 2007-11-18
14256 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE AlwaysCore/SendCoreEvents broken 2008-01-28
14735 xorg Input/ma xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-magictouch - Dont call nonexistent function and compile warning fixes 2008-05-04
14736 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-mouse - Ensure symbol used by xf86misc extension is of public visibility and compie warning fixes 2008-04-24
14752 xorg Lib/Xaw xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/lib/libXaw - Minor compiler warning fixes 2008-07-23
14879 xorg Driver/S xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-sisusb - compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
14978 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-voodoo - compile warning fixes 2008-03-21
15004 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/lib/libXvMC - declare prototypes in XvMClibint.h 2009-02-02
15029 xorg App/mkfo xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/mkfontscale - Compile warning fixes 2011-10-15
15044 xorg Driver/N xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-neomagic - Compile warning fixes 2008-05-14
15051 xorg Input/ac xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-acecad - Compile warning fixes 2008-04-30
15062 xorg App/xwd xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xwd - Ansification and compile warning fixes 2018-06-17
15066 xorg App/xsm xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xsm - Compile warning fixes 2011-10-15
15067 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xrx - Compile warning fixes 2009-01-26
15069 xorg App/xpro xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xprop - Compile warning fixes 2018-06-17
15070 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xpr - Compile warning fixes 2009-01-26
15071 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xmh - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15072 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/build/xorg/app/xmessage - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15073 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xlsfonts - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15075 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xload - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-28
15077 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xkbutils - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15078 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xkbprint - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15079 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xkbevd - Add functionality to work close to xev (regarding to xkb events) and compile warning fixes. 2008-07-29
15081 xorg App/xinp xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xinput - Mandriva patches to xinput and compile warning fixes 2011-10-15
15083 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xfontsel - Compile warning fixes 2008-11-27
15084 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/app/xf86dga - xf86dga doesn't require Xt, Xmu and Xaw 2008-11-27
15153 xorg Input/ma xorg-team RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-input-magellan - Minor compile warning fix. 2008-04-30
16154 xorg App/xpro xorg-team RESO FIXE xprop -spy does not flush output 2018-06-17
17944 xorg Lib/Xpm xorg-team RESO FIXE patch to avoid gcc warning for libXpm 2008-10-20
17945 xorg Fonts/ot xorg-team RESO FIXE patch to avoid gcc warnings for libXfont 2008-10-20
17946 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE patches to avoid gcc warnings for libX11 2009-01-29
18159 xorg Server/E xorg-team RESO FIXE Typo in GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic Extension Name 2008-10-21
18442 xorg Lib/Xaw xorg-team RESO FIXE libXaw6 doesn't depend on libXpm 2008-11-08
18479 xorg App/xsm xorg-team RESO FIXE VPATH build for viewres, xfd, xgc, xmh, and xsm fails 2011-10-15
18978 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE fix distcheck target -- problems with ChangeLog 2008-12-16
18997 xorg Lib/ICE xorg-team RESO FIXE Convert libICE to ANSI C & related cleanup 2009-01-06
18998 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE Compiling libX11-1.1.3 fails, typo in CrGlCur.c (only for HP-UX) 2009-09-03
20575 xorg Lib/Xlib xorg-team RESO FIXE man page for XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData doesn't match signature 2009-03-16
23838 xorg Driver/g xorg-team RESO FIXE xf86-video-geode: git problem when updating 2010-04-14
15050 xorg Driver/A yc_chen RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-ast - Compile warning fixes 2008-03-18
21421 hal misc zeuthen RESO FIXE Remove deprecated Glib+ symbols 2009-07-24
15046 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel - Compile warning fixes. 2008-03-17
15156 xorg Driver/i RESO FIXE xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel - Compile warning fixes. 2008-03-25
6890 cairo general cworth RESO FIXE pthread-show-text.c test compile failure, invalid main() 2006-05-10
11879 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Use before NULL check in via_context.c 2007-08-07
