Mon Feb 17 2025 11:58:43 UTC
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20 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
97910 libatasm library mayocoko NEED --- u>19571699 /usr/libexec/displaypolicyd: Version: V1.0 starting [0] 2016-10-10
25772 libatasm library lennart REOP --- Unlucky heuristic for calculate BAD_SECTOR_MANY 2012-02-14
25638 libatasm library lennart NEW --- JMicron device works with smartmontools but not with libatasmart 2009-12-14
25773 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Improve granularity of errors 2009-12-23
25993 libatasm library lennart NEW --- libatasmart gets smart attributes wrong for SAMSUNG PM800 / PBJ-22 SSD 2010-01-11
29980 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Please support usbcypress passthru 2011-04-05
42290 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Please add support for LaCie USB harddrive 2011-10-26
48819 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Add Support for OCZ-AGILITY2 2012-04-17
49158 libatasm library lennart NEW --- [SAMSUNG HS122JC] Possible incorrect interpretation of SMART attributes 2012-04-25
50366 libatasm library lennart NEW --- sk_disk_smart_read_data() returns ENOTSUP if run without root privileges 2012-05-25
51840 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Blob for failing WD20EARS disk 2012-07-07
57293 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Should not forcibly enable SMART 2015-11-11
60364 libatasm library lennart NEW --- [PATCH] strpool: don't mix up host/build flags when cross compiling 2016-08-08
61998 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Fails to read status from WD raptors 2017-10-04
71073 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Erroneous disk failing alert 2013-10-31
75081 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Python bindings for libatasmart 2014-02-17
95507 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Hitachi USB device – SAT12 works with smartctl but not skdump 2016-05-20
97446 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Wrong temperature attribute being used 2016-08-22
99269 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Add temperature raw value in syslog, only log if normalized "health" value is below 100% 2017-01-04
25673 libatasm library lennart NEW --- Always call read_data() after read_thresholds() to avoid HSM Violations on SSD 2013-11-05
20 bugs found.


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