Wed Oct 9 2024 01:26:35 UTC
Bugzilla would like to put a random quip here, but no one has entered any.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
41364 Ytstenut plugins jonny.lamb NEW --- parse_message_body inexplicably parses a string it just built. 2011-09-30
44908 Ytstenut plugins robert.staudinger NEW --- Gabble plugin includes urn:ytstenut:capabilities: prefix in ytstenut:status nodes 2012-01-19
44910 Ytstenut plugins robert.staudinger NEW --- Pushed statuses are never completely cleared by Gabble plugin 2012-01-24
46228 Ytstenut plugins robert.staudinger NEW --- make check tests timeout 2012-02-17
46344 Ytstenut plugins robert.staudinger NEW --- Hardcoded WError -- no cookie 2012-02-20
45799 Ytstenut plugins olli.salli ASSI --- Should mention gabble and salut required version 2012-02-21
6 bugs found.


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