10251 LTSP Installe jam RESO FIXE ltsp-update-sshkeys doesn't update ssh_known_hosts on symlinked /opt/ltsp 2007-03-11
22611 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE command not found: git-log 2009-08-26
22616 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE libAppleWM (MAC OS only) attempts to build on all platforms 2009-07-23
22823 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE Build.h: fails to build mesa & drm which are prereqs for xserver 2009-08-25
23776 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE Remove .cvsignore files in xkeyboard-config and input/video driver 2009-09-07
23814 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE Several driver modules do not have a ChangeLog target in 2009-12-01
24157 xorg App/othe memsize RESO FIXE xclock: tinderbox build fails due to missing INSTALL file 2009-09-27
24206 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE Several INSTALL, NEWS, README and AUTHORS files are missing/incorrect 2009-12-30
24238 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE Several components do not specify AM_MAINTAINER_MODE 2011-10-08
24239 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE .gitignore enhancement: common template with default values for components 2009-12-01
24242 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE Deploy the new XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS 2009-12-01
24278 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE ChangeLog: this generated file is not cleaned from the dist directory 2009-12-01
24432 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE ChangeLog is not required in EXTRA_DIST 2009-12-01
24450 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE Update util-macros configuration, fix warnings and apply global maintenance 2009-11-09
24742 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE macros: additional support for XORG_MANPAGE_SECTIONS 2011-10-08
24816 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE XORG_RELEASE_VERSION macro has undesired side-effects 2011-10-08
17005 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE inconsistent comment/error message and src code in _mesa_BindTexture() 2008-08-07
18666 poppler general poppler-bugs RESO FIXE Trailing comma in initializer (a C error) 2008-11-23
11538 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE src/windows.c useless code 2007-07-19
11777 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE src/screen.c useless compare 2007-07-31
11789 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE Unused vars/code removal 2007-08-01
12040 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE Unused variables and useless code removal in gtk window-decorator 2007-08-19
12098 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE src/screen.c mem leak fix 2007-08-27
12139 xorg App/comp reveman RESO FIXE plugins/dbus.c missing check on dbus_message_iter_open_container() 2007-09-06
23752 xorg Driver/X thomas RESO FIXE The patch xgi-xg20-21-27.patch fails 'git apply --check' 2009-09-06
28285 cups-pk- General vuntz RESO FIXE "Get devices" string unclear 2010-09-08
11860 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO FIXE patch submission: Some mem leak fixes 2007-08-23
6527 xorg * Other xorg-team RESO FIXE X_NOT_STDC_ENV should NOT_EXIST 2009-06-12
7342 xorg App/xdm xorg-team RESO FIXE No documentation for xdmshell 2011-02-19
8360 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE [PATCH] libXv man pages should be converted to ANSI prototypes 2007-10-05
11857 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE XTrap/xtrapdi.c buffer overflow "by one" 2008-06-24
11858 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO FIXE Probable of by one buffer overflow in .../xorgconfig/xorgconfig.c 2007-08-06
17689 xorg Document xorg-team RESO FIXE Path of the rgb.txt file in the X man page 2008-09-21
11814 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO FIXE Unnecessary NULL check removal in .../dri/r300/r300_texmem.c 2007-08-02
23628 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO FIXE macros: Obsolete macro warnings for AC_HELP_STRING 2009-09-02
23801 pixman pixman memsize RESO FIXE Generated libcomp.pc in git appears to have no purpose 2009-09-09
11811 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO FIXE patch submission, dead code in .../mesa/vbo/vbo_context.c 2007-08-02
5597 xkeyboar General xkb RESO FIXE Cleanup patch for /xlibs/xkbdesc/symbols/macintosh_vndr/is that fixes the comments in the file 2006-01-14
31466 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE scripting with python urllib lead to invalid urls 2011-12-23
15082 xorg App/xfs xorg-team CLOS FIXE xorg/app/xfs - Compile warning fixes 2011-10-15
50574 LibreOff Writer amitoria RESO INVA FORMATTING: The program puts a hyphen in some words 2013-07-08
6396 xorg Server/I daniel RESO INVA xkb error prevention, isn't 2018-06-04
7637 xorg Lib/Xfon jeremyhu RESO INVA missing exported symbols when built w/o freetype 2018-06-12
6701 shared-m general jrb RESO INVA /bin/sh is not bash on all platforms 2006-04-29
60576 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA When I click on the libreoffice icon(s), nothing happen (4.x) 2013-10-25
