Fri Dec 6 2024 11:23:24 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
6740 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO DUPL [ATI/radeon] EXA causes framebuffer corruption 2006-04-27
6976 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO DUPL Flash content 32-bit Mozilla/Firefox is garbled when using EXA 2006-05-20
7025 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO DUPL 7.1 breaks SDL applications and Flash on Radeon 9200SE 2006-05-24
7147 xorg Driver/R xorg-team RESO DUPL r300 w/ color tiling breaks certain applications 2006-06-07
7201 xorg Server/A xorg-team RESO DUPL ati driver 6.6.0 & new cause horrible tearing with EXA 2006-06-12
5 bugs found.


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