Tue Dec 3 2024 17:53:48 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
12196 Scratchb generic lle NEW --- I can't build sb2 in computer 2008-08-27
19079 Scratchb generic lle NEW --- sb2 fails to work properly in devel mode when glibc on host < the one in tools 2008-12-14
21968 Scratchb generic lle NEW --- sbox2 doesn't compile with POSIX-2008 compliant c-library 2009-05-27
24065 Scratchb generic lle NEW --- sb2 -eR (or -m install) make install rebuilds entire project 2009-09-21
11559 Scratchb generic lle ASSI --- sb2-build-libtool should cleanup also after failure 2007-07-13
17306 Scratchb generic lle ASSI --- Patch to make crosscompilation of libtool more well-behaved 2008-09-26
6 bugs found.


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