5429 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA --enable-debug should be useful 2018-06-12
6305 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO INVA move to feature tests, not platform tests 2018-06-12
100958 Spam Two jimmac RESO INVA Just for test Purpoes 2017-08-14
50787 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Applying heading style to multiple rows causes automatically bullets and numbering attribute 2013-10-25
27248 Mesa Mesa cor mesa-dev RESO INVA Mesa slang float to int casting bug 2011-03-02
10081 xorg App/comp reveman RESO INVA Even though the Place plugin is loaded, workarounds do not work unless the option is un-ticked and re-ticked after compiz has been started 2009-02-05
25587 PackageK General richard RESO INVA Automatic Update in Infinite loop when package fail dependencies 2012-01-05
98071 ConsoleK Daemon samy.mhatre14 RESO INVA file does not exists 2016-10-05
22375 pkg-conf src tfheen RESO INVA pkg-config needs a way to print out its idea of $PKG_CONFIG_PATH 2009-08-15
12699 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA rename 1002:5975 from RS482 to RS485 2007-10-05
12700 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA rename 1002:5975 from RS482 to RS485 2007-10-05
12701 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA rename 1002:5975 from RS482 to RS485 2007-10-05
12703 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA rename 1002:5975 from RS482 to RS485 2007-10-05
12704 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA rename 1002:5975 from RS482 to RS485 2007-10-05
12705 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA rename 1002:5975 from RS482 to RS485 2007-10-05
12706 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO INVA rename 1002:5975 from RS482 to RS485 2007-10-05
10996 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO INVA Code-Cleanup: K&R functions -> Ansi-C (afb/*) 2008-05-23
13462 xorg App/xini xorg-team RESO INVA startx xauth "unknown command" error 2018-06-12
14845 xorg Driver/X xorg-team RESO INVA xorg/driver/xf86-video-xgi - Some "janitor" work fixing compile time warnings 2008-03-15
15074 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO INVA xorg/app/xlogo - Compile warning fix 2008-11-14
18042 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO INVA unchecked return values in several apps 2008-10-14
22675 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO INVA breaks build: undefined variables used 2009-07-17
11859 xorg Server/G keithp RESO INVA Mem leak fixes for randr 2009-10-13
906 xorg Build/Mo xorg-team RESO WONT CVS trunk does not compile with |#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -g -DDEBUG| 2007-01-23
4418 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WONT we have far too many command-line flags 2014-03-21
6304 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WONT server compile should never fail for missing dependencies 2018-06-12
20871 xorg Input/ca peter.hutterer RESO WONT (1) timeout error on startup, (2) driver outputs erroneous Axis 1 digitizing tablet board limit 2011-10-17
11258 xorg Driver/a xorg-team RESO WONT mismatch comment/source about hectohertz 2010-12-02
23750 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO WONT Several modules have a copy of macro AC_DEFINE_DIR 2009-09-09
24183 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO WONT Several components are including in the distribution tar file 2009-12-01
24574 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO WONT 'make install' does not preserve timestamp causing dependents to rebuild 2011-10-07
24741 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO WONT FontUtil configuration: update, fix warnings, apply global maintenance 2009-12-01
11376 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO WONT Resurrecting mga_hal driver 2007-09-15
44760 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT 3.5.0 Beta 2 fr : update says (in French) : "LOdev 3.5.0 Beta2 is avaliable. LOdev 3.5.0. is installed" 2012-06-17
6985 xorg Input/ev warp-spam+fdo RESO DUPL evdev manpage is incomprehensible in parts. 2008-02-20
4473 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL autodetect missing sections in xorg.conf 2006-04-04
8172 cairo image ba cworth RESO DUPL Cairo does not yet support the requested image format 2006-09-07
8817 Mesa Drivers/ dri-devel RESO DUPL error compiling Mesa CVS , DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY undeclared ! 2009-08-24
70463 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Libreoffice does not save files in the opened folder having non-ASCII name nor export pdfs there 2013-10-17
3629 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO WORK Rage Theatre support is revolting 2010-10-19
4542 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WORK sparse hates Xorg 2013-11-11
19999 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO WORK The configure script produces irregular output 2011-09-25
70686 xorg Lib/Xren xorg-team RESO WORK reserved identifier violation 2014-03-21
15597 tango icon the jimmac RESO MOVE Broken link 2019-02-16
