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77 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
9735 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Implement FSAA in SWFDec to correct rendering errors 2008-03-19
15862 swfdec library eric NEW --- Segfault when seeking on youtube with pulseaudio backend 2008-11-19
10769 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- double-to-string conversion rounds wrong 2007-12-19
11927 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec unused-direct-shlib-dependency 2008-02-22
12159 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Video and audio capture (examples: WengoMeeting and Kyte) 2007-12-19
12782 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Can't stop debugging 2007-10-11
13381 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec_swf_decoder_eof brokern transmission error 2009-12-24
13424 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Extends doesn't work correctly with objects that can be created without new 2007-11-28
13574 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- ALSA errors while playing cqc game 2007-12-09
13680 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec eating lot's of memory on some video 2007-12-15
15462 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Need some way to detect end of swf playback 2008-05-22
15814 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- unable to view new york times feature 2008-05-14
15838 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- unable to enter IronMan movie site 2008-10-25
15991 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- unable to play videos from 2008-10-06
16398 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Videos on do not work 2008-09-12
16433 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Text don't go away on redraw 2008-06-19
16546 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- does not work as expected :) 2008-06-28
16567 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- A flash file does not work (SWFDEC: ERROR: swfdec_tag.c(238): tag_func_define_sprite: data after last frame) 2011-08-03
16632 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- support RTMP 2009-03-14
16634 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- make SwfdecAudioEvent a SwfdecAudioStream 2008-11-16
16678 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- issue when extracting a sprite from SWF file 2008-07-16
16808 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Wrong date displayed in video 2008-07-22
16930 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Issues playing BBC radio one content 2008-11-16
17204 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Support player 2008-08-19
17338 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- "freezes" before starting to load 2008-08-28
17367 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- YouTube volume control has no effect 2008-08-31
17449 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- player doesn't work; player UI says 'Undefined' 2008-10-07
17633 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- ijg libjpeg based jpeg decoder patch 2008-12-28
17896 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- no sound with 0.8.0-1 hardy w/ usb audio 2008-10-23
18061 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- podcast player not working 2008-12-29
18221 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Video pauses within a few seconds 2008-11-08
18224 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Graphing does not work on site 2008-10-26
18285 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- unexpected behavior when "goto an un-parsed frame" 2008-10-28
18447 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Audio doesn't pause when Flash movie pauses 2008-11-14
18535 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- has no keyboard input. 2008-11-14
18553 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec fails on most video sites 2014-05-18
18579 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- make sun screencasts work 2008-11-17
18616 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Screeching sound at end of videos 2008-11-20
18618 swfdec library swfdec NEW ---'s environmental footprint calculator does not play 2008-11-18
18619 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Links not clickable on An Inconvenient Truth's website 2008-11-19
18670 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec_style_finish: fill path not closed 2008-11-23
18691 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Webcam-viewieng does not work 2008-11-24
18824 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Regression in swfdec prevented me to make a nice Windsor tie 2009-01-01
19000 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- No audio on OLPC GiveOneGetOne ads 2008-12-10
19386 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- magento commerce popup does not receive clicks 2009-01-04
19465 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- FusionCharts do not (entirely) work 2009-02-14
19538 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec fails to save big videos 2009-01-13
20358 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec does not render correctly 2009-03-01
20359 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- audio player does not work 2009-03-01
20511 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- No sound with remote pulseaudio 2009-07-17
21004 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- segfault loading in swfdec_buffer_ref at swfdec_buffer.c:269 2009-04-01
21887 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Interactive Chart doesn't work 2009-07-17
22754 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- github network applet does not work 2009-07-13
23697 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec_gtk_widget coredump randomly in directfb for cairo_surface destroyed 2009-09-03
23719 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Segmentation fault while watching a video on youtube 2009-09-04
25468 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- "Upload" button does nothing, just disappears 2009-12-06
27392 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- swfdec won't compile 2010-08-02
70051 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- underlinking in swfdec-test: needs to explicitly link to libgmodule 2013-10-02
76524 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Git branch master revision de1eef4 -- document file xml/Internals.xml missing or not created 2014-03-23
10696 swfdec library swfdec NEW --- Pandora Internet Radio doesn't work 2014-09-15
10840 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Swfdec should support AVM2 2017-07-14
18946 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Not all key events are processed. 2009-02-21
11164 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Work together the FlowPlayer project 2007-12-11
13359 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Works OK but not very smooth 2008-04-11
13627 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- make pinch-hitter.swf work 2008-04-10
15374 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- TextFields don't let enough events pass 2008-04-11
15377 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- need to handle more strings 2008-10-07
15499 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Discovery video doesn't render 2008-07-05
15726 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- unable to play media 2008-05-02
15895 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Cannot see stats of Google Analytics 2009-03-07
16381 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Text in menu appears incorrectly as "Menu Item" 2008-08-18
16568 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Implement Netstream.bufferLength and Netstream.bufferTime 2008-07-04
16667 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- doesn't render variable text with font embedded on SWF file 2008-07-16
17052 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- Orisinal flash game is broken 2008-08-13
20535 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- add new audio backend for sndio 2009-03-09
10470 swfdec library swfdec ASSI --- sudoku.swf doesn't work 2008-04-09
26998 swfdec library swfdec REOP --- Does not compile with -DGSEAL_ENABLED 2012-01-05
77 bugs found.


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