9723 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO MOVE -from local-address should default to local address according to routing table 2018-12-13
111199 xorg Driver/n nouveau RESO MOVE Bug in dither.depth property set: Value compared to dither.mode instead of dither.depth 2019-12-04
23520 XStandar XKB pma RESO MOVE There is a misprint in the documentation of XkbGetNamedGeometry() 2019-02-23
23547 XStandar XKB pma RESO MOVE There is incompleteness in the documentation, XkbGetNamedGeometry() 2019-02-21
23548 XStandar XKB pma RESO MOVE There is a misprint in the documentation of XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows() 2019-02-23
23549 XStandar XKB pma RESO MOVE There is a misprint in the description of XkbAllocGeomOverlayKeys() 2019-02-23
23550 XStandar XKB pma RESO MOVE There is a misprint in documentation of XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys() 2019-02-23
6513 xorg App/xset xorg-team RESO MOVE xset -k and xset k options are undocumented 2018-08-10
15048 xorg Driver/c eich RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-chips - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-23
11866 xorg Driver/R xorg-driver-ati RESO NOTA src/radeon_exa_render.c buffer overrun 2007-08-07
14753 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXdamage - minor cosmetic patch 2008-07-23
14780 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-sunleo - {ALLOCATE,DEALLOCATE}_LOCAL and compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
14864 xorg Driver/V xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-vesa - minor compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
14865 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-v4l - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
14880 xorg Driver/S xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-sis - compile warning fixes 2008-07-21
14893 xorg Driver/n xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-newport - compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
14895 xorg Driver/f xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-fbdev - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
14896 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-dummy - Compile warning fix 2008-07-22
14977 xorg Driver/s xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-siliconmotion - minor patches 2008-07-22
14981 xorg Driver/i xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-i740 - minor compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
15001 xorg Lib/Xt xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXt - Ansification patch 2008-07-23
15002 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXrandr - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-23
15003 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXprintUtil - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-23
15005 xorg Lib/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/lib/libXtst - Ansification 2008-07-23
15032 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-tga - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-22
15033 xorg Driver/t xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-tdfx - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
15034 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suntcx - Compile warning fix 2008-07-22
15036 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-sunffb - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-23
15040 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suncg6 - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-23
15041 xorg Driver/o xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-suncg14 - Compile warning fix 2008-07-23
15043 xorg Driver/r xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-rendition - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-22
15063 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/app/xtrap - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-25
15085 xorg App/othe xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/app/xeyes - Compile warning fixes 2008-07-25
15154 xorg Driver/i xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg/driver/xf86-video-i740 - Compile warning fixes. 2008-07-23
24178 xorg Build/Mo memsize RESO NOTA xserver has --force option on autoreconf 2009-12-01
26045 xorg Document xorg-team RESO NOTA xorg.conf man page says "DontZap" default behavior is "off", 2010-01-14
23559 xorg App/xfs xorg-team CLOS NOTA app/xfs: Creation of doc/xfs-design.pdf fails 2011-10-15
4180 LTSP LTSP Cor jam RESO NOTO problem with abnt2 keyboard model 2006-03-09
23586 dbus core hp RESO NOTO [c++] fix build on GNU/kFreeBSD 2011-01-06
69009 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO Update not installed for writer2epub.oxt... 2013-11-16
23483 xorg Server/I daniel CLOS NOTO There is incompleteness in the documentation, XkbGetNamedGeometry() 2009-09-04
23484 xorg Server/I daniel CLOS NOTO There is a misprint in the documentation of XkbGetNamedGeometry() 2009-08-25
23485 xorg Server/I daniel CLOS NOTO There is a misprint in the documentation of XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows() 2009-08-27
261 bugs found